
Dream of A Pie

New 24 Jul 2024 Asked by the-pokemon-prof 11 Comments

since people are sharing Maro dreams, I figured I'd share the dream I had a few weeks back (recorded in a place of honour in my drema journal) where I baked you a delicious apple pie, gave it to you at a convention, and when you bit into it you were horrified to find it full of foil copies of doubling season. you banned me from playing magic forever and i was thrown in the secret WOTC dungeons for my crime.

My dream self didn’t like Doubling Season pie?

Concerns Over Emergency Ban

New 24 Jul 2024 Asked by yoggh777 15 Comments

Mark. Please pass along this feedback to the appropriate people please. Thank you. The decision to not have an emergency ban on nadu in modern is deeply concerning, the best case scenario is that we have a few weeks of terrible magic and then a ban hits this deck and we have to hope it wasn't obscuring any other must ban issues the format. The worst case is you stick to no bans mid season and modern season is entirely unplayable. This deck is immensely powerful and slows down events like eggs

I will pass along the message.

Dealing with Overpowered Cards

New 03 Jul 2024 Asked by kallixti 27 Comments

Suppose a card in Foundations is too strong and ends up being banned in Standard. Do you really plan to keep printing it for up to 5 years? Or do you have some capability to swap out the banned card for future printings within the 5 years?

The plan is to not change the product. You’re pitching hypotheticals. We’ll see how we adapt if it happens.

Game Evolution Disappointment

New 02 Jul 2024 Asked by evillisa-hell 8 Comments

Hey Mark, I just wanted to say you've always seemed like a really cool guy. I've played magic for over 4/5ths of my life, since the early 2000s when I was only five years old, I even met most of my long time friends through it. But I think I finally feel alienated enough by it to drop it entirely.I always enjoyed every aspect of this game, from the deckbuilding, to the flavor, to the color pie and the possibilities it presented. I loved the fantasy of it, of planeswalkers and wizards, dragons and castles.Universes Beyond really was the end of it, all the way back then. When i heard the announcements I was terrified, I knew where it would lead even then. I loved the world of Magic, and it feels silly to say about a card game but I truly felt immersed in the world when I played, even with the different planes, everything cohered to an internal set of rules that seemed unbreakable.For a while I continued, our local scene created a variant format that banned Universes Beyond cards so I was able to ignore them, but then came Neon Dynasty. It felt strange to me, like it was breaking what I had come to expect out of the game. Most people disagreed, said it was still Magic enough, but I wondered just how far it would be pushed before Magic lost any identity of its own, anything that separated it from Fortnite or any other crossover soup known entirely for the things it borrows rather than the things it is.When I saw the first spoilers for Duskmourn, I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back. When I play at the table with my friends, I enjoy the fact that all the cards feel like part of one larger universe. And when I see cards with televisions and smartphones in them, with modern clothing and internet references, I just can't fit them together in my mind. It seems like a cool world, much like a lot of the crossovers are cool worlds, but I play Magic for well... Magic. If I wanted to play Fallout or Warhammer 40k, or watch Insidious or Walking Dead, then I would. But when I play Magic, I want to see magic.And it's canon, just as canon as Innistrad or Alara. We can't excise it like we can Universes Beyond, and if we can't, then what's even the point of trying to "protect the tone" with those bans? What tone are we protecting, that's already been shattered from within?More and more it feels like the game just isn't for me, doesn't want the kind of player that feels strongly about cohesion and immersion. And that's fine, it doesn't have to cater to me, and the current approach seems to bring in more people than it drives away. But it still just makes me sad, on a deep personal level, to give up on what has been such a major part of my life.In all likelihood, I'm an outlier, and you could easily say that Magic getting even broader in what it covers is only a positive thing. Take my critiques only as the lamentations of a single person. But when you can put anything in a piece of media, when there's no unifying idea of what is and isn't possible, then it just starts to feel meaningless.I'm sorry, I know you'll probably never read this, I mostly just needed to get it off my chest- and you're the closest thing to a human face Magic the Gathering has. Thank you for all the work you've put into it over the years, and I'm sorry that I can't enjoy it anymore.

Thanks for writing. From a big picture, Magic excels at creating variety and does poorly at consistency. The core idea of a trading card game is we make lots and lots of pieces you can play with and then you, the player, customize your game as you see fit. History has shown us, the wider we spread the potential of what Magic can be, the more people find something they enjoy and are attracted to the game. Think of it this way. Each player has a different sense of what Magic is to them. There’s no cutoff point where we make the majority of players happy. In fact, for many players, it’s the ever-expanding quality to the game that they enjoy most.This does mean though that we might make choices that don’t connect with what you personally enjoy, and I respect that. If Magic isn’t providing what you want out of it, that’s okay. My only recommendation is don’t get rid of your cards. Many Magic players rotate in and out of the game, and the number one complaint I hear from players who rotate back in is them having gotten rid of everything when they rotated out. Magic might not be what you need right now, but maybe a few years from now you’ve changed in ways which makes it something you will enjoy. Or maybe Magic will evolve in a way that speaks to you. The only constant I know is you and Magic will both change. Just leave yourself the possibility of reconnecting. Thanks for playing all these years, and I hope to see you again.

