
Trivia on 'Love Song of Night and Day'

New 19 Jul 2024 Asked by mistymountainsgay 6 Comments

Before my birthday is over, I would love to invoke my right of trivia!Anything about my favorite part of Magic's world, the Love Song of Night and Day? Or if not, Mirage in general? (I fell in love with Magic when I found my parents' old collection of Mirage and 4th Edition, making me probably the youngest grumpy old magic player to ever shake their fist at these new confangled planeswalker cards)

The Love Song of Night and Day was a poem written by Jenny Scott when she was an editor on Magic. Pieces of it were used on flavor text in Mirage block. I would later read the poem at a wedding at a Magic Grand Prix. We would also eventually making a Saga that referenced it.Happy Birthday!

Blogatog World Card Ideas

New 16 Jul 2024 Asked by bardakus 4 Comments

For Blogatog world, I would pitch a 'Question Mark' (presumably a creature), 'Explanation Point', 'Tale from the Pit' (presumably a saga), 'Short list' (a permanent with some way of putting "suggestions" onto it)

: )

Phase Naming Principles

New 11 Jul 2024 Asked by aalgot 4 Comments

“Postcombat main phase” is a mouthful. But if you have topsy turvy then these two things aren’t equivalent. And neither are “at the beginning of your precombat main phase” and the weird “after your draw phase” thing that sagas do.

The names don’t change their order even with Topsy Turvy.

Ravnica vs Bloomburrow

New 10 Jul 2024 Asked by jambrose 6 Comments

Can I please request that we replace Ravnica with Bloomburrow as the go to two-color plane. I don't think I've been this excited for a magic set since the end of the weatherlight saga? Maybe Shadowmoor/Eventide?

I know its fleeting and we have a lot I'm going to dislike next year so I'm going to enjoy the heck out of this set. But PLEASE consider making this a soon return.

Success breeds repetition.

Talking About Unrealized UBs

New 27 Jun 2024 Asked by shiggymegamitiggy 6 Comments

I find it very interesting when you mention "what could have been"s in Magic, such as your plan for the Weatherlight Saga or the Past-Present-Future block. Are you prohibited from talking about "what could have been" UB's? Is there a time limit where once it's been long enough, it's okay to talk about UB's that fell through?

Universes Beyond involve people/companies outside of Wizards, so that’s off limits for me to talk about.

Artifact 'Greatest Show' Rationale

New 21 Jun 2024 Asked by woihtmmd 21 Comments

Why is Greatest Show in the Multiverse an artifact?

Art ratio.Okay, you probably need more than that. When we assigned the art for Greatest Show in the Multiverse we assigned it like a Saga (aka long and thin). What we hadn’t thought through was that the card was initially a colorless enchantment (as we wanted all decks to have access to it). Why would that matter?Well, it turns out the way colorless frames work is they are full card illustrations and then peek through the frame.

See how you can see art through the text box? That means any colorless art assignment has to have a different art ratio, one that fits a whole Magic card.We didn’t realize this until we went to build the frames. The art for The Greatest Show in the Multiverse was amazing, but it didn’t fit the needs for the colorless frame. It was too late to recommission it, and we really liked it, so we looked into ways to keep the existing art.I still wanted it to be colorless, so the only solution we could come up with was to make it an artifact in addition to an enchantment (Sagas are an enchantment subtype). The art was of a poster, an object, so I felt it was something we could accept. It still needed a new frame built, but we could keep the art ratio.This story is a great lesson about how details matter and you sometimes have to get creative to problem solve.

