Rakdos (B/R)

Colors of Cartoon Ducks

New 27 Jul 2024 Asked by sjk9000 2 Comments

What colors are Daffy Duck and Donald Duck?


Typal Archetype Swap

New 24 Jul 2024 Asked by miztickow 3 Comments

Could a return to Bloomburrow swap the typal archetypes like RG be Badgers and RB be Weasels or do you think the current ones are kind of locked in?

Let’s ask.

If we returned to Bloomburrow, what would you expect? The same ten animalsTen new animalsA mix of old and new animalsNo preference

Animal Appearance in Duos

New 17 Jul 2024 Asked by pvonvil 5 Comments

From what I can gather all the duos, like Bakersbane Duo are in shards: Bakersbane duo is green but fits in a squirrel (bg) or raccoon deck (rg), making it a basically a Jund card. The black cards are an exception: Glivedive duo is in a wedge, Mardu (bat wb and lizard rb). Presumably the other black one will be squirrel (bg) and rat (ub)My question is: why? Is the pattern of shards intentional? Is the deviation to one color having wedges intentional?

The only guideline was each animal appeared in just two duos.

Cut Animals in Bloomburrow

New 14 Jul 2024 Asked by jirachibi2550 3 Comments

When you do articles/DTWs on Bloomburrow: Can you list some more animals that you guys considered for the set but got cut and if you had any planned colors/mechanics for them? We know about Badgers and such, but would love to hear if there were more :)

The two that existed as two-color archetypes was Weasels in black/red and Badgers in red/green. In early vision design, for a short moment, we had fifteen animals as we gave one to each monocolor. It became clear quickly it was just too many animals. There were many ones we talked about that never made the cut. Turtles and Frogs, for example, were fighting for the green/blue slot.

Lizard Shortage in Bloomburrow

New 13 Jul 2024 Asked by xccoaster 5 Comments

I'm enjoying Bloomburrow previews far more than I expected. It might be too early to tell but so far I've been disappointed by the shortage of lizards revealed. As a player who does not love the friendly furry creatures (bats included), I hope to see more scaly friends.

It’s the black/red draft archetype.

Introducing Weasels to Magic

New 12 Jul 2024 Asked by modern-heresy 3 Comments

Just wanted to voice my enthusiasm for the introduction of Weasels to Magic!

Happy to hear it. They were the black/red archetype for the early design.

Lizards in Bloomburrow

New 11 Jul 2024 Asked by flameshadowconjuring 6 Comments

Hey Maro, I noticed that many of the lizards in Bloomburrow are outlaws and many can commit crimes (and are the outlaw colours RB). Please high five the people responsible for adding more cross set synergy/support to the game :)

Will do.

Choosing Creature Types

New 11 Jul 2024 Asked by cobalts-beau 3 Comments

Your article a couple days ago goes through the reasons why you chose specific creature types for each color pair, but you didn't talk about any types you considered, but didn't end up choosing. Can you talk about a couple types that didn't make the cut as being a focus?

The two big ones, meaning the existed in the file for a while, was Badgers for red/green and Weasels for black/red.

Rats in Bloomburrow: Design Choices

New 01 Jul 2024 Asked by jericuboritox 2 Comments

Hey Mark! I'm one of the people really looking forward to learning more about Bloomburrow. I noticed that Rats are the Blue/Black archetype in Bloomburrow, even though I associate them a bit more with Black/Red, especially after Wilds of Eldraine last fall. Was making Rats be in Rakdos like they were in Eldraine ever considered? Or were they planned to be the Dimir archetype from the jump?

We talked about it, but liked them in blue/black better. We preferred not having Mouse (which was red/white) and Rat overlap in a color.

Color Choices for Lizards

New 30 Jun 2024 Asked by tsukaistarburst 9 Comments

So how come lizards are black/red in bloomburrow and not green/red? There are 24 lizards in green as opposed to 5 lizards in black.

We weren’t looking for an archetype for Lizards. We were looking for an animal that could be black/red.

