
Hot Soup Card Subtype

New 27 Jul 2024 Asked by wildgingerofnyc 10 Comments

If it was made today, would Hot Soup have the Food subtype?


Mechanic Color Pie Limitations

New 26 Jul 2024 Asked by j-waffles 7 Comments

Do you ever encounter issues where a mechanic that you want to be core to a set is too niche in its slice of the color pie? Like, food was a big theme in both Eldraine sets, but it is a mechanic that can only appear WGB, so you were limited somewhat in just how much you could use it compared to something disguise, which is a completely color-pie agnostic mechanic. When designing full custom sets I often have ideas for mechanics that seem to be total slam dunks, but are actually kind of limited in how much I can use them.

It happens from time to time. It’s why vision design checks in with the Council of Colors.

Potential Gift Ability Tweak

New 24 Jul 2024 Asked by quantext 2 Comments

Could the gift mechanic work as a triggered ability instead of something solely done on cast? Such as "when this creature attacks, you may Gift a Food."

I don’t know if the current version of gift can do that, but as it’s a cost, I assume we could tweak things to make that work. Just a hunch though. I’m not the Rules Manager.

Mono Blue Card Food Creation

New 24 Jul 2024 Asked by chick3nfist 0 Comments

Is it ok for a mono blue card to make food? Blue's not supposed to be able to gain life, right?

That’s not something blue should regularly do.

Consistency in Product Variety Messaging

New 21 Jul 2024 Asked by reynoldsericd 1 Comments

Mark, you used to say, to alleviate concerns of product fatique, that Magic was a buffet and that it needed a wide variety a products to appeal to different audiences, some of which might not appeal to us as individuals but it might to other players. Now you say there can only be so many products and the ones that do exist have to appeal to a wide audience. There are millions of us, so we, as players, will never be consistent. But you and your company's messaging probably should be.

How have I been inconsistent? The key to a good buffet is a wide arrangement of foods to satisfy everyone who walks in the door. A buffet can’t have every food that exists on Earth, so you try to pick a diverse collection of foods that appeals to the widest collections of eaters.

Possibility of 'Artifactfall'

New 19 Jul 2024 Asked by lazcarno 4 Comments

"Is "Artifactfall" something realistic to expect considering how many Treasures, Clues and Food makers exist these days?" "It would have to take artifact token making into account." It seems to me that, regardless of how aggressively or unagressively you costed it, the "smart" way to play such an effect would be using tokens rather than actual artifact cards, since they're cheaper. Correct me if I'm wrong. Assuming I'm right, wouldn't it be better if the mechanic specified "non-token?"

We did Alliance and didn’t feel the need to say nontoken, and we make more creature tokens than artifact tokens.

Possibility of 'Artifactfall'

New 19 Jul 2024 Asked by trifas 8 Comments

Is "Artifactfall" something realistic to expect considering how many Treasures, Clues and Food makers exist these days?

It would have to take artifact token making into account.

Potential Favorite Card Phrase

New 11 Jul 2024 Asked by paris-rokin 4 Comments

From a pure flavor standpoint, "Other creatures are Food" from Ygra, Eater of All may just be my favorite four words in magic. Please give a high five to everyone involved with that card (and the set in general tbh) on my behalf!

Will do.

Mechanics of Gifting Explained

New 11 Jul 2024 Asked by tiwaztyrsfist 4 Comments

With regards to "Gift a tapped fish" being a single 'keyword', are the rules being written in such a way that Gifting in general can be referred to by other cards?

I.e. Something like "If a player gives another player a gift [do this thing]."Or will they have to refer to SPECIFIC gifting effects?Like, will "Gift a tapped fish" "Gift a Card" "Gift a Food" all technically be a different as First Strike, Trample, and Flying from a rules point of view?

They’re connected like protection connects protection from red and protection from instants.

Complexity in Bloomburrow

New 11 Jul 2024 Asked by shahrathestoryteller 13 Comments

Hi Mark. I love Bloomburrow's design from veteran perspective! It's such a novel way to do a 10 color pair faction set. However, from a new player's perspective, I hope it won't be too overwhelming since the mechanics so far spoiled include Landfall, Storm, Flashback, Threshold, Gift, Offspring, Expend, Prowess, Forage, Food/Treasure, Valiant, 10 Typal themes, Pawprints, and Classes. Was there concern about complexity creep or do you think the 10 typal motif will facilitate learning the mechanics in the set (I'm not sure what you would call this phenomenon where, counterintuitively, adding more complexity simplifies cognitive processing, like adding hyphens to phone numbers)?

Most of the mechanics are put into a specific animal two-color pair, so you don’t end up playing the majority of these mechanics together. They are also on the simpler end of the spectrum.

