
Global Effects in Older Magic

New 21 Jul 2024 Asked by fanfactorpodcast 7 Comments

Why did older Magic make Lord effects global like Elvish Champion? Who advocated for that and what were the benefits they presented ?

Early Magic leaned into flavor. It turns out global effects both weren’t intuitive and didn’t play great, so five or so years in we (mostly) stopped doing them.

Design of Brave-Kin Duo

New 09 Jul 2024 Asked by silverswordofhope 27 Comments

The recently spoiled Brave-Kin Duo having both a mana cost and a sorcery restriction on its ability seems unnecessarily cautious.Some of my all-time favorite cards are the cheap combat-tricks on a body like Angelic Page, Ghost Warden, Infantry Veteran, Anointer of Champions, etc. Is there a reason we don't see those much anymore? They make for super interesting combat. As they're not really competitively viable cards these days, it would be cool to see a more pushed version (like a 1MV Ghost Warden).Or if it has to have a mana cost, why not a +1/+1 *counter* like a Cenn's Tactician that can target any creature? That would be super fun.

This is a common card designed for limited. The power level is adjusted to that goal.

Legacy and Future of Milling

New 03 Jul 2024 Asked by tmplar 11 Comments


Just learned in a podcast you're somewhat the "father" of the mill mechanic!
Was sad there was no new tools for dimir mill in MH3, are there any incoming for mill decks (not self-mill) in Duskmourne? The mechanic would be fitting with the setting...

I can’t talk to the future, but we will be doing more mill effects, even if I can’t say when or where.I should stress that I did not invent mill. Millstone, the first card to mill cards, was in Antiquities and was designed by the East Coast Playtesters (Skaff Elias, Jim Lin, Dave Petty, and Chris Page) with help from Joel Mick.I was a champion of milling and made a lot of cards with it.

Llorwyn Reception

New 02 Jul 2024 Asked by 3-slugcat-pilots-7-ornithopters 2 Comments

Hey Mark! How was the reception of Llorwyn back in the day? Tmk tonally it was much lighter than the average set. Did it have any issues being cutesy/lighter subject matter?I’m looking forward to Bloomburrow and was wondering if Llorwyn had any specific effects on it also

I believe the only block to perform poorer than Lorwyn, in our key metrics, was Champions of Kamigawa.

Single-Color Deck Tournament Choice

New 03 Jun 2024 Asked by 00no-name00 48 Comments

The future of mankind is at stake! You’ve been selected as our champion in the Galactic Magic Tournament, and the Bergggs are your final opponent. They say if they lose they will recognize our right to exist, but if you lose, they’ll invade and Berggg-form earth. Rules of the tournament dictate that all Magic cards printed are legal, but you can only play one color and lands that produce mana of that color on your deck. The sideboard is all cards of that color ever made. Decks are minimum 60 cards and maximum 4 of each card except basic lands (no limit). No banned or restricted list exist. Which colori would you chose?

These rules seem to imply that you can play colorless cards. If that is true, blue is the correct choice. If you can’t play colorless cards, you might think about black.

Keyword Potential

New 05 Apr 2024 Asked by quantext 25 Comments

Could mana that doesn't empty between phases be keyworded? For example, Neheb Dreadhorde Champion.

It’s not something we use enough to keyword.

Changeling Inspiration Error

New 24 Mar 2024 Asked by razorofartorias 12 Comments

Hi Mark! In your two-part article Looking Back (and I think on a recent podcast too) you mentioned Mistform Ultimus as the inspiration for Changeling, but it's not a legendary creatures from Champions of Kamigawa, it's from Legions (I noticed because I started playing MTG on the Onslaught block).

It was a mistake.

The One Ring Trivia

New 19 Mar 2024 Asked by rc-ds2 36 Comments

Hello, Good Sir,You’ve said in the past that the 1996 World Champion card had to be printed on a full sheet, and the rest of the sheet was destroyed. Did a similar thing happen with the 1 of 1 The One Ring? If you aren’t able to discuss that specifically, do you have any neat trivia regarding its printing that you can share? Thanks very much.

I don’t know exactly how The One Ring was printed, but I do know printing technology has changed quite a bit from 1996.

Mistform Ultimus Correction

New 12 Mar 2024 Asked by czechasociallife 27 Comments

Mistform Ultimus deffinitely isn't from Champions of Kamigawa

Yeah, it’s from Legions. I’m not sure why I keep messing that up.

Invitational Return Odds

New 24 Dec 2023 Asked by zanmor 33 Comments

If or big if: Return of the Invitational (and the winner designing a card).

Big if. The card prize has returned and is now used for the World Champion.