Executing Problematic Mechanics

New 22 Jun 2024 Asked by jjustin1379 5 Comments

Modern horizons 3 is interesting to me in that three of the major mechanics in the set were once considered failed or problematic mechanics. Kindred was considered a failure almost immediately after lorwyn and was abandoned. It was meant to be a card type and you now have a defunct card type. You used kindred not only in the tarmogoyf deck but also in a different way as an identifier in the eldrazi deck. Energy was awesome flavor wise and was a success but you failed to balance it mechanically and you had to ban several cards and because of that it seems you hesitated to return to this mechanic in standard. Finally devoid was considered a do nothing mechanic that was not popular. You used all three of these mechanics in modern horizons 3 but they are a big success. What has changed? Is it the execution? Is it experience? Why use these mechanics for such a high profile set knowing their history? Does this give hope for other mechanics that were not popular to return

First, energy was quite popular, the highest scoring mechanic in Kaladesh. Yes, a bunch of cards ended up being too strong, but that means a lot of people played with it.Second, Kindred (formerly tribal) wasn’t unpopular. Our issue with it was it led to a slippery slope where we added a lot of words on cards for little effect. Players have asked for its return.Third, devoid was unpopular, but I think we just positioned it wrong. We made it a mechanic that didn’t do anything which upset people. Had we made it a supertype, I don’t think anyone would have blinked at it.So what happened in Modern Horizons III?We brought back energy, a popular mechanic that players have been begging us to bring back for years. We brought back Kindred (renamed), but that’s not a big element of the set. Again, it’s something players have been asking for.We brought back devoid because we were doing Eldrazi, which was much more popular than devoid. I don’t think devoid is why the Eldrazi theme is popular. The Eldrazi are why the Eldrazi theme is popular. Devoid is just a callback, one we need to make the theme work mechanically.

Power Level Adjustment in Sets

New 19 Jun 2024 Asked by justforaskingmaro 5 Comments

Set B "obsoletes" set A is a strong word, but let's focus a moment on pioneer, not very old vintage cards. I have a database of "top playables" in pioneer, restarted after every banning. Cards get into list based on certain number of appearances in goldfish's tournament winners, but criteria is equal to all cards. 9 OG Theros cards are on the list, 5 KTK cards. 4 RTR cards (+ shocks) 21 MKM cards are. 20 LCI cards. 13 OTJ. New sets have vastly more cards in list, thus are stronger.

The switch for a Standard-focus to an Eternal-focus forced us to up the overall power level of premier sets in Throne of Eldraine, so yes, Throne of Eldraine and sets after do have an overall high power level. That wasn’t set by set creep though, but a conscious one-time adjustment.

Reasons for Mirrodin Card Ban

New 11 Jun 2024 Asked by godkingjinping 14 Comments

Was arcbound ravanger and those other cards during mirrodin standard banned For power level reasons or because it wasn't fun?


Single-Color Deck Tournament Choice

New 03 Jun 2024 Asked by 00no-name00 48 Comments

The future of mankind is at stake! You’ve been selected as our champion in the Galactic Magic Tournament, and the Bergggs are your final opponent. They say if they lose they will recognize our right to exist, but if you lose, they’ll invade and Berggg-form earth. Rules of the tournament dictate that all Magic cards printed are legal, but you can only play one color and lands that produce mana of that color on your deck. The sideboard is all cards of that color ever made. Decks are minimum 60 cards and maximum 4 of each card except basic lands (no limit). No banned or restricted list exist. Which colori would you chose?

These rules seem to imply that you can play colorless cards. If that is true, blue is the correct choice. If you can’t play colorless cards, you might think about black.

Direct Printing for Commander

New 30 May 2024 Asked by 00no-name00 51 Comments

It seems wild to me that WotC cannot print cards directly to commander, without using the “this is legal in this other format, but banned from competitive play, but and if you want to play it in a casual format that includes 99 cards and an apart legendary creature you could wink wink”. It is the most played format of the game! It would seem good for business (and the format) that you could work something out and be able to support it by creating cars exclusively for it. No? I assume there’s a factor I’m not aware that is stopping this to be a thing or complicating matters . If you have any insight about this, I’d appreciate.Thanks!