Perception on Commanders' Strength

New 20 Jun 2024 Asked by j-waffles 56 Comments

Hey mark, long time reader, also long time asker. I like a challenge when deckbuilding. When I first found out about your psychographics, I thought “woah! it even have the same name as me!” (John). Commander helps tickle that itch for me, because I can start off with a dumb premise and try to make that concept as best I can, and since it’s not a competitive format, I know that there will always be SOMEONE with a deck on a similar power level, however bad that terrible deck idea ends up being.This brings me to a qualm that I personally have, and have seen purely anecdotal evidence that other people have too.It feels kinda lame when you guys make a commander that’s just “this is the best commander for X”. More and more we’re getting legends where they’re just the *correct* choice. If I want to build a sultai graveyard deck, Muldrotha is the answer. Nothing tops it, and I doubt anything every will top it. And that’s just one archetype. 5 color sagas? Bombadil. Snow? Jorn and Isu. Flash tribal? Nymris. Sure there are other cards that can be the commander, but you can say that about anything. Sure, I COULD make a Rakdos exile deck with Pavel Maliki in the command zone, but that’s just objectively wrong. The commander is always gonna be prosper. My point is that it’s getting harder and harder to say “how do I make this work” when you’re just handing us the blueprints and all the parts with a step by step instruction booklet on what to do.To be fair, many archetypes have so much innate complexity to them and have reached a critical mass of options where it’s impossible to tell what the “best” option is, as there are so many different facets and roads to go down. Orzhov aristocrats and mono-green stompy are easy examples.But the fact that it isn’t always the case doesn’t change the fact that happens a lot. I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels this way, but I’m also sure that if it was a majority opinion in the community y’all wouldn’t be doing it this much. I just want to know if you have anything to say about this perception that I and many others hold. Thank you for all you do in magic, I hope you respond.

One of the most common requests I get here on the blog is “make this color combination Commander for this particular theme”. Eventually, for some of them, we find an opportunity to make it. We don’t know when that opportunity will arise again. We shouldn’t try to make the best Commander we can for that slot? If it’s too weak, players will just complain and ask we make another one. The reality is a lot of players want prescriptive answers, and there’s no way to make them for the players that want them and not for the players that don’t. The idea is that players who want to do something different have access to the history of Magic to find less obvious answers.

Evolution of Upkeep

New 18 Jun 2024 Asked by dabudder 0 Comments

This is going to sound like a completely deranged question, but I hope you can see what I’m trying to say here.

Is the upkeep dying?

Not, of course, that the upkeep will ever be removed. nor that it will ever stop seeing use. See the popularity of the new obeka. But it seems like this idea of an ‘upkeep’ has slowly adjusted to precombat main, catalyzed primarily with the prevalence and general enjoyment of sagas in modern mtg. Do you think this is just a swing of the pendulum, or a permanent trend towards simplification of magics information tracking.

It is a change, but it’s more an evolution than a simplification. Upkeep costs haven’t been a major thing in decades.

Dropping Reminder Text from Sagas

New 07 Jun 2024 Asked by lotsofpeoplehavequestions 15 Comments

When/if: Dropping the "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after [...])" reminder text from Sagas (e.g., for space to add flavor text, or an applicable existing keyword).

We like cards to tell you what they do as much as we can.

Powerful Sagas in Design

New 05 Jun 2024 Asked by meletis-astronomer 6 Comments

Speaking purely about power level, do you think the strength of Fable of the Mirror Breaker has made set design more wary about sagas?

No. We have powerful cards in many card supertypes, types and subtypes. It doesn’t make wary about designing that supertype, type or subtype.

Upkeep Step Placement

New 02 Jun 2024 Asked by kilo-pascal 21 Comments

Do you feel that the upkeep step works where it is in the turn structure? I really like how sagas trigger, after the draw step. It doesn't feel likely, but could the upkeep ever be moved?

I don’t think we’ll move it. We do use beginning of first main phase a lot.

Creatures or Tokens in Sagas

New 01 Jun 2024 Asked by singerofw 36 Comments

Assuming both options are equally valid in a given set, would you rather have a Saga that flips into a creature or a Saga that makes a unique token on the final chapter?

