Dimir (U/B)

Card Compatibility with Force of Will

New 27 Jul 2024 Asked by elmdormesdoram 7 Comments

One with Nothing is the strongest card in the game, but it has a huge problem: it can't be pitched to Force of Will! Can we have a version of that effect that costs U/B (hybrid)?

I don’t believe every card needs to be pitched to Force of Will. : )

Possible Rats in Bloomburrow

New 07 Jul 2024 Asked by jonpaulcardenas 7 Comments

So...... I love Rats and I love playing standard. I have a pet deck that I play when I don't care about winning, almost never, that is a standard rat tribal deck!! I was worried it would be competely unviable once Nashi, Nezumi prowler, and okiba reckoner gang left, but with Bloomburrow having Rats in it, I'm hoping I can pick up enough one drop Rat cards that can fill the open slots and some other Rat than can steal games like Nashi. The Rats staying in the format really want to be in an agro deck with some utiilty that can just steal games so any rat made for commander or more midrange doesn't help the deck be viable, unless there is a slew of new Rats that help fill out a different direction to VIABLY take the deck. Are there standard playable Rats in Bloomburrow? (I put on the restirction that all the cards have to be rat themed or removal, deck won't function without removal, so the pool of cards and directions to take the deck where you aren't actively trying to lose is a very small sliver of cards.)

The Rats are in blue/black, so the archetype is going to make sense for blue/black, which traditionally isn’t aggro.

White Card's Draw Flavor

New 05 Jul 2024 Asked by shadowman2099 35 Comments

"The flavor [for once per turn card draw] is white draws long, that is it sets up the proper condition and then gets rewarded with card draw over time. It’s slow, methodical card draw." My issue is that all colors have "once per turn" effects already. Heck, Dimir had a set theme's worth of it in OTJ with Committing a Crime cards, and some of those were even card draw. It feels less flavorful and more like a stopgap for card balance.

The goal is to make decisions that make sense for how that color needs to draw, not to create a situation that’s unlike other effects. In other words, the feel of gameplay trumps uniqueness.

Legacy and Future of Milling

New 03 Jul 2024 Asked by tmplar 11 Comments


Just learned in a podcast you're somewhat the "father" of the mill mechanic!
Was sad there was no new tools for dimir mill in MH3, are there any incoming for mill decks (not self-mill) in Duskmourne? The mechanic would be fitting with the setting...

I can’t talk to the future, but we will be doing more mill effects, even if I can’t say when or where.I should stress that I did not invent mill. Millstone, the first card to mill cards, was in Antiquities and was designed by the East Coast Playtesters (Skaff Elias, Jim Lin, Dave Petty, and Chris Page) with help from Joel Mick.I was a champion of milling and made a lot of cards with it.

Rats in Bloomburrow: Design Choices

New 01 Jul 2024 Asked by jericuboritox 2 Comments

Hey Mark! I'm one of the people really looking forward to learning more about Bloomburrow. I noticed that Rats are the Blue/Black archetype in Bloomburrow, even though I associate them a bit more with Black/Red, especially after Wilds of Eldraine last fall. Was making Rats be in Rakdos like they were in Eldraine ever considered? Or were they planned to be the Dimir archetype from the jump?

We talked about it, but liked them in blue/black better. We preferred not having Mouse (which was red/white) and Rat overlap in a color.

Raccoon, Rat and Lizard Coloration

New 01 Jul 2024 Asked by jjustin1379 1 Comments

Did you consider racoon u/b (sly raccoon) rat r/b lizard r/g?

No. Lizard and Raccoon happen long after Rat was cemented in blue/black. Also, Raccoons are core green, so blue/black is odd for them.

Blue's Connection with Rats

New 30 Jun 2024 Asked by jjustin1379 13 Comments

Flavorfully what is blue about rats?

In the anthropomorphic animal genre, they’re sneaky, manipulative, and underhanded. Classic blue/black.

Rationales for Rat Coloration

New 29 Jun 2024 Asked by lordshadowist 12 Comments

Why was rats in bloomburrow u/b? This makes it difficult to combine with the red support for rats in wilds of eldraine.

Wilds of Eldraine and Bloomburrow had different needs, so we overlapped Rats in black allowing you to play black/red Rats, blue/black Rats, or blue/black/red Rats.

Creature Stats and Color Allocation

New 29 Jun 2024 Asked by cyvoc 0 Comments

Hi Mark. I have a particular fondness for creatures with the stats 1/4 and the ability Flying. These creatures have always been in the Esper colors. That's why the Selesnya-colored "Congregation Gryff" stung my Magic heart. To me, this is a design flaw. Why is this creature partly green?

I don’t think white/blue/black has a lock on ¼ fliers. No color or sets of colors should have a lock on a combination of stats and abilities.

Card Color Query

New 16 Jun 2024 Asked by doopboopdoop 0 Comments

What colors would a card that said destroy target permanent or counter target spell be?

White/blue/black or black/green/blue.

Sylvan Library's Current Color

New 16 Jun 2024 Asked by zozocracked 3 Comments

Would Sylvan Library be black or blue-black today?

Blue/black is my opinion.

