
Weatherlight Saga Original Vision

New 06 Feb 2024 Asked by ultwarrior 50 Comments

Invoking the hallowed and ancient rite of birthday trivia, I was wondering if there was anything new you could share about your original vision for the end of the Weatherlight Saga? Failing that, is there a villain in Magic's past that you personally would like to see return?

Our original pitch was for a three-year story (with the idea that we’d tell more stories; this was the first story arc). Year one was Rath. It mostly matched with what happen save Crovax going evil and killing Mirri.Year two was Mercadia. A completely different story, and a very different world from what was made.Year three was Dominaria, but in the future. The crew returned to warn Dominaria about the upcoming Phyrexian invasion only to learn the portal they traveled through sent through time and the Phyrexians have already taken over Dominaria. The crew is able to defeat both the Phyrexians (using the hourglass pendant to rewind time) and Volrath who is aboard the ship disguised as Tahngarth.Happy Birthday!

Unrules Token Names

New 05 Oct 2023 Asked by jimmycomments 29 Comments

Hi Mark - unrules question! Once you put Claire D'Loon on the battlefield, do token names (often creature types) become card names for the purposes of things like Psychic Paper? If I use Volrath's Laboratory to create a Pangolin token, can I use Psychic Paper alongside Claire D'Loon to rename one of my creatures "Pangolin"?


Graveyard Order History

New 12 Jun 2023 Asked by judge-natedogg 39 Comments

Tempest Block was indeed the last block to print cards that cared about graveyard order - Tempest had Corpse Dance and Phyrexian Grimoire, and Stronghold had Volrath's Shapeshifter (Exodus did not have any).

That was my memory.

Slivers Without Planeswalking

New 04 Jun 2023 Asked by born-hurt 40 Comments

If Slivers have been found on Shandalar, Dominaria, Rath, and at least 1 other plane, is it reasonable to assume that there was at one time a planeswalking sliver? And if so, would that mean all slivers at that time were planeswalkers?

Volrath, through a portal, discovered Slivers (we’ve never said from what plane) and brought them to Rath. They then made their way to Dominaria when Rath got overlaid. So, no planeswalking Sliver responsible.

Vuel to Volrath

New 05 Apr 2023 Asked by blazinjsin 43 Comments

If or when - a card for Vuel before he became Volrath?

I’d like to believe when, but probably if.

Favorite Evincar

New 12 Dec 2022 Asked by saoirseeker 39 Comments

Lore-wise, who is your favorite evincar of Rath: Crovax or Volrath?

Volrath. I believe Crovax never should have had that role.

Naming Characters

New 21 Sep 2022 Asked by iamthespineofmybook 44 Comments

All these Vorthos questions are getting a bit silly. Naming "Vol" won't get you Volrath, it'd get you Sarkhan Vol, since Vol is his given name (Sarkhan is technically his title, given to him by Bolas, then claimed for himself later).

Naming Vuel will get your Volrath though. (That’s his original name.)

Volrath Character Trivia

New 06 Mar 2022 Asked by trash-not-garbage 47 Comments

Yay finally get to ask my birthday trivia! Inspired by my newest commander I'd love some facts on Volrath!

Volrath gets his name because he is Vuel (his birth name) of Rath. Volrath was our first name for him. We almost changed his name though because Volrath is the name of a faucet maker. Happy Birthday!

Slivers' Existence in Different Planes

New 02 Mar 2022 Asked by lunis-j 33 Comments

Hi Mark! It’s my birthday today! And I have a question for you. Are slivers only found on dominaria, or are they on other planes as well, and if so, how did they get there?

Slivers have been seen on Rath, Dominaria and Shandalar. (Rath has since been overlaid on Dominaria). We know Volrath got the Slivers from an unknown plane that is not any of those three.

Green and Red Colour Versions

New 24 Feb 2022 Asked by evscfa1 40 Comments

If or when, red and green versions of Hall of Heliod's Generosity, Volrath's Stronghold, and Academy Ruins?

Volrath’s Stronghold is already part of another cycle - the awesomely named Mega Mega Cycle:https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/arcana/mega-mega-cycle-2005-10-19

Desire for More Phyrexian Creatures

New 07 Jan 2022 Asked by weebos 25 Comments

There are actually only two 3-color Phyrexian creatures post errata: Volrath in UBG and Ertai in WUB. I would love to see more.


