
Future Golgari Card

New 25 Jul 2024 Asked by visioncrown 8 Comments

serra sphinx is one thing, but when are we getting that golgari 5 mana 4/4 flying vigilance?

I have faith it will eventually happen.

Blue Serra Angel Reprint

New 25 Jul 2024 Asked by badgerbattalion 32 Comments

Hey Maro,If/when functional reprint of Serra angel into blue with a relevant creature type. Just realized now that blue has vigilance and flying.

Been there done that. (Okay, it was Planar Chaos, but we could reprint it.)

Color Abilities Evolution

New 24 Jul 2024 Asked by ge-hi 8 Comments

Are there any examples of things that were once considered bends for colors that are now just something those colors can do?

The color pie evolves over time, so yes. For example, vigilance in blue was once a bend and is now a regular ability.

Keyword Counter vs Non-Counter

New 16 Jul 2024 Asked by haveasmileitsonme 2 Comments

Can the Rules distinguish between when a card has a keyword counter on it versus having the keyword not from a counter? E.g., Creatures you control with Flying Counters on them also have Vigilance.

Yes, I believe the rules can, much like it can care about a card having a +1/+1 counter.

Parkour Implemented in Magic

New 23 Jun 2024 Asked by riptidecrab 3 Comments

I was imagining how parkour might be implemented in Magic and thought this might be interesting: "Parkour - This creature cannot be blocked by creatures with defender or vigilance." Do you think there's some benefit to giving vigilance creatures a little conditional drawback?

Punishing an evergreen keyword is allowed. I don’t get the flavor.

Keyword counters' permanence effect

New 05 Jun 2024 Asked by zombsidian 2 Comments

Why do [keyword] counters function as pseudo permanent keywords on a creature instead of having a unique ability to each [keyword] counter?ie (creature with [vigilance] counter has vigilance until they block another creature, then they lose 1 [vigilance] counter) or something like that?

+1/+1 (and -1/-1 ) counters permanently change a creature’s power/toughness and that’s the most commonly used counters on creatures.

Color Flexibility Explanation

New 22 May 2024 Asked by makesasound 6 Comments

Mark, I recently went back and listened to your podcast, "Five Requests I Refuse" and appreciated your points about why you can't let every color do whatever the players might ask for. I get it: limiting each color keeps its identity distinct and gives other colors ways to win against it.But that raises the opposite question: why do the colors overlap as much as they do? Vigilance is available to green, white, and blue. Lifegain is in green, white, and (sometimes) black. Prowess is in blue, red, and white. Most colors get access to some form of creature removal. Ditto card draw (although with different conditions).

I get why the colors have to be as distinct as they are. Why shouldn't they be *more* distinct?

Because we have a lot of Magic cards to make and we need the flexibility to make them feel different from one another.

Mechanical Color Bending

New 19 May 2024 Asked by notmakingablog71 15 Comments

Is experimental synthesizer a bend or a break since the token it makes has vigilance?

It’s a bend as red doesn’t get vigilance, but it’s not undermining Red’s weakness.

Color Pie Article Update

New 08 May 2024 Asked by krobat 18 Comments

Will we be getting another mechanical color pie article that covers recent changes like vigilance in blue?

Eventually, but I have to build up enough changes first. I expect to update it every four years or so.

Concerns over Unnecessary Colors

New 02 May 2024 Asked by j-waffles 41 Comments

Hey mark. Y’all in R&D infamously “avoid doing two-colour creatures which could be done in a single color”, like a creature with flying and vigilance, for example. I am not rehashing that argument, because I fully understand why the answer to that question is GB (although since vigilance is allowed in blue now that means that the UB option that was wrong at the time now is also a correct answer). That said, I do have some qualms with the premise of that question. We see multicolored cards that don’t need all their colors CONSTANTLY. Just in Thunder Junction, we got:- Wylie duke, which can be in white or green, and doesn’t need to be both- Vraska joins up, which can be done in mono green and doesn’t need black- Selvala, which can be done in mono green and doesn’t need white- Seraphic steed, which can be done in mono white and doesn’t need green- Rakdos joins up, which could be done in mono black and doesn’t need red- Miriam, which could be done in mono green and doesn’t need white- Marchesa, who can be done in blue or black, and doesn’t need to be both, and DEFINITELY doesn’t need red- Lilah, who could be done in red or blue and doesn’t need to be both- Jasper flint, who can be done in Black or red and doesn’t need to be both- Jem, who could be done in mono blue and doesn’t need white- Form a posse, which could be done in red or white and doesn’t need to be both- Breeches, who can be done in mono red and doesn’t need blue- At knifepoint, which could be done in mono red and doesn’t need black- Obeka, which could be dimir or izzet and doesn’t need to be grixis- Vihaan, who could be done in boros and doesn’t need black- Kirri, which could be in mono green, and doesn’t need red or white- Yuma, which could be done in mono green (and maybe mono red?) but definitely doesn’t need white- Olivia, which could be boros or rakdos and doesn’t need to be mardu- Pest control, which could be mono white and doesn’t need blackI don’t really know what I’m asking, but I just wanted to bring up that unnecessary colors appear on multicolored spells VERY frequently; and I wanted to know if you have any thoughts about this.