Gaming Joy Shared

New 26 May 2024 Asked by snarkatr0n 4 Comments

Happy birthday, Mark! I got into Magic with New Phyrexia's Intro deck, but Dark Ascension was the first new set I was around for. I remember for our first few games my brother thought Llanowar Elves searched the deck for a forest each turn. You can imagine I lost more often than not. Dimir is still my favourite color combo from that. Now I'm lucky enough to play magic with my partner of 9 years (today's our anniversary) and two of my dnd friends, and it's been a constant in my life

: )

Marit Lage Request

New 05 May 2024 Asked by livingaether 38 Comments

Hi Mark,I've always thought Marit Lage was a super cool character but sad we dont have her as a Legendary Creature that I can use her as a commander. Can I request that she get one someday? And since she has been associated with Black/Blue can she also be Dimir colored? Thank you for your time!

I assume we’ll make her one day as a creature card. I can’t promise you what colors she’ll be though.

Concerns over Unnecessary Colors

New 02 May 2024 Asked by j-waffles 41 Comments

Hey mark. Y’all in R&D infamously “avoid doing two-colour creatures which could be done in a single color”, like a creature with flying and vigilance, for example. I am not rehashing that argument, because I fully understand why the answer to that question is GB (although since vigilance is allowed in blue now that means that the UB option that was wrong at the time now is also a correct answer). That said, I do have some qualms with the premise of that question. We see multicolored cards that don’t need all their colors CONSTANTLY. Just in Thunder Junction, we got:- Wylie duke, which can be in white or green, and doesn’t need to be both- Vraska joins up, which can be done in mono green and doesn’t need black- Selvala, which can be done in mono green and doesn’t need white- Seraphic steed, which can be done in mono white and doesn’t need green- Rakdos joins up, which could be done in mono black and doesn’t need red- Miriam, which could be done in mono green and doesn’t need white- Marchesa, who can be done in blue or black, and doesn’t need to be both, and DEFINITELY doesn’t need red- Lilah, who could be done in red or blue and doesn’t need to be both- Jasper flint, who can be done in Black or red and doesn’t need to be both- Jem, who could be done in mono blue and doesn’t need white- Form a posse, which could be done in red or white and doesn’t need to be both- Breeches, who can be done in mono red and doesn’t need blue- At knifepoint, which could be done in mono red and doesn’t need black- Obeka, which could be dimir or izzet and doesn’t need to be grixis- Vihaan, who could be done in boros and doesn’t need black- Kirri, which could be in mono green, and doesn’t need red or white- Yuma, which could be done in mono green (and maybe mono red?) but definitely doesn’t need white- Olivia, which could be boros or rakdos and doesn’t need to be mardu- Pest control, which could be mono white and doesn’t need blackI don’t really know what I’m asking, but I just wanted to bring up that unnecessary colors appear on multicolored spells VERY frequently; and I wanted to know if you have any thoughts about this.

That’s why I say “we try” and not “we always do”. When a multicolor card doesn’t have abilities of two colors, we’ll tag it in the Council of Colors pass, and the lead designer will see if hey can find an elegant solution. It’s not a mandatory thing though, as it’s hard to do without making cards extra wordy and clunky. Again, that’s why I say “we try” to do it as it’s something we do when we can, but often don’t do.

Origami Mechanic Expansion

New 02 Apr 2024 Asked by peggle2speedrun 66 Comments

As much as I love the new 'Origami' mechanic, limited really gets to feel samey when every-other game ends when somebody folds their whole board into cranes to swing in. I know you cant say much... But with the keyword officially being evergreen moving forward, is there anything in the pipeline to encourage other play patterns?

Crane is just the white/blue archetype.Other options:Blue/black - Fortune TellerBlack/red - HatRed/green - SwanGreen/white - Lotus flowerWhite/black - ButterflyBlue/red - Water balloonBlack/green - Masu boxRed/white - HeartGreen/blue - Jumping frog

Swamps in Pie

New 26 Mar 2024 Asked by brazilnutdust 19 Comments

"Dakkon Blackblade is definitely a color pie break, right? Right?!?It’s a green ability on a white/blue/black card. : )"
This made me think of a related question. I know counting lands generally is core green, but is counting swamps still in pie for black? (ex: Nightmare, Mutilate, Cabal Coffers)

Yes, it’s still in pie for black.

Color Pie Breaks

New 25 Mar 2024 Asked by zombsidian 28 Comments

Dakkon Blackblade is definitely a color pie break, right? Right?!?

It’s a green ability on a white/blue/black card. : )

Game Zones Targeting

New 29 Feb 2024 Asked by rowanalpha 17 Comments

“Q) If zones of the game such as hands, graveyards, libraries, ect were considered by the rules to be a little bit more like objects and thus be able to be targeted directly do you think that would that open up design space for y’all or limit it? A) It doesn’t open up much design space.”Interestingly, a library could be targeted for a time (See - Circu, Dimir Lobotomist), but the ability has since been errata’d to “target player’s library” on every card that did except Nerf War.

Un-cards definitely can (and have) targeted libraries. The main rules have moved away from it.

Surveil Mechanic Usage

New 27 Jan 2024 Asked by vedalkensamurai 39 Comments

If you make another faction set on Ravnica, would you avoid using surveil on non-Dimir cards since it was a Dimir keyword originally, or would it be available to all guilds since it's evergreen now?

It’s available to all as it’s evergreen.

Common Boardwipe Rules

New 18 Jan 2024 Asked by lavilledieu 22 Comments

Midweek magic on arena gave us a temporary historic pauper queue. I wanted to try out a classic dimir control deck but could not find something crucial to control decks, namely, a boardwipe. What is holding design back to print weird weak boardwipes like Taste of Death or Aetherize at common?

One of our rules about common cards is we try not to make 2 for 1’s.

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