
Appreciation for Wildlife Representation

New 11 Jul 2024 Asked by sniperserpent 2 Comments

as a huge possum fan, i am so thrilled about Tender Wildguide. It's so cute, and a card I'm both excited to open in limited and put in constructed decks. A cool fun design and one of my favorite little animals. I'm sure other people are having similar reactions to cards where their favorite animals are showing up. Everyone responsible forgetting the little animal set made should feel great about it.

Happy to hear that.

Word Planeswalker Remains on Cards

New 01 Jul 2024 Asked by jjustin1379 0 Comments

Do you think we will stop seeing the word planeswalker on nonplaneswalker cards. For along time, removal had to also hit planeswalkers. Since there are now less planeswalkers does everything also need to target planeswalkers too all the time?

The word stays on the majority of the time for constructed reasons, but it might show up a little less on card more focused on limited.

Drafting in Foundations

New 01 Jul 2024 Asked by cursedsleep-blog 1 Comments

On the note of Foundations, while it is obviously primarily for Standard Constructed, is playing draft and/or Sealed with it going to be supported/possible?

It is made to be drafted.

On Blocks vs Individual Sets

New 01 Jul 2024 Asked by testamentsglock 7 Comments

Hey Mark! Its my birthday so im gonna get a little self indulgent with this one. Im a huge block constructed fan and have been building cubes to kind of fill the void that the current one set release schedule has made in that department. Based off player feedback is there any chance to going back to 2/3 set blocks being the norm like before?

The players, through the buying habits, have shown a large preference for individual sets versus blocks. We can still have consecutive sets on the same world when they make sense, but even those will still be drafted by themselves. With the current data, I am highly skeptical of blocks return.

Mark's Relationship with Pauper

New 27 Jun 2024 Asked by seckshun 5 Comments

Have you ever played much pauper?

I don’t play much constructed (at least with released sets), so no.

Card Function Alignment with Printing

New 13 Jun 2024 Asked by noahmatthews1399 8 Comments

As the number of creature type erratas grow, so do the number of cards that work differently than what is printed. Some cards exist currently with none of their printed creature types. For example, when the dog update came out, "leashling" went from golem to dog while its not relevant card to most constructed formats I'm sure there are plenty of others. This card functions differently than what is printed on the card. For what seems like no reason other than art looks like dog = now dog not a golem. I have zero qualms with the calling hounds dogs, but I do feel that cards should also, as often as possible, do what they say. My question is, is this not also an internal vision as well to maintain the integrity of what's printed on many players' cards?This opinion does not apply to erratas relating to cultural sensitivity changes.

Yes, our goal goal is to make cards function the way people intuitively expect. There are different factors that sometimes get in the way of that goal, but that is our vision.

Building Kindred Style Decks

New 12 Jun 2024 Asked by datkrawg 29 Comments

my son(8yrs) has started to play commander with me and my friends and has shown quite a talent for the game once he learns how the cards in the deck interact.

He is very excited for Bloomburrow as it will be he will be attending the prerelease event with all of us but he was curious to know if the set will allow him to build a very Kindred style deck from it that will focus on the more specific animal types with support? ie otters and bats?

Each of the two-color ten draft archetypes are built around an animal, so if you just draft say Rabbits, you will have a cohesive deck. There is a bit of typal, but it is very light, meaning you’ll be able to use it for constructed, but there’s no guarantee you’ll get what you need in limited.So yes, I think he can do sort of what he wants (make a specific animal deck), but not quite how he thinks he’s going to make it. Also, it’s trickier to play just one animal in sealed versus draft.

Outlaws of Thunder Junction

New 10 Jun 2024 Asked by space-wizards 73 Comments

"Innistrad is one of my best designs."Yeah, Innistrad was great when it was unique, and gothic horror is an incredibly deep well to draw from. There's tons of source material, and it's easy to make it feel "universal".These days, it feels like every premier set is trying to be Innistrad, unless it's a Storyline Set or a Return Set. The Innistrad-likes all feel like "Magic does [genre]" instead of something actually original, Storyline Sets are practically Return Sets, and the actual Return Sets are half Innistrad-likes anyway.The Modern Horizons sets are the last bastion of bottom-up, Magic doing Magic sets, but they're infrequent, expensive, and overshadowed by how they destroy the Modern metagame every time.I just want a new world that makes me feel like I'm reading the Planeswalker's Guide to Alara again. A world that only makes sense in Magic the Gathering, instead of Magic fitting itself into something that already exists.

