
Regulation of Monarch and Initiative

New 22 Jul 2024 Asked by flakmaniak 0 Comments

This is hatemail not just about how Monarch and Initiative should never be allowed in two-player, which they shouldn't. (No comment on them in greater-than-2P games; I'm sure they're wonderful there. I have no objection to them existing SO LONG AS they are ruled to just not work in two-player.) This hatemail is SPECIFICALLY about Palace Jailer. Why does it say "until an opponent becomes the Monarch"?! It should not ever be allowed in two-player! Thank you for listening to my hatemail.

Should there exist cards legal in Commander, but not Legacy? Such a designation doesn’t currently exist.

Silver-Border Card Legality

New 20 Jul 2024 Asked by blitherbug 5 Comments

Could i please get you to clear something up for me,I rember listning to a interview were it was said by you(i yhink cant find it to check ) that Silver border/un-card/acorn cards are desighned to be "legal" in non compition formats, is this the way its supossed to work?

What I said was the original intent of silver-bordered cards when Unglued came out was they would be legal everywhere except in tournaments. That intent hasn’t followed through.For example, the Commander format specifically excluded silver-border by choosing Legacy legality, so the most played casual format doesn’t allow (although you can Rule 0 them in) the cards original designed for casual play.

Eternal Formats Existence

New 20 Jul 2024 Asked by thimofranke 8 Comments

Maybe it's a bit of a reductionist view, but at a larger timeframe, eternal formats don't really exist. They thrive for a time and are then replaced by something else. Legacy replaced Vintage, Modern replaced Legacy, one day Pioneer will replace Modern and after that, new formats will be born. Yes, there are still Vintage and Legacy players, but at a macro scale, the percentage of players is shrinking.
I think it is very okay to accept this as a fact of the game.

The word “eternal” is a poor choice as we use “eternal” to mean formats with access to (mostly) all the cards. Vintage, Legacy, and Commander are all eternal formats. So eternal formats do exist. : )But your larger point of how Magic keeps shifting where it focuses its formats is true.

Appreciating the Otters in Magic

New 16 Jul 2024 Asked by magicalotterlady 11 Comments

Please pass my thanks to whomever decided otters should be a thing in Magic.I've carried an otter plushie around with me to events through my entire Magic playing career, so almost 15 years. Ive had an otter along for the ride from pretty much every FNM to PTQs to traveling everywhere I could drive within 8 hours to play Legacy for several years or even trips to the other side of the US for large events a couple of times.I was screeching and immediately tried building an otter deck when Lutri and Theving Otter came out with Ikoria. I was literally babbling with joy at the otters in Wilds of Eldraine for MONTHS. To say I'm beside myself with excitement for Bloomburrow would almost be an understatement.My favorite thing to build or play in Magic are tribal-based decks. I built an angel one as my second ever deck (Shards of Alara/Zendikar standard) so I could teach my mom to play before she passed. I was known for a knight/Sword of _____ and _____ deck for years. I've even played Merfolk and Tribal Lightning Bolt (burn) decks a time or two. But I can now have my beloved otters as a theme for my deck.Literally the only way that it could be more perfect for me would have been if there was an Otter Knight named Rora for my little tournament companion.So thank you for making my love for Magic even stronger by adding otters.

I like making otter people happy. : )

Legacy and Future of Milling

New 03 Jul 2024 Asked by tmplar 11 Comments


Just learned in a podcast you're somewhat the "father" of the mill mechanic!
Was sad there was no new tools for dimir mill in MH3, are there any incoming for mill decks (not self-mill) in Duskmourne? The mechanic would be fitting with the setting...

I can’t talk to the future, but we will be doing more mill effects, even if I can’t say when or where.I should stress that I did not invent mill. Millstone, the first card to mill cards, was in Antiquities and was designed by the East Coast Playtesters (Skaff Elias, Jim Lin, Dave Petty, and Chris Page) with help from Joel Mick.I was a champion of milling and made a lot of cards with it.

Defining 'Warps the Format'

New 09 Jun 2024 Asked by banksyguythrowingthings 34 Comments

For folks unclear on what "warps the format" means, consider that in Modern and Legacy, any creature with cost 3 or more and power 3 or less is basically unplayable (Unless it has a strong ETB or similar upsides). There are just too many people playing lightning bolt and your creature is extremely likely to be cheaply removed by the game's best (and perhaps best-balanced-for-its-early-power-level?) common card.

