
Trivia About Devotion Mechanic

New 26 Jul 2024 Asked by junejulyaugustdecember 7 Comments

Hi Mark! It was my birthday recently :) do you have any fun trivia about the Devotion mechanic?

The devotion mechanic was the redoing of chroma, an ability that first appeared (unnamed) in Future Sight and then (named) in Eventide. Aaron Forsythe originally pitched chroma on a single card in Future Sight, but I held it back because I thought it was a whole mechanic. We had high hopes for chroma, but the audience wasn’t too excited by it. Then when we were making original Theros, we needed a mechanic showing a connection to the Gods, and design team member Zac Hill pitched bring back chroma. We cleaned it up (now only caring about the mana cost of permanents on the battlefield) and renamed it, and it went on to be a beloved mechanic. It goes to show how much execution of a mechanic matters. Happy Birthday!

Best Shadowmoor Draft Format

New 11 Jul 2024 Asked by szwanger 1 Comments

Which do you consider the best draft format from this group: all Shadowmoor, Shadowmoor/Eventide (Shadowmoor first), Shadowmoor/Eventide (Eventide first), or all Eventide?

All Shadowmoor. It’s one of my all-time favorite draft environments.

Ravnica vs Bloomburrow

New 10 Jul 2024 Asked by jambrose 6 Comments

Can I please request that we replace Ravnica with Bloomburrow as the go to two-color plane. I don't think I've been this excited for a magic set since the end of the weatherlight saga? Maybe Shadowmoor/Eventide?

I know its fleeting and we have a lot I'm going to dislike next year so I'm going to enjoy the heck out of this set. But PLEASE consider making this a soon return.

Success breeds repetition.

Monocolor Set Features

New 27 May 2024 Asked by zbaschtian 5 Comments

If/(foreseeable future)When: New Monocolored Matters set. I know you already did this with Morningtide/Eventide, and I don't consider Adamant or Devotion to lead to the gameplay patterns we're discussing. Most likely hybrid, colorless, cycling and/or DFC/Split Card focused to support limited.

When for sets with monocolor themes. I’m not quite sure what you want if devotion doesn’t count.

Rhys the Redeemed Trivia

New 07 May 2024 Asked by barracius 29 Comments

Hi Mark! It's my birthday! I hereby invoke the sacred rite of Blogatog Birthday Trivia! What is some awesome and preferably previously untold trivia about Rhys the Redeemed? (I think one story you told was about how the card came from experiments of "how do we make a 1 mana legendary creature," so I guess something beyond that)

The Lorwyn/Shadowmoor block was a bout a world that completely changes, so most legendary creatures in Shadowmoor (and Eventide) were new versions of characters you’d already seen on a card in Lorwyn (and Morningtide). The Elves were black and green on Lorwyn and green and white on Shadowmoor. We wanted both Rhys cards to play in the same deck, so we made both castable in a monogreen deck, but then game them elements that showed their second color. As Shadowmoor’s main theme was hybrid, that was the tool we used for Rhys the Redeemed.Rhys the Redeemed’s first ability was aimed towards an Elf deck, something we expected in limited and constructed. The second ability was grander in scale and encouraged a different style of deck, although one that would still work in just the Elf deck.Happy Birthday!

Eventide Changes

New 15 Aug 2023 Asked by stormtide-leviathan 19 Comments

What would you want to change about eventide, if you redid it?

It would be a number of things. There’s not a simple fix.

Remaking Previous Sets

New 15 Aug 2023 Asked by wildcardgamez 24 Comments

Have you guys ever considered remaking a set? Like take a good look at where you went wrong, where you went right, and make the set again? Cards would probably need name changes but what's stopping you from making some kind of "Eventide Re-Imagined" set?

The isn’t a big market for it.

Revisiting Older Sets

New 15 Aug 2023 Asked by delightfullyeducationall 76 Comments

Blown away by your willingness to answer so many questions, so here's one: What's an old set that you wish you could take another crack at, and why is it Fallen Empires?

Unhinged is actually my first pick. Eventide is my second.

Return to Lorwyn Scope

New 06 Jul 2023 Asked by thewhitespirit 103 Comments

Hi Mark :D I'm reading a lot of questions about a "return to Lorwyn", but does this include the Shadowmoor+Eventide (loved it sooo much !!) set in the discussion, or just the Lorwyn+Morningtide part ?

Let’s ask. Would a return to Lorwyn include Shadowmoor?

Card by Card Requests

New 14 Jun 2023 Asked by yawgmothlives 27 Comments

Hi Mark!
I noticed you haven’t done a card by card episode since around episode 838 and I was recently listening to your card by card podcasts on Lorwyn and Morningtide. Shadowmoor and Eventide were my favorite sets and I would love for you to finish off the block. Can I request maybe a card by card of both of those sets in the near future?
Thanks for doing the drive to work! I know it’s a project of passion! Hope all is well with you!

I literally did a two-part one last Friday.Part 1:

Lorwyn Noggles Trivia

New 30 Apr 2023 Asked by bartholious 66 Comments

How about some birthday trivia about the noggles of Lorwyn/Shadowmoor?