Supporting UW of UB

New 24 Nov 2023 Asked by strix-soven 41 Comments

Given that UW of non-SL UB is "not something [WotC] are trying to do", what should those of us for whom our Magic experience would be greatly repaired by that do to encourage it? Do we have any champion(s) within WotC? Is there any hope at all?

It is something we’re gathering data on. If there is a large enough group of players that wants it, we’ll explore doing it. I do want to point out that preliminary data suggests it’s a smaller group.

Championing Return Locations

New 11 Aug 2023 Asked by arrcattumbles 44 Comments

“I’m sure we’ll get to Muraganda eventually.”Are there staff members who champion returns to specific places? Apart from yourself, obviously!

There are.

Special Features Frequency

New 29 Jul 2023 Asked by honor-basquiat 92 Comments

"Masterpieces essentially morphed into booster fun and bonus sheets. Masterpieces just happened too infrequently."

Hi Mark,

You used to frequently champion the mantra of "if everything is special then nothing is special" but it feels like Magic has been moving away from that perspective in recent years. Is that fair to say? If so why?

The scarcity and rarity of the original Masterpieces were a big part of their luster and desirability. It meant that while it was very unlikely to happen, you could encounter a Masterpiece in Kaladesh Draft or just when cracking a pack for fun. Because it very rarely happened, when it did happen, it was extremely special.

Foils used to be scarce, but now because they are guaranteed in Set Boosters and Collector Boosters, are they really special anymore?

You used to say we don't do Full Art Basics all the time because us doing it on occassion generates much more enthusiasm and hype for them. I think this is true and I find players get way less excited when full art lands are previewed because they aren't special anymore.

Cards used to get special promo art on occasion, but now numerous cards have several different art printings so it doesn't feel special anymore. Every rare has a pre-release promo version (which wasn't always the case) is another example.

For years, rares and mythic rares were substantially more scarce than uncommons and commons because the overwhelming majority of cards were printed in draft boosters where the odds of encountering specific rarities were consistent for years but now rarity doesn't mean anything outside of Limited.

Foils used to feel "special" but now there are several different types of foiling so it feels like they none of them are particularly special.


All of this is a response to us making more decisions based on data. Instead of us guessing what we think the players want, we both ask them and watch their behavior. We then analyze all the data to match player desire.Let me take full-art lands as an example. The data said players want more access to them, but they would feel less special if they were the default, so we’ve incorporated them into booster fun.I’ll note that we keep trying new things, which can result in new data that changes how we do something. It’s an ever-evolving process, much like the game of Magic itself.

Mutate Inspiration

New 20 Jul 2023 Asked by laptopsinlabcoats 32 Comments

Was Mutate inspired by Hecatomb?

The game? No. It was us trying to capture the flavor of evolution. Champion was the most influential source.

Unrules Flavor Text

New 10 Jul 2023 Asked by morjoko-blog 23 Comments

Unrules Question: For Hardy of Myra’s Marvels ability, if a piece of flavor text is a quote and the quoter is on its own line (e.g. “Elvish Hymn” on the flavor text for Elvish Champion) does it count as an additional line?

It does.

Card Name Origins

New 23 Jun 2023 Asked by 1for3ban 37 Comments

My birthday was earlier this month so any chance I could get some trivia on Minotaur De Force, Wee Champion, or Magar from Unfinity?

I originally pitched the term Minotaur de Force as a piece of flavor text, but when we found another piece we liked, I suggested using it as the name. Happy Birthday!

Plane Conception Duration

New 20 May 2023 Asked by beawol3-deactivated20230709 58 Comments

Which plane (as the setting, not the card) took the longest amount of time from original conception to seeing print?

An Egyptian-inspired plane was the back-up choice for Champions of Kamigawa block.

Green Mana Cost Analysis

New 17 May 2023 Asked by judaselias 31 Comments

What do you think about green having Steel Leaf Champion 5/4 for GGG compared to another 3/3 for 2G?

You get more power for having a colored mana versus a generic mana.

Kamigawa Spirit Trivia

New 11 May 2023 Asked by delicateturtleangel 45 Comments

Hi Mark! By the ancestrall right of birthday trivia, may I request some obscure knowledge about Spirits or old Kamigawa?

An early version of Champions of Kamigawa had a mechanic representing martial art moves. It didn’t really fit with the rest of the set and was removed. Happy Birthday!

Elspeth's Design Story

New 25 Apr 2023 Asked by jjarnone-blog 58 Comments

It's my birthday. For my birthday trivia could you tell me if there was any interesting design stories about my favorite card, Elspeth Sun's Champion?

Elspeth, Sun’s Champion (at least the version that saw print) was designed by Erik Lauer in Theros development. Elspeth was going to die in the story, so Erik wanted to make a memorable Elspeth card. Apparently, no one told him our long range pans for the character, because she wasn’t going to stay “dead”.Happy Birthday!

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