That’s why I say “we try” and not “we always do”. When a multicolor card doesn’t have abilities of two colors, we’ll tag it in the Council of Colors pass, and the lead designer will see if hey can find an elegant solution. It’s not a mandatory thing though, as it’s hard to do without making cards extra wordy and clunky. Again, that’s why I say “we try” to do it as it’s something we do when we can, but often don’t do.

Color Access to Vigilance

New 29 Apr 2024 Asked by jonscreenshow 35 Comments

I just watched the Good Mlrning Magic episode on Blue getting access to Vigilance. I've always felt like White makes a better choice as Haste's Tirtiary color than Black. My reasoning is that if you mix them both with Red, you get different playstyles. White/Red feels far more aggro compared to Black/Red. How do you feel about mono white Haste?

We try to keep aggro red and white off each other. Also, the reason haste is secondary in black is we need it for some reanimation effects.

Raggadragga's Unique Mechanic

New 10 Apr 2024 Asked by jirachibi2550 43 Comments

Is there a reason Raggadragga says "If a creature you control with a mana ability attacks, untap it" and not "Creatures with mana abilities you control have vigilance"?

If you grant vigilance as an attack trigger, it doesn’t functionally do anything. You just have a tapped creature with vigilance as the creature had to tap to attack (before that vigilance granting happens).

Symbols on Cards?

New 07 Apr 2024 Asked by earthunyielding 31 Comments

Could we revisit the idea of symbols on cards? I don't mean replacing keywords with symbols; I mean including symbols in addition to the keyword (ex. Vigilance {V}, {V} being the symbol used in Arena and on counters for Vigilance). If used often enough for basic, evergreen keywords, it would allow punchout tokens without text on them due to the card itself providing the symbol for the effect and would allow understandability of evergreen effects between languages.

It’s something we’ve talked about numerous times, and have, so far, decided against.

Blue's Vigilance Question

New 15 Mar 2024 Asked by jjustin1379 30 Comments

Why does blue need vigilance so badly? It went from none to a lot in the design skeleton more so than mechanics blue has had for years. Why not just use when this creature attacks untap it?

It’s just simpler to use vigilance. We also are more willing to have a third color have evergreen keywords.

Naming Vigilance

New 12 Mar 2024 Asked by trifas 40 Comments

How many words were tried for naming Vigilance?

Many. It took a while to find the right word. There simply wasn’t a word that intuitively conveyed “doesn’t tap to attack” as there is not a clean real world way to flavor it.

Tracking Color Pie Changes

New 04 Mar 2024 Asked by thetitan555 22 Comments

Thank you for the Nuts & Bolts article! My group has been eagerly awaiting its release. You mentioned that vigilance has started to appear in blue more often: how can we keep up with changes like this outside of a Nuts & Bolts article? It's difficult to get an idea for, say, how many first strikes at common White gets through spoiler lists.

There isn’t a lot of places to get the information which is why I do the “Nuts & Bolts” articles. I do update my color pie article every four years or so.

Vigilance in Red

New 18 Jan 2024 Asked by lover-in-blue-deactivated202404 16 Comments

Dog Walker's disguise cost allows you to play a 3/1 vigilance creature for RR; Is this just a one-time bend for the sake of playability, or is R&D experimenting with vigilant red X/1s?

You still have to pay the disguise cost, so it’s not a 2-drop.

Exert Mechanic Insight

New 18 Nov 2023 Asked by mgmegadog 48 Comments

Just want to say that, as a fan of exert and Amonkhet block limited, I'm very glad you aren't considering changing it to use stun counters. The block had lots of built in ways to untap creatures or give them vigilance to get around exert, which would interact completely differently with stun counters. Significant functional errata is something to avoid regardless, but I think it's a particularly bad idea to make such errata in a way that would completely change the mechanic's own limited format.

It changes things more than I think most people think it would.

Red Vigilance Bend

New 19 Oct 2023 Asked by thetitan555 26 Comments

How is vigilance in red a bend? Red doesn't get to play both aggressively and defensively, it has to choose whether to bolt face or an attacking creature.

I don’t think we would put vigilance on a red creature. The issue at hand was there was only one 2/2 Knight creature token and we decided to allow the bend so Red could create a Samurai. It’s not the kind of thing we do often.

Red Vigilance Case

New 19 Oct 2023 Asked by thetitan555 19 Comments

Is Experimental Synthesizer a break? Red doesn't get Vigilance, yet the token it makes has it.

It’s more bend than break.

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