Serra Angel

Blue Serra Angel Reprint

New 25 Jul 2024 Asked by badgerbattalion 32 Comments

Hey Maro,If/when functional reprint of Serra angel into blue with a relevant creature type. Just realized now that blue has vigilance and flying.

Been there done that. (Okay, it was Planar Chaos, but we could reprint it.)

Power Creep and Format Change

New 18 Jul 2024 Asked by caitsith4 9 Comments

Concerning power creep, there may be a comparison and distinction to be made between distorting a format and adding relevant cards to a format. If a card is relevant, it shows up in decks, right? Maybe even a lot of decks. That's good for a format-relevant product. Otherwise, why even make the product?But then what is the delineating mark between format change (good) and format distortion (bad)?One could argue that Serra Angel is an example of format change. Arguably obsolete, nobody is really objecting to the card's irrelevance in eternal formats.So. What is that dividing line? Is formst chsnge just 'distortion over time'? I would argue that healthful change is oft misperceived as power creep, but it took a lot of cards in Commander before we figured out that '2 MV ramp and repeating value' were the prime culprits in accelerating the casual format beyond its 'battlecruiser Magic' roots.I'm not making a big argument one way or another, just trying to stimulate a brain or two..

For starters you’re not using “power creep” as I use it on this blog, but for the sake of saying the same thing for the tenth time, I understand you mean the increase of cards impacting older environments. You bring up the other thing we haven’t been talking about. Card influx talks in neutral terms. Add N relevant cards and impact the environment a particular amount. The faster you add N, the quicker it changes. The sets designed for older formats aren’t adding in cards neutrally though. They are adding in suites of cards built around particular mechanical themes. Adding in whole suites of cards changes environments more quickly as the threshold to make a deck theme relevant gets hit more quickly. That’s the other big impact of designing for a format. It causes you to impact it faster as you are designing whole swaths of mechanical pieces, not just cards. That’s very relevant to the topic at hand.

Classic Tokens Appreciation

New 31 May 2024 Asked by sapphicvalkyrja 32 Comments

As a Magic old-timer who just finished a "Serra Angel tokens" Commander deck inspired by Historian's Boon and the special Treizeci, Sun of Serra card from Heroes of the Realm that was floating around some months back, I love the Tarmogoyf tokens in the new Jund Commander deck. They're a great way to give a nod to Magic's history, and I hope we see this sort of thing again (though it feels like it could be easy to over-do them so moderation seems best). Please pass on some high-fives for "classic creatures as tokens" idea!

Will do.

Design Question Podcast

New 06 Apr 2024 Asked by kidcincinnati 40 Comments

Would you ever do a podcast specifically on the Black Green Serra Angel question and what you think it communicates about design ability that is worthwhile? I’m a teacher and tutor, I think a lot about question design, and I feel like it has driven so much discussion there might be a cool 30 minutes on the question and the principles behind it.

I can add it to the list. The big question is is there a 30 minute talk about it?

Name Change Mechanic

New 13 Apr 2023 Asked by marrinara-sauce 29 Comments

Do the rules require that when changing a permanent's name (in the way that Witness Protection does) to an existing card name, it becomes a copy of that card?Like if an effect said "Target creature's name becomes Serra Angel" would it also become a 4/4 angel with flying and vigilance?

I don’t believe changing a name grants those card’s abilities.

Power Creep Prevention

New 22 Dec 2022 Asked by mataleon 25 Comments

Hello Mark! Reading an article on the set “Power Lunch”, it was mentioned that the baseline for creatures was fireball (e.g. Serra Angel was a 4/4 for 3WW). Is there any similar rule of thumb today to keep power creep in check? Thank you and wish you Happy Holidays!

The idea behind “Power Lunch” was the baseline for spells was Ancestral Recall. Note it was never a real product, just humorous musings.

Serra Angel Trivia

New 05 Sep 2022 Asked by valkyri-anna 38 Comments

Invoking the right of birthday trivia, I’d love a tidbit about Serra or the angel tribe in general!

The name Serra came from the word “serrated”. Richard Garfield really liked the idea of a warrior angel and that inspired Serra Angel.Happy Birthday!

Not Altering GB Serra Angle

New 20 Oct 2021 Asked by jimhensonreject 39 Comments

Has anyone at WOTC cracked the joke that now blue having vigilance mucks up the infamous Great Design Search 3 "GB Serra Angel" question?

It still doesn’t make white/blue the correct answer. : )

Trivia about Angel Tribe

New 24 May 2021 Asked by alphedge 45 Comments

Hi Mark It's my birthday so could you give me some trivia about my favourite tribe, Angels

Magic’s take on Angels really came from the popularity of one single card in Alpha, Serra Angel. I think Richard’s intent originally was to make a single cool Angel. Happy Birthday!

Request for Colorshifted Card

New 10 Mar 2021 Asked by krinstranger 55 Comments

May I request a Black-Green colorshifted Serra Angel?

You may.