When making Eventide, the creative team needed creatures that made sense being enemy colors, so they turned to Celtic mythology. R&D liked to joke about Noggles because one of the designers was Ken Nagle. Happy Birthday!

Shadowmoor Draft Feedback

New 06 Apr 2023 Asked by delicateturtleangel 39 Comments

Hi Mark, I often see you mentioning that Shadowmoor/Eventide was made to be drafted mono-color and that many people didn't get that. I would like add that the messaging really didn't help. Despite being playable with only one color of mana (and having hybrids cards that fulfilled both conditions), way too many cards used two color words on them: Duos, Lieges, Mimics, Hatchling, Auras and a sprinkle of uncycled rares and uncommon.There were even cards that actually required you to be 2-colors to optimize: Witches, Hedge-Mages, "If M was spent do X, if N was spent do Y" spells and a least an uncycled rare, making it so "mono-colored" decks usually ran a decent ammount of off-colored lands. Hybrid meaning you could afford doing it without getting in trouble. For instance, 11 White cards, 12 hybrid UW, 10 Plains and 7 Islands for a single copy of Repel the Intruders or Mistmeadow Witch.While there are a bunch of cards encouraging to play a single color of spells, Initiates, Cohorts, Mentors, */* creatures, untappers, Chromas and other uncycled cards, only the "land-counting" cycle penalyzed for those "splashes".If you had to do it again, would you make more card that incentive playing lands of only one type?

Playing two colors was an option. It was just the set that made it easiest to play one color.

Vorthos Character Naming

New 24 Dec 2022 Asked by quadruptytch 22 Comments

Another Vorthos, Steward of Myth Question: Does 'The Seer' from The Seer's Parables which is quoted in all of the Shadowmoor/Eventide spirit avatars count as a character which can be named? Also, the lore article for The Seer's Parables is not migrated, sadly. Thanks, Mark, and have a good Christmas.


Eventide Retrace Cards

New 31 Aug 2022 Asked by wastedsunsete 39 Comments

There are four rare 2 color Retrace cards in Eventide, one in every enemy pair except Orzhov. Was there ever an Orzhov member of this cycle? I couldn't find a proper answer for this anywhere on the internet, so I figured I'd ask.

Most likely what happened is each got made in a vacuum and no one noticed that it was an almost complete cycle, because it was never designed as a cycle, just four cards made independently.

Eventide Trivia Request

New 04 Jun 2022 Asked by jozogozo 46 Comments

Hello Mark! As today is my birthday, I would like to request some trivia on my favorite set artistically, Eventide. Thanks!

Eventide is the only set in my history as Head Designer where I offered someone the job of lead designer for a set and they turned me down (technically, they accepted, had second thoughts, and then turned me down). Not having another good candidate that was free to do it, I ended up leading the design for the set. (This predated vision design/set design/play design, back when it was design/development.) Happy Birthday!

Critiquing Eventide Set

New 10 Apr 2022 Asked by deathworld12 30 Comments

Why didnt you like how eventide ended up? It is a cool unique sets full of cool gimmicks.

There are elements I liked, but there are a lot of structural mistakes. For example, we managed to make devotion unlovable.

Structural Mistakes in Ixalan

New 10 Apr 2022 Asked by alexanderkrizak 27 Comments

I’ve seen your reasons before for why you wouldn’t be proud as a whole of Unhinged, Eventide, or Battle for Zendikar, but I don’t think I’ve seen your reasons for Ixalan. Card to elaborate (or link to where you’ve elaborated before)?

I just made a lot of structural mistakes. Not having glue in a creature matters set, for example, is a huge mistake.

Uncertainty Over Certain Designs

New 09 Apr 2022 Asked by exclusionmage 82 Comments

Hearing you say you are proud of Ikoria after talking about all of its flaws made me think of a possibly awkward question: Is there any set you've worked on that you can outright say you're not proud of?

Sets I led/co-led I’m not particularly proud of (as a whole, there are elements/cards I am proud of):UnhingedEventideBattle for ZendikarIxalan

Return to Lorwyn/Shadowmoor

New 19 Jan 2022 Asked by snowden-is-cold 106 Comments

Out of curiosity, what would be a high level approach for a return to Lorwyn/Shadowmoor? Integrating Shadowmoor doesn't seem to be too much of an issue with just using a bit more hybrid and adding Scarecrows as a tribe. However, Eventide seems a bit harder. It has notable amounts of Dwarves, Noggles, Hags and Spirits as half the creatures aren't the eight Lorwyn tribes. Would they just go the way of the Surrakar even they take up a notable amount of one set?

I have a real cool idea how to return to Lorwyn/Shadowmoor, but I don’t want to share it here because I hope to actually do it one day and want you guys to be surprised if I manage to pull it off.

Trivia on Shadowmoor/Eventide

New 16 Nov 2021 Asked by road-kill-cafe 41 Comments

Hi Mr. Rosewater! It’s my birthday and my favorite block is Shadowmoor/Eventide, could I request some trivia about either of those sets please?

I believe Shadowmoor has the record for the most unique types of mana symbols in it. Happy Birthday!

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