Double-faced cards (which I assume is what you meant as flip cards couldn’t possibly work on a Saga) allow more design freedom as we’re much more limited what text we can put on a token, but DFCs have larger logistical and production issues, so there will be sets where it isn’t an option, and tokens are what we would do.Basically, both are good, but have different limitations, so it depends what other things your set is doing.

Problems with Dryad Arbor

New 30 May 2024 Asked by trifas 23 Comments

What's a problem that Dryad Arbor causes that Urza's Saga doesn't?

It’s a land and a creature in all zones.

Tamiyo and Sagas Concept

New 29 May 2024 Asked by angel-of-algebra 26 Comments

Hi Mark, Tamiyo is my favourite character in magic and I'm very happy to see her new card in MH3. I'm curious if there was ever a time the design team (on any set) considered a card for her that cared about Sagas? It seems like an obvious direction for her, lore-wise.

It’s come up.

Lore and Fan Card

New 26 May 2024 Asked by dalenthas 6 Comments

Happy birthday Mark! Inverse birthday trivia! Arna Kennerüd, a sky knight quoted in a bunch of flavor texts from Ice Age and Alliances, was the first Magic lore character I designed a fan card for when I was real young. They finally get a real card nearly 30 years later in MH3!Also, I want to thank you personally for The Weatherlight Saga, where my love for Magic's lore truly blossomed.


Powercreep Perspective

New 23 May 2024 Asked by pantswithoutlegholes 22 Comments

RE: powercreep. i find it odd that people think cards are getting too strong when many of the best cards are still those from the original set. not even just the moxen and black lotus, cards like lightning bolt have simply never been outclassed and still see play in the most powerful formats.

I asked R&D what was the most powerful card I ever designed. As a group, they agreed Tinker. That came out in Urza’s Saga back in 1998, which means I designed it in 1996 or 1997. I’ve been designing Magic cards for twenty-nine years, and my most powerful one was designed just under thirty years ago. : )

DFC History Correction

New 22 May 2024 Asked by allhailklisz 5 Comments

Hello! I just wanted to make a slight correction to yesterday's Making Magic article and its history of DFCs - you refer to Huatli, Poet of Unity as "the first creature that transformed into a Saga", but March of the Machine's Praetors formed an entire cycle of those.

Yes, I missed it.

Neon Dynasty Design Origins

New 09 May 2024 Asked by jirachibi2550 9 Comments

So you've said before that Neon Dynasty started, correct me if im wrong, without Ninjitsu or Samurai and more of a focus on Auras and Sagas vs Vehicles and Equipment, with Ninja and Samurai being the commander decks. How far along did those come? I've heard people say Isshin and Satoru were the precon face commanders and were put into the set instead? Is that true? :)

Ninjutsu wasn’t in the vision design handoff with plans of it being a focus of a Ninja Commander deck, but that’s the only thing you stated that I actually said.

Subtype Absence

New 02 May 2024 Asked by thunderweb 27 Comments

Is there a term for these type of cards? "(Type) cards that don't have any (type) subtype"- creature cards without any creature subtype (such as "Go-Shintai of X", Legendary Enchantment Creatures - Shrine)- artifact cards without any artifact subtypes (such as "Greatest Show in the Multiverse", an Artifact Enchantment - Saga)- other type of cards without respective subtypes (such as "The Wanderer" for Planeswalker, "Evolving Wilds" for Land, "Lightning Bolt" for Instant, etc.)

There is not a term for it, as it’s not something we need to talk about in design.

Cauldron Dance Card Background

New 01 May 2024 Asked by arcanistlupus 30 Comments

Invoking the sacred rite of birthday trivia, do you have any trivia about Cauldron Dance? It's always been my favorite reanimation spell.

One of the things I enjoy is taking two effects that reflect one another on some vector. I had made Sneak Attack in Urza’s Saga and numerous one shot reanimation spells. I realized if I made the Sneak Attack effect return to hand at end of turn instead of sacrificing it, the two effects would put a creature from that zone on the battlefield with haste and then, at end of turn, return them to the zone it came from.Happy Birthday!

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