Commander wasn’t created by Wizards, so we’re trying to be respectful of the group that has overseen it from the early days.

Modern Power Creep

New 23 May 2024 Asked by theactormarkwilliams-blog 6 Comments

Re:Re:Powercreep - outside of vintage cube, most players will never play with cards like tinker, black lotus and the moxen. If you look at e.g. the modern card pool, I don't see how you argue powercreep isn't happening - virtually all of the most played non-land cards were printed in the last 3-4 years.

Because all the most powerful early cards are banned?

Commander Set Legality

New 20 May 2024 Asked by deathworld12 17 Comments

why cant they wizards make a set thats only legal in commander?

A body outside of Wizards, the Commander Rules Committee, determines set legality for the format. If we made a set not legal in eternal formats, the cards wouldn’t be legal in Commander. Yes, we could technically make it legal in eternal formats and then ban all the cards in Legacy, but we don’t like to use the ban list in that way.

Stickers Future Potential

New 20 May 2024 Asked by moonsliceman 15 Comments

Given the recent banning of stickers, I've just put a bunch in my cube to power up some cards, kinda ignoring their original intended purpose. What are the chances of getting new stickers in a Secret Lair? Perhaps with effects that work on instants or sorceries, for example an "Arcane" or "Flash" sticker?

New stickers seem a longshot.

Extra Deck Mechanic Odds

New 20 May 2024 Asked by pallidpunkprincess 22 Comments

With the recent banning of stickers and attractions, do you think there will ever be an extra deck mechanic targeted at competitive constructed?

Anytime in the near future, unlikely.

Contraptions and Bans

New 19 May 2024 Asked by themastah 16 Comments

With attractions banned in eternal, is there any hope for assembling contraptions in black border? Contraptions themselves are still black border, and I was really hoping we could see them in a premier set someday.

Attractions getting banned doesn’t help.

Unfinity Sales Impact

New 16 May 2024 Asked by jonpaulcardenas 16 Comments

Do you think the sales of unfinity would have been better if the attraction and sticker cards would have been pre banned from tournament play? Or was the amount of players soured by them being tournament legal not a factor in the sales of the product?

We just don’t pre-ban cards, especially a giant list of them.The intent was Unfinity would never be relevant in Legacy. The sticker rules were purposefully high in variance to avoid them being relevant. The fact that the problemsome card was a common should make it clear we weren’t trying to sell Unfinity packs to Legacy players (except those who also have fun with casual play elsewhere).

Silver Border in Commander

New 14 May 2024 Asked by sapphictechwitch 16 Comments

I recall in your interview with spice8rack you encouraged people to rule 0 silver border cards into commander games. Do you think the recent banning will make it happen even less? Would you want to advocate for it even more now?

I still advocate people playing in ways that bring them enjoyment. If that’s silver border/acorn cards, great. If it’s not, that’s good too. Just try to let others play in ways they enjoy.

Reaction to Ban Announcements

New 14 May 2024 Asked by giftsstorm 29 Comments

Hey Mark. I wanted to say that I’m sorry that the recent ban announcements made you sad, and I’m sure it’s very frustrating seeing a design you believe in (Unfinity) not receiving a very warm reception.

I got a lot of feedback from people who enjoyed it, and it is, by far, the best selling Un-set of all time. The people frustrated at ______ Goblin in Legacy were not the intended target.

Crow Storm's Legality

New 14 May 2024 Asked by ryandimiragent 9 Comments

If Crow Storm was printed in Unfinity, do you think it would have been legal or acorn?

It 100% could have been eternal legal. There are a whole bunch of silver border cards that 100% work within the rules and are only banned in Commander because of the set they appear in.

Commander-Only Cards Issue

New 14 May 2024 Asked by sjk9000 8 Comments

Can you elaborate on why you can't make commander-only cards? While Wizards doesn't have explicit control over Commander legality, it seems like you ought to have de facto control by virtue of the fact that you can dictate legality for most non-commander formats.If, for example, you had pre-emptively banned sticker cards from Legacy and Vintage, the end result would be that the cards would be only legal in Commander and Limited. Is there a reason you don't consider doing something like that a viable option?

We don’t like pre-banning cards. It also just adds a lot of card names to the banned list which makes it harder to process.Commander is in an odd place as there’s a separate group that determines legality. We’re trying to not overstep our bounds.

Lessons/Learn Mechanic Feedback

New 14 May 2024 Asked by notmakingablog71 10 Comments

We're Lessons/ Learn relieved well, and do you think we'll see them again or another similar mechanic? The attractions ban made me consider other pseudo-second deck mechanics.

They were received sort of middle of the road, neither beloved nor behated.

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