I want to begin by stressing something. You’re talking to me, the Head Designer of Magic. I, along with rest of the designers, are in charge of the mechanical execution of design. We create the larger structure of how the set is build, weave in flavorful themes, and design mechanics to play into that structure and theme(s). When I talk about sets I’ve done I’m talking about the part of the process I’m in charge of. With that said, let’s talk about the latest design I led (vision design), Outlaws of Thunder Junction. I hold up its game design to any other set I’ve lead. The mechanics are sharp, useful, and lead towards new play patterns. The limited play and constructed play involving its themes are novel. And while it’s all forward facing, it was designed to be more backwards compatible than previous sets. Plot, in particular, is one of the most exciting new mechanics I’ve designed in a long time. It’s simple in description, but surprisingly deep in strategy. Having the primary focal point of villainy, with a secondary theme of the Western genre, led my team to create something new. Top-down is just an input. Good design can come from any input. Bottom-up design is no better at making good mechanic designs than top-down. I believe current mechanical design is on point, and Outlaws of Thunder Junction, in particular, is my team being on their A game.

Slickshot Show-Off's Abilities

New 07 Jun 2024 Asked by prosperity-post 36 Comments

Slickshot Show-Off really didn't need +2/+0 for every noncreature spell for being a cheap creature with flying and haste. And what happened to abilities triggering only once each turn? This is ridiculous. Just give cheap creatures prowess and give something like this to more costlier creatures. We're past the Phyrexian arc, can we get back to a level of normalcy please?

It’s a rare costed for constructed formats. It gets to be very good in limited.

Understanding Outlaw Mechanic

New 07 Jun 2024 Asked by kallixti 12 Comments

I don't dislike outlaw, but I don't see how it makes sense as a single-set mechanic. For Limited, things would be a lot cleaner if you just added a new Outlaw creature type. For Constructed the backwards compatibility is useful, but a single set's worth of payoffs isn't enough to make it worth building around.
So I think batches like outlaw would work more effectively if you intend to use them regularly rather than as single-set mechanics which might possiblysee a return several years later.

For 4-of, 60-card formats, there are plenty of Outlaw mattering cards. You don’t need that many when using four copies.For 1-of, singleton formats, there are four legendary creatures that care about Outlaws.Both have 31 years of creatures of the five relevant creature types.

Creature Types Draft Theme

New 01 Jun 2024 Asked by hanavesinauttija 27 Comments

If/when maximizing the number of creature types on a creature as a draft theme. Perhaps with cards like Captain's Hook (makes a creature a Pirate) or Angelic Destiny (makes a creature an Angel).

If. It’s hard to do for limited and changelings make it too easy for constructed.

Snowland Inelegance

New 31 May 2024 Asked by aalgot 23 Comments

Well you could if you had an Anti [S] symbol create cards that require some amount of [S] and some amount of anti [S] thus making people in constructed format think about how many snow lands they bring rather than going all or nothing.

It’s an inelegant solution to the problem.

Monocolor Support

New 27 May 2024 Asked by zbaschtian 5 Comments

I agree that basic land type matters effects require a crafted limited environment, but there's so few of these, and you have other avenues for printing them while sidestepping limited now: Commander products, Universes Beyond, bonus sheets, fixed slots in boosters, etc. There's already a big disincentive towards running monocolored in most Eternal Constructed formats, twice so for Commander, so why not give monocolored a big shot in the arm?

We do make them from time to time, but they have to fit in the set we release them in. For example, they’re an odd fit in anything but a monocolor Commander deck, and we just don’t make many of those.

Monocolor Deck Rewards

New 27 May 2024 Asked by zbaschtian 10 Comments

Why do we see so few cards that reward playing specific basic land types in Standard, such as Blanchwood Armor, Armored Ascension or Flow of Ideas? These seem like a slam dunk for encouraging monocolored decks in Constructed, something that we see less and less of as dual lands are released. Take the Darksteel Affinity for Land Type golems for instance: they solve the high mana value playability issue very well while asking for a meaningful commitment.