Correct. Lightning Bolt prevents a lot of creatures from seeing tournament play.

Format Distinctions

New 30 May 2024 Asked by izzipurrito 47 Comments

I've heard rumours that Wizards is trying to make Modern more similar to Legacy, and Pioneer more similar to Modern.
Whats your stance on this?

The opposite is true. We want each format to be distinctively its own. It is true though that as formats getting bigger, they change, so Modern has more qualities it shares with Legacy as the card pool gets larger, but the two do play differently.

Popularity of Different Formats

New 29 May 2024 Asked by zombsidian 33 Comments

Do you have data on what formats players play? Obviously, we know Commander is far and away the most popular nowadays, but what about Modern being more popular than Standard? Or more less known ones like Legacy or Pauper?

We do have that data. I don’t personally have it in front of me, but it’s something we track.Also, Commander is the most popular played format in tabletop. I believe Standard is still the most popular format played on digital.

Addressing Power Creep

New 23 May 2024 Asked by pallidpunkprincess 6 Comments

Re:Power CreepI think the root of the issue is that some long time players are sad that multiformat all-stars are being outclassed. Cards like Liliana of the Veil barely see standard play let alone modern or legacy or Tarmogoyf being so relatively weak that a commander making token copies of it feels like a silly novelty more than a terrifying threat. These cards that are very powerful in theory. They haven't been 1 to 1 outclassed but never the less are functionally not relavent in modern/legacy. This is a hard pill for many players to swallow when these cards were titans for nearly a decade.I think calling the argument of calling this shift power creep or not power creep is splitting hairs and maybe there needs to be some new terminology coined.

It’s the nature of a game that keeps releasing new content. There are formats like Old School (which only use cards from ‘93, '94, and '95) if you want to play with exclusively older cards.

Commander Cards in Legacy

New 21 May 2024 Asked by tameryourentertainer 0 Comments

One part I don't get about the discussion of not being able to make cards not legal in Eternal formats but still legal in commander is: haven't you already used that tech? Like commander legends sets or the commander exclusive cards in precons. Or is there some unforseen limitations to that?

Those cards are all legal in eternal formats which include Legacy.

Stickers in Cube Usage

New 21 May 2024 Asked by zanmor 1 Comments

While I get why it's unlikely, my preferred use of stickers in Magic would be as permanent alterations to cards intended for use in a cube or some sort of other legacy (game content, not the format) product. Just hoping that idea can at least stay on the radar.

We do have a Hackathon where we designed a Magic Legacy product. The big stumbling block is the data says the vast majority of players don’t want to permanently sticker their cards. It’s why we made sure in Unfinity that they came off easily and didn’t harm them.

Wish Deck Mechanics

New 21 May 2024 Asked by kallixti 7 Comments

If you play with Wish effects in a tournament setting, you have to use an existing resource (sideboard space); you don't get to bring a separate Wish Deck. Do you think it was a mistake that stickers and attractions did not work similarly?

No. The intent was for the stickers and Attractions to not be good enough to play in Legacy tournaments.

Commander Set Legality

New 20 May 2024 Asked by deathworld12 17 Comments

why cant they wizards make a set thats only legal in commander?

A body outside of Wizards, the Commander Rules Committee, determines set legality for the format. If we made a set not legal in eternal formats, the cards wouldn’t be legal in Commander. Yes, we could technically make it legal in eternal formats and then ban all the cards in Legacy, but we don’t like to use the ban list in that way.

Unfinity Sales Impact

New 16 May 2024 Asked by jonpaulcardenas 16 Comments

Do you think the sales of unfinity would have been better if the attraction and sticker cards would have been pre banned from tournament play? Or was the amount of players soured by them being tournament legal not a factor in the sales of the product?

We just don’t pre-ban cards, especially a giant list of them.The intent was Unfinity would never be relevant in Legacy. The sticker rules were purposefully high in variance to avoid them being relevant. The fact that the problemsome card was a common should make it clear we weren’t trying to sell Unfinity packs to Legacy players (except those who also have fun with casual play elsewhere).