Food Chain in Bloomburrow

New 10 Jul 2024 Asked by fanfactorpodcast 6 Comments

If everyone vegetarian in Bloomborrow ? What do the snakes eat?

The animalfolk. The snakes are predators.

Artifact-Related Issues in Bloomburrow

New 10 Jul 2024 Asked by polluxr 27 Comments

I was checking out the previews for Bloomburrow and people were raising concerns about Ygra turning every creature into an artifact creature (since Foods are inherently artifacts). Someone raised the point that those tokens (Clues, Treasure, Food, Maps, Blood Junk, etc) could have been given a unique type to avoid unwanted artifact-related issues. Was that ever considered/discussed?(loving the cards so far and I already love "Hop/bounce" as a mechanic for frogs and foraging for squirrels! Also looking forward to the pay/gain life for bats since Orzhov is my favorite pair. My compliments to the chefs! Great cooking!)

We consider artifact synergy a feature, not a bug.

Compliments for Valerie Valdes

New 01 Jul 2024 Asked by elderaktis 7 Comments

Hi, Mark!Please apply high fives to Valerie Valdes, author of the Bloomburrow story. The bit with Mabel talking about all the food the village was making for her birthday made me sooo hungry!

I don’t know if I will ever see her, but will pass along the kind words if I do.

Tokens Activation Cost

New 28 Jun 2024 Asked by makesasound 5 Comments

For Clue, Blood, and Food tokens, why have a mana cost in addition to sacrificing the token? I understand that the effects need to be balanced, but why balance them upon activation, rather than just having a higher cost to create them in the first place?

It’s just a lot easier to balance them when the tokens themselves come with a cost.

Artifact Token Types

New 25 Jun 2024 Asked by zombsidian 3 Comments

I like the design of Food creatures and Clue creatures, but Goldhound is the only Treasure card.What's the likelihood of other token types becoming Artifact Creature cards? IE Gold, Junk, Incubator, Blood, ect

If an artifact token gets used in a set, we’ll look for opportunities for it to be used on a card.

Feedback on Food Monster Cards

New 25 Jun 2024 Asked by elderaktis 3 Comments

Hi, Mark!How was the reception to the food monsters in WOE? (e.g., Mintstrosity, Sugarmaw)Do you think we might see those types of designs again in a return to Eldraine, even if not as a draft archetype?

Reception was pretty good. There’s a good chance, there would be more in a return to Eldraine.

White Handling Insufficiency

New 18 Jun 2024 Asked by nothingbutland-blog 9 Comments

You havebsaid White believes there is enough to fullfill everyones needs if they follow Whites philosophy. My question is how does White function in a situation, where there isn't enough? Like not enough water, food, land, mana, air for everyone,how would White handle such a situation? What about the other colors?

White would try to help the largest number of people that it could.Blue would optimize, choosing the people that give the group the best total potential.Black would sacrifice everyone it didn’t feel could be useful to black.Red would prioritize saving the ones it cares about.Green would prioritize the ones it think could best survive.

Motivating Party Engagement Methods

New 15 Jun 2024 Asked by trumanthegraymerchant 5 Comments

Hello, I have a party-planning question for you. How do you motivate people to engage with themes and activities?

Themes play out in three main ways at a party: decorations, food, and activities. Decorations are just there, so party goers interact with it passively. Generally, people will eat the food without much prompting. The activities need to either be something people do during the party (we often have paper games/puzzles for people to do) or they are something that happens at the party (such as the game show at our holiday cookie party).The former requires making people aware of the activity. Put it in a visible place and verbally remind each person it exists. Usually I greet people when they arrive and tell them. The latter is scheduled. Let people know when it’s going to happen. Give people a countdown, and then allow it to have a large focus. Usually people join in if they see others joining in.The key is communication and being proactive.

Non-token Subtypes on Cards

New 14 Jun 2024 Asked by thunderweb 4 Comments

If/when: nontoken card with usually-token subtypes (such as Army, Blood, or Role)

We’ve made artifact cards that are Clue and Food, so Blood could happen. Army wants to stay only on tokens made by Amass as it causes balance issues if we start making Army cards. (I realize Changeling exists.) Roles probably want to stay on tokens as it conveys token-ness.

Monocolored Commander Preferences

New 28 May 2024 Asked by zbaschtian 13 Comments

"Players mostly don’t want to purchase monocolored Commander decks." - Why is this? What existing monocolored precons are doing something unique vs 2+ colored precons? What are the incentives and exploits to build single color (outside Devotion), run as many basic lands as possible, etc? Players have proven willing and excited to build Rebecca Guay typal and coin flip precons. I am not convinced that this is a question that can be answered with market research alone. Food for thought.

This isn’t hypothetical. We’ve made monocolor Commander decks. There’s actual sales data.

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