Those effects work best in uncommon, especially if that’s all they’re focused on. At uncommon, those cards are draft traps though if the set doesn’t support monocolor play. So, they’re not something we can just drop in most sets.

Swedish Gentry Format

New 26 May 2024 Asked by kvanever 0 Comments

Happy birthday Mark! Here's some Magic trivia for you - I just moved to Sweden and they play a unique style of constructed here called Gentry. It's standard 60/15 deck and sideboard, but it can only include 4 unique rares or mythics and 15 uncommons and then the rest of the cards have to common. It's pretty fun and it's very easy to afford several decks. People often bring extras to tournaments to loan to new players

Cool format. Thanks.

Modern Format Evolution

New 24 May 2024 Asked by theactormarkwilliams-blog 11 Comments

Everybody understands that in non-rotating formats old card will eventually get replaced by better or more synergistic new cards. That's not a problem. What upsets people is how fast and extreme that replacement has become.

Modern has gone from a format where you can play any card from 8th edition onwards to a format where you can play any card from War of the Spark onwards (with few hate cards in the sideboard from older sets).

Modern no longer feels like a format that draws from a significant part of magic's history - it feels like Extended + Modern Horizons/LOTR block constructed. And that change happened *very* fast.

That’s a result of making sets that rotate directly into Modern. It’s a combination of the higher power level (sets aimed at a Standard power level rotate at a slower rate into Modern) and designing cards specifically for the format (what we do when we design a set specifically for a format). I do hear from players that wish we didn’t design sets that rotated directly into Modern, but the fact that the top two selling sets of all time (The Lord of the Rings and Modern Horizons II, respectively) rotated into Modern does indicate a pretty big audience that wants it. That said, we have heard the complaints that the first two Modern Horizons were a bit too aggressive in displacing older cards, and Modern Horizons III is more aimed at enabling second tier decks rather than just making cards that are powerful in a vacuum.

Constructed Play Predictions

New 23 May 2024 Asked by bloodyqueerfrenchman 5 Comments

I was wondering how you design specifically for constructed 60 card formats. How do you predict whether a card sees constructed play?

First, play design does this, not me.Basically, they make educated guesses at the percentage chance of a card making it in Standard. They then make enough cards with enough chances that mathematically the cards will hit at the rate we’d like.

Extra Deck Mechanic Odds

New 20 May 2024 Asked by pallidpunkprincess 22 Comments

With the recent banning of stickers and attractions, do you think there will ever be an extra deck mechanic targeted at competitive constructed?

Anytime in the near future, unlikely.

Legacy Mechanics Concerns

New 14 May 2024 Asked by alphedge 18 Comments

The problems with sticker and attractions were extremely predictable and were pointed out by many people as soon as it was announced that they were legacy legal and I hope in future more thought will be put into the logistics of any similar mechanics that may appear in the future

The motive behind the decision was simple. Commander is a casual format, and Un-sets are our most casual product. We wanted players to have access to the cards that worked within the rules. All the wacky stuff was kept opt-in only. The only reason the cards were legal in eternal constructed formats is that’s the legality rule as set up by the people that run Commander. It was never our intent for the cards to be relevant in high-end tournament play. The deck construction rules for stickers and Attractions were designed to be high variance specifically to keep them out of tournaments. At every step in design, we changed mana costs to keep them from being high powered cards. If a card was questionable, we made it acorn. Obviously, we missed on one card. It was a common aimed at limited. That was our mistake. We missed on one card.I would love for there to be a way to have cards legal in Commander without having them be legal in eternal formats. We just aren’t the body that determines Commander legality.

Acorn Cards Stance

New 14 May 2024 Asked by dungeonmasterryan 10 Comments

Mark, is the banning of acorn cards today finally a concession that acorn/un/silver border cards are a mistake?

No. I think it’s important for Magic to keep pushing boundaries and trying new things. Stickers and Attractions were a problem in Legacy constructed events, so we removed them from those events. I have gotten a lot of positive feedback from players who are enjoying the cards in Commander.

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