Eternal Legality Issues

New 16 May 2024 Asked by anonleoleo 11 Comments

Hi Mark, I've played both Legacy and Commander pretty extensively, so reading the discourse on the recent bans has been interesting. I actually adore attractions in Commander, mostly because it's a fun "extra" mechanic. The fun stops pretty quickly when people are using the goblin as a huge ritual, so I think both sides have validity. Have you guys put any thought into the Eternal legality question? I feel like this isn't the last time something like this will happen.

Once again. I would love to have the ability to put cards in Commander without them being legal in Legacy, but Commander’s legality is currently tied to eternal legality. The group that decides on Commander legality is separate from Wizards.

Reaction to Ban Announcements

New 14 May 2024 Asked by giftsstorm 29 Comments

Hey Mark. I wanted to say that I’m sorry that the recent ban announcements made you sad, and I’m sure it’s very frustrating seeing a design you believe in (Unfinity) not receiving a very warm reception.

I got a lot of feedback from people who enjoyed it, and it is, by far, the best selling Un-set of all time. The people frustrated at ______ Goblin in Legacy were not the intended target.

Commander-Only Cards Issue

New 14 May 2024 Asked by sjk9000 8 Comments

Can you elaborate on why you can't make commander-only cards? While Wizards doesn't have explicit control over Commander legality, it seems like you ought to have de facto control by virtue of the fact that you can dictate legality for most non-commander formats.If, for example, you had pre-emptively banned sticker cards from Legacy and Vintage, the end result would be that the cards would be only legal in Commander and Limited. Is there a reason you don't consider doing something like that a viable option?

We don’t like pre-banning cards. It also just adds a lot of card names to the banned list which makes it harder to process.Commander is in an odd place as there’s a separate group that determines legality. We’re trying to not overstep our bounds.

Unfinity Card Legality

New 14 May 2024 Asked by theverdantchef 2 Comments

Regarding sticker/attraction: wouldn't it have been best to keep all the cards from Unfinity silver border/acorn so they don't affect legacy/vintage/pauper and allow the Commander rules committee to decide which if any of these cards to become legal in their format? Or would that have put an undue burden on that rules committee to go through all the cards and figure out which ones would be acceptable and which are not?

If they were silver border they wouldn’t be playable. That rule already existed.

Legacy Mechanics Concerns

New 14 May 2024 Asked by alphedge 18 Comments

The problems with sticker and attractions were extremely predictable and were pointed out by many people as soon as it was announced that they were legacy legal and I hope in future more thought will be put into the logistics of any similar mechanics that may appear in the future

The motive behind the decision was simple. Commander is a casual format, and Un-sets are our most casual product. We wanted players to have access to the cards that worked within the rules. All the wacky stuff was kept opt-in only. The only reason the cards were legal in eternal constructed formats is that’s the legality rule as set up by the people that run Commander. It was never our intent for the cards to be relevant in high-end tournament play. The deck construction rules for stickers and Attractions were designed to be high variance specifically to keep them out of tournaments. At every step in design, we changed mana costs to keep them from being high powered cards. If a card was questionable, we made it acorn. Obviously, we missed on one card. It was a common aimed at limited. That was our mistake. We missed on one card.I would love for there to be a way to have cards legal in Commander without having them be legal in eternal formats. We just aren’t the body that determines Commander legality.

Commander Ban Concerns

New 14 May 2024 Asked by princevogelfrei 13 Comments

"Today’s ban makes me really sad, and I hope the commander rules committee doesn’t follow suit." I'm genuinely sorry that something that made me happy made you sad. But why is there so much concern about what is legal in commander? It's the only format where people can decide before the game which cards are legal. Groups can always rule 0 any card/s in or out. I've seen groups bend the hybrid mana rule, allow banned cards and ban cards not banned by the CRC. You can't do this in legacy, etc.

I hear from a lot of people, so let me share something that you might not be aware of. The Rule 0 varies greatly in how it is executed from play group to play group. Some use it all the time and allow all sorts of exceptions.Others though basically don’t use it. If it’s not legal, it’s not legal, and the group doesn’t allow it. The whole Unfinity push towards having eternal legal cards came from me hearing from a lot of Un-fans that just didn’t have the ability to use the cards based on their play group. In fact, one of the loudest request I get is making black border versions of certain Un-cards (most of which 100% work within the rules) because people want to play with them in Commander, and the only way they will be able to is if we make an eternal-legal version.

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