Feasibility of Colorshifted Theme

New 27 Dec 2020 Asked by cannotwynn 83 Comments

Do you think it’s possible and worthwhile to, **without** bending or breaking the pie like Planar Chaos, have a “colorshifted” theme in a set? I’m picturing things like the GDS3 “Serra Angel” in BG, a monoblack Hornet Queen, or monocolored versions of some of the appropriate-but-unique hybrid cards.

It is possible.

Holiday Card Misunderstanding

New 06 Mar 2020 Asked by rhoxosgsaint 22 Comments

In one of your podcasts, you said something about Hurloon minotaur sending a letter to Serra angel saying something like "You're cut from the 5th edition while I'm still in.". Today, some redditer showed us a holiday card with both illustrated. Is this holiday card is a letter you were talking about?

No, I was talking about an ad, that we never ran, for fifth edition. That was an illustration from an early holiday card.

Prior Keywords Origin

New 30 Dec 2019 Asked by eyeball-frog 85 Comments

You mentioned there used to be nicknames for lifelink, vigilance, and haste before they were keyworded. What were they? What about other later keywords like reach, deathtouch, etc?

Vigilance was called the Serra ability after Serra Angel. Lifelink was called spirit link after the Legends card (which worked slightly differently than what we ended up keywording. Haste was called Raging after Raging Goblin or celerity which is what R&D called it.Reach was called the Spider ability after Giant Spider. Deathtouch was called the basilisk ability after Thicket Baslisk in Alpha. My point is that players will come up with slang usually based on the first and/or most popular card with the ability, but once we give it an official name, it eventually becomes the default. And yes, players always say they’re going to keep using the slang, but they don’t, not when the cards give it a real name.

Serra Angel Trivia

New 11 Oct 2019 Asked by leonardbrutus316 66 Comments

Hi Mark, it's my birthday today. Might I ask for some trivia about the 'original' Serra Angel and/or maybe a specific question? Was Serra as a planeswalker as we know her today part of the concept from Day 1? I started playing when Revised was just out and cannot recall any such info available back then. Keep up the good work and cheers to the team, Heiner

When Richard Garfield made Serra Angel, the word Serra came from “serrated”, as in a blade, as the creature was a warrior. I don’t believe there was any intent that it was specifically referencing a person, let alone a planeswalker.I believe Serra, as a planeswalker, first came about in the story for Homelands. The set borrowed a lot of inspiration from popular cards in Alpha which included Serra Angel.Happy Birthday!

Serra Token Naming

New 28 Jul 2019 Asked by sylvhem 46 Comments

Mark, do you know why the token made by "Serra the Benevolent" are not called "Serra Angel"? It would have been so cool!

Most tokens’ names are just the creature type of the creature token.

Segovian Angel Creation

New 27 May 2019 Asked by tonyredgravedmc 70 Comments

Maaaaark! Segovian Angel! You're gonna need a Handy Dandy Clone Machine to make you 2 new hands for high-fiving the one responsible

The card started out in the Hackathon as part of a cycle I made of little versions of iconic creatures. I think I called the white one Wee Serra Angel and it was a 2W 2/2 flier with vigilance. (Making common, but nostalgic, French vanilla designs was hard.) In vision design, Kelly Digges came up with the idea of making it Segovian and Ethan shrink it to a 1/1 in response.

Multicolor Card Philosophy

New 03 Mar 2019 Asked by zeropercentdiscountcomic 42 Comments

Wait, with the new philosophy on multicolor cards, does that just mean you guys are more open to doing multicolor that could be monocolor, or are you actually evaluating ALL multicolor cards based on “which X colors does this feel at home in?” For example, would the BG Serra angel still be a fine multicolor card, or is that now not as appropriate as having a WU Serra angel?

Most of the time our two color cards will capture both colors in their mana cost, but in sets with a high concentration of multicolor cards (such as Guilds of Ravnica and Ravnica Allegiance), we’re willing to print simpler cards that feel appropriate for the color pair even if technically the card could be done as one color.

Multicolor Cards Standard

New 03 Mar 2019 Asked by dispel-for-the-win 27 Comments

RE: The new standard for multicolor cards. Is this policy new within the last year or so? I'm asking because I remember the big debate about what multicolor combination Serra Angel would be due to one of the multiple choice questions in GDS3. Thanks for your time!

It got established as we were making Guilds of Ravnica and Ravnica Allegiance. Note that the GDS Question was about seeing if the test takers could find an answer within the given constraint.

Color-shifted Set Difficulty

New 03 Feb 2019 Asked by jrjetu-blog 52 Comments

Do you think a supplemental set could be made where every card already exists in some form, but they’re all color shifted to colors it also works in? Such as lightning helix in black, Serra angel in black green, etc. sort of planar chaos, but completely within the color pie.

That would be a very hard set to make. Exceedingly hard.

Serra Angel Trivia

New 18 Jun 2018 Asked by robotgirldisc 61 Comments

It's my sister's (11th) birthday, can I have some trivia on her favorite card, Serra Angel?

Serra comes from the term “serrated” as they are rough, battle angels. Happy Birthday to your Sis!

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