
Thoughts on Animal Megabatch

New 24 Jul 2024 Asked by andalon-historian 12 Comments

I just want to say that I agree with you that animal megabatch would have been endlessly charming. I love it so much. But I understand the problem with creating a list that needs updating forever like that. It makes sense to get cut. But it also rocks! This is why un-sets are so important and should be more accepted by the community lol.

I think vision design’s job is to push design boundaries, and not all of them will make it to print. I personally found the idea of animal decks super charming.

Tokens Defined by Un-Cards

New 22 Jul 2024 Asked by myheartgoesoontz 2 Comments

We have the technology to create tokens that have their qualities defined elsewhere, including by other cards (i.e. Tarmogoyf tokens). Could this be used to create a token defined by an silver border card that works within the rules? (I.e. create a Krark's Other Thumb token)

The rules could handle it provided the Un-card works in the main rules.

Potential for Eternal Un-Reprints

New 22 Jul 2024 Asked by theothin 5 Comments

Could suitable un-cards get eternal "un-reprints"? That is, using a new name but identical abilities, like was the plan for Tammy, Power Gamer, and using a variant on Universes Within's "=SLD" label to mark that the cards are equivalent for casual games despite having different tournament legality. Would that be viable?

We clearly can make the same cards with a new name (if the card works within the rules). I’m more skeptical we’d use the Universe’s Within “same card” tech.

Possibility of Unique Un Secret Lairs

New 21 Jul 2024 Asked by doopboopdoop 3 Comments

Could seeing mechanically unique un secret lairs be an option to make more unset cards?

Is that something people would like/purchase?

Product Prioritization in Magic

New 20 Jul 2024 Asked by old-planet 10 Comments

"The bar gets raised because new products do well. […] It’s the game evolving towards what the players are most enjoying." Isn't Magic big enough to leave some room for more niche products? I read your answer as "what brings the most money, and only that, drives the game". Capitalism sucks, I want the next Un-set as well as more Conspiracy or Battlebond. At a reasonable price. Thanks Mark

There is no one on the planet that wants more Un-sets than me. The issue is we only have so many slots to create products (and there is a lot of talk from all of you that we’re making too many as is).We have to prioritize what the most people want. I understand there is money tied to that, but also people. If 500,000 people want product A and 5,000,000 want Product B, why doesn’t Product B win out? It makes (at least) four and a half million players happier.

Silver-Border Card Legality

New 20 Jul 2024 Asked by blitherbug 5 Comments

Could i please get you to clear something up for me,I rember listning to a interview were it was said by you(i yhink cant find it to check ) that Silver border/un-card/acorn cards are desighned to be "legal" in non compition formats, is this the way its supossed to work?

What I said was the original intent of silver-bordered cards when Unglued came out was they would be legal everywhere except in tournaments. That intent hasn’t followed through.For example, the Commander format specifically excluded silver-border by choosing Legacy legality, so the most played casual format doesn’t allow (although you can Rule 0 them in) the cards original designed for casual play.

Player Becoming Opponent

New 18 Jul 2024 Asked by the-shanpai 4 Comments

Could Acorn/Silver Border turn a player into an "opponent" for cards that specify target opponent, choose an opponent, creatures opponents control, etc?


Unifying Ox and Minotaur Types

New 16 Jul 2024 Asked by josphitia 11 Comments

Has there ever been any thought to combining the Ox and Minotaur creature types? Such as simplifying both to simply "Cow?" I'm a huge fan of bovines in all forms and it would be nice if all of the Ox in magic worked alongside their more anthropomorphic cousins the Minotaur. As it is now we're lucky to really get cards of *either* type printed. There's resonance to the name Minotaur, no doubt, but it also has its share of baggage. It has Greek connotations and that's probably a big reason Minotaurs are almost strictly in Theros (although some favorites, such as Neheb, are from other planes). I was happy that Outlaws had more Ox cards, but it also highlights my dissatisfaction: Holy Cow is an *ox* not a cow, despite the name. It feels like a retread of the Hound or Naga debacle all over again. Hound was simplified to Dog and all Snakes, from rattlesnakes to Naga, are simply the type Snake now. This allows snakes and dogs of all walks benefit from a shared unity. Cats had it right, we didn't need Leonin as a separate type.I just feel like there's unnecessary separation being created by dividing Ox and Minotaur and it has the same resonance failings as all dogs being labeled "hounds" had. If it's important for a particular creature to *be* a minotaur then they can just *have* minotaur in their name, like ~30% of minotaurs already do. There's also the simple fact that Minotaur is a longer average creature type, limiting design space for other types to be included. It's hard to justify why a Minotaur is on a random plane, but much less so if it's simply a "Cow Warrior" for example. As for why I think "Cow" should just be the combined type name, I simply think it fits. Cow is a resonant name. Almost everyone, East to west, knows *of* cows if only because their milk is such a widely used commodity. We don't call it "Ox's milk" after all. More than that, it's fun! Cow is *funny* in the same way *squirrel* is funny. It's amusing to see "Squirrels you control" in this game full of fighting. In that vein, "Cows you control" is an amusing line that can help break up the seriousness of a setting. I know this is making a mountain out of a molehill, but magic is a game of different perspectives coming together and creating something new. Cows are my favorite animal and it's simply dissatisfying, to me, that my Holy Cow can't benefit from a Kragma Warcaller. That Angrath, colloquially named "Cow Dad" in the community, would have the creature type "Minotaur." The only downside I can see is that "Cow" *does* specifically refer to females of a bovine species. But that is a distinction few, if any, seriously take into consideration. If one sees a field of cows, they're not saying "I see lots of cows and 3 bulls!" They're going to say "I see cows!"So to bring the thesis back, has there been any discussion internally to simplifying the Minotaur and Ox creature types under a single banner, such as "Cow?" I would also happily settle for "Cattle" as the new type. I just feel the current Ox vs Minotaur divide has to go, for both flavor and mechanical reasons, and the sooner the better.