Origin of Favorite Card Queries

New 01 Dec 2021 Asked by sinkingtime 32 Comments

So, I've seen people sometimes ask you for a favourite card "of the day". Can i ask how that started? Also, favourite legendary artifact today?

People often ask for my favorite card, and I always respond how hard it is to pick which of your darlings you love most, so I say it changes day to day. My favorite legendary artifact today is Mindslaver. I originally made it for Tempest (for the card Volrath’s Helm), but it got killed for rules reasons. When I made original Mirrodin, I wanted some novel artifacts, so I went to the then Rules Manager and he was able to make it work.

Silver versus Black Bordered Cards

New 10 Jul 2021 Asked by bassimelwakil 138 Comments

After looking at the responses to my “set with both silver and black bordered cards” ask, I genuinely think the nay-sayers never saw or played with Unstable. The three main mechanics of the set are all completely fine for black bordered play. They do not have rules issues. They do not require dexterity. They don’t care about weird traits like set symbols. They are mechanics directly in black border now. Host/Augment is Mutate. Contraptions are Dungeons. Dice rolling is dice rolling. Modern Horizons 2 even had a Squirrel tribal theme! Yet people think silver bordered means Chaos Confetti and Volrath’s Motion Sensor. It’s as out of touch and removed from the reality of the game as thinking “I don’t want to play black border, it’s too competitive because of all the ante cards and it’s all just counterspells and lightning bolts anyway.”

I agree.

Birthday Trivia: Curses

New 23 Aug 2020 Asked by keksimperator 34 Comments

YAAAAAAAY Birthday-trivia-time. I realy enjoy curses (the cardtype not the act of cursing unless we are talking about pirates) Can you share some trivia about curses in general? What are the chances that they will be a major mechanic in an upcoming set?

Curses are yet another thing inspired by an Un-card. In this case Volrath’s Motion Sensor from Unglued.Happy Birthday!

Trivia About Weatherlight Saga

New 04 Jul 2020 Asked by thejingleking 32 Comments

It's my birthday the other day, but I think my question got lost in the shuffle. As usual, could I get some previously unshared trivia about the original weatherlight saga? (For reference, you've shared that Volrath was going to be disguised as Tahngarth and that the hourglass pendant Gerrard gives to Pol Cordel had a giant role in the original third act of the story). Thank you!

In our version Crocax doesn’t betray the crew and kill Mirri. They both play important roles later in the story. Happy Belated Birthday!

Future for Takara, Starke's Daughter

New 26 Apr 2020 Asked by centurosplaneswalker 30 Comments

If or when: Takara, Starke's Daughter? She's a relatively minor character, given that she didn't actually appear in the story to my knowledge (because it was Volrath all along).

Littke when. We make so many legendary creatures, we’ll get there one day.

Cycle Creation from Hinted Cards

New 14 Apr 2020 Asked by chetskolos 58 Comments

Hall of Heliod's Generosity, Tolarian Ruins, and Volrath's Stronghold are 3 cards that hint a cycle. While keeping in the color pie, could Green do Lands and Red do planeswalkers?

Just because something hints at a cycle, doesn’t mean it needs to be made into a cycle.

Creating Volrath, Shapestealer

New 18 Mar 2020 Asked by vashkoda 45 Comments

Hi Mark! Were you involved in the creating of "Volrath, the Shapestealer"? I absolutely love it! You once said you would love to give Volrath a proper Shapeshifter card that fits him better than "Volrath, the Fallen". How satisified are you with the Shapestealer?

I didn’t design it, but was consulted as Volrath’s co-creator. I like the design.

Volrath's Native Plane

New 26 Aug 2019 Asked by ultradinosaurdude 41 Comments

Do you consider Volrath's native plane to be Rath or Dominaria?

Vuel’s native plane was Dominaria..You could argue I guess that Voltath was a different entity than Vuel in some metaphysical sense and his native plane was Rath. But basically, Dominaria.

C19 Art Choices

New 12 Aug 2019 Asked by thewonderdoc-deactivated2020013 37 Comments

Mark I very much look forward to playing with some of the cards from C19. But one thing stuck out to me: Gerrard has the Weatherlight crew in the background of his art. Greven has Crovax and Volrath behind him. Why wasn't Vhati il-Dal also depicted behind Greven? He's one of the more memorable characters connected to him.

The artist picked the images he thought made the art look the best.

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