I have been on Team Cow (as I was on Team Dog) for many years. I even made Cows in Un-sets. I still believe Minotaur should be its own creature type though.

Clarifying Modifier Rules

New 16 Jul 2024 Asked by nootnooter34 7 Comments

Hello Mr Rosewater,
Un-rules question for you:Modular Monstrosity has the ability, "Whenever an opponent casts a spell, you have five seconds to choose a keyword you haven't chosen for a card named Modular Monstrosity today that's been printed on a creature card."There is also a ruling that reads, "If the keyword has a modifier, such as a mana cost or a number, you must choose a modifier that’s been printed."
My question is, can you choose a keyword that has been printed on a creature with a modifier that's only been printed on a noncreature card. Cumulative Upkeep has appeared on many creatures so is a valid keyword. Can I name "Cumulative Upkeep-Add {R}" which has only been seen on the noncreature Braids of Fire?
Thank you in advance

You have to choose a mechanic and a modifier that’s appeared on a creature.

Misinterpretation of Card Costs

New 15 Jul 2024 Asked by theuninvitedghost 1 Comments

“The biggest problem is that we have to cost cards with whole mana symbols (other than Un-sets, we don’t do ½) and many abilities simply aren’t worth a whole mana by themselves.” Did you miss-read this Question Mark’s question about vanilla creatures as French vanilla?

I didn’t misread it. They were asking why card #A, a vanilla creature, and Card #B, a creature with the same stats but with rules text cost the same. The answer is the rules text usually isn’t worth a full mana, so removing it doesn’t make the creature one cheaper.

Challenges with Vanilla Stats

New 15 Jul 2024 Asked by magicruinssandwich 2 Comments

As a Jasmine player, I was wondering, are we ever going to get more vanilla creatures printed better statlines than creatures with effects ?

The biggest problem is that we have to cost cards with whole mana symbols (other than Un-sets, we don’t do ½) and many abilities simply aren’t worth a whole mana by themselves.

Bloomburrow Set Influences

New 12 Jul 2024 Asked by chairborne33 4 Comments

Did the success of UN-sets and UB help the possibility of a set like Bloomburrow at all?

Not directly that I know of, but maybe subconsciously.

Questions Regarding Offspring Tokens

New 11 Jul 2024 Asked by ggcrono 15 Comments

As the authority on un-rules, I must ask you: Since Offspring tokens are described as copies of the original card, if you use Claire D'Loon to return one to your hand, can you cast it as though it were the original, and, being a copy, does it also have Offspring?

It can be cast from your hand as it has a mana cost. My gut is it must have offspring, but not 100% sure on that.

Zone-Changing Object Properties

New 08 Jul 2024 Asked by aalgot 6 Comments

If/when “doesn’t become a new object when it changes zones this way (it does become a new object if it changes zones in another way later)”

If. That’s squarely acorn/silver border territory.

Non-Creature Artifacts as Commanders

New 08 Jul 2024 Asked by hobblinharry-blog 7 Comments

Regarding non-creature artifacts being a commander: this also even exists in not-silver border/acorn. Shorikai, Genesis Engine from Neon Dynasty is a non-creature artifact (its a vehicle so it can become a creature but its default state is not creature)


UB Secret Lairs In-Universe Treatments

New 08 Jul 2024 Asked by kilconey 29 Comments

Mark, you've mentioned that mechanically unique UB secret lairs will be getting in-universe treatments eventually. Does this include Ponies: the Gathering? It would seem to on paper, except they're firmly silver border aesthetically and mechanically. If you do intend to, would they be remade in Un-Set style, or mainstream mtg universe style?

I believe we promised tournament-legal unique Secret Lair cards would get in-Universe treatments.

Future UN Set Details

New 06 Jul 2024 Asked by brake4turtles 18 Comments

Is there another UN set scheduled

There’s nothing public that we’ve announced. We don’t talk about unannounced products.

Accelerationism in Magic Design

New 03 Jul 2024 Asked by woihtmmd 16 Comments

I'm a Magic accelerationist. I want you to keep going into more extreme places as long as you design for fun, respect the color pie, keep dexterity checks in Unsets, stay out of the real world, keep the lands/spells/abilities/stack/phases/priority thing, and don't print offensive cards.

All fair things to ask.

Mechanic of Creature Tokens

New 02 Jul 2024 Asked by old-men123456789 22 Comments

Why don’t creature tokens stay in the graveyard when they die? Would the design team ever consider making a card that lets creature tokens stay in the graveyard when they die?

It causes a lot of wonkiness with the rules. Un-sets have you covered though:

Attacking Turn Mechanism

New 02 Jul 2024 Asked by hobblinharry-blog 5 Comments

Do the rules support being able to attack with one of your creatures on an opponents turn or would something like that have to exist as acorn/silverborder?

That’s cleanly silver-border/acorn.

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