Rationales for Rat Coloration

New 29 Jun 2024 Asked by lordshadowist 12 Comments

Why was rats in bloomburrow u/b? This makes it difficult to combine with the red support for rats in wilds of eldraine.

Wilds of Eldraine and Bloomburrow had different needs, so we overlapped Rats in black allowing you to play black/red Rats, blue/black Rats, or blue/black/red Rats.

Hybrid Card Design Possibilities

New 27 Jun 2024 Asked by painfully-bisexual 10 Comments

Hi Mark! Back again with another question. Regardless of likelihood, do you feel it would ever be possible to design a card that cost {w/u}{b/r} without it being a break? Fiend Artisan, for example, is in pie whether you cast it for BB, BG, or GG. Do you think a card could work in pie that could be cast for WB, WR, UB, or UR?

You just design a card with one ability that’s hybrid w/u and a second ability that’s hybrid b/r. Very doable. The bigger issue is multiple hybrid symbols, especially ones that don’t overlap, confuse a significant amount of players.

Perception on Commanders' Strength

New 20 Jun 2024 Asked by j-waffles 56 Comments

Hey mark, long time reader, also long time asker. I like a challenge when deckbuilding. When I first found out about your psychographics, I thought “woah! it even have the same name as me!” (John). Commander helps tickle that itch for me, because I can start off with a dumb premise and try to make that concept as best I can, and since it’s not a competitive format, I know that there will always be SOMEONE with a deck on a similar power level, however bad that terrible deck idea ends up being.This brings me to a qualm that I personally have, and have seen purely anecdotal evidence that other people have too.It feels kinda lame when you guys make a commander that’s just “this is the best commander for X”. More and more we’re getting legends where they’re just the *correct* choice. If I want to build a sultai graveyard deck, Muldrotha is the answer. Nothing tops it, and I doubt anything every will top it. And that’s just one archetype. 5 color sagas? Bombadil. Snow? Jorn and Isu. Flash tribal? Nymris. Sure there are other cards that can be the commander, but you can say that about anything. Sure, I COULD make a Rakdos exile deck with Pavel Maliki in the command zone, but that’s just objectively wrong. The commander is always gonna be prosper. My point is that it’s getting harder and harder to say “how do I make this work” when you’re just handing us the blueprints and all the parts with a step by step instruction booklet on what to do.To be fair, many archetypes have so much innate complexity to them and have reached a critical mass of options where it’s impossible to tell what the “best” option is, as there are so many different facets and roads to go down. Orzhov aristocrats and mono-green stompy are easy examples.But the fact that it isn’t always the case doesn’t change the fact that happens a lot. I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels this way, but I’m also sure that if it was a majority opinion in the community y’all wouldn’t be doing it this much. I just want to know if you have anything to say about this perception that I and many others hold. Thank you for all you do in magic, I hope you respond.

One of the most common requests I get here on the blog is “make this color combination Commander for this particular theme”. Eventually, for some of them, we find an opportunity to make it. We don’t know when that opportunity will arise again. We shouldn’t try to make the best Commander we can for that slot? If it’s too weak, players will just complain and ask we make another one. The reality is a lot of players want prescriptive answers, and there’s no way to make them for the players that want them and not for the players that don’t. The idea is that players who want to do something different have access to the history of Magic to find less obvious answers.

Non-Green Pair That Cares About Lands

New 30 May 2024 Asked by doopboopdoop 27 Comments

What color pair without green cares the most about lands?

It depends how it cares. Black/red, for examples, is the archetype most likely to sacrifice lands for effect.

Concerns over Unnecessary Colors

New 02 May 2024 Asked by j-waffles 41 Comments

Hey mark. Y’all in R&D infamously “avoid doing two-colour creatures which could be done in a single color”, like a creature with flying and vigilance, for example. I am not rehashing that argument, because I fully understand why the answer to that question is GB (although since vigilance is allowed in blue now that means that the UB option that was wrong at the time now is also a correct answer). That said, I do have some qualms with the premise of that question. We see multicolored cards that don’t need all their colors CONSTANTLY. Just in Thunder Junction, we got:- Wylie duke, which can be in white or green, and doesn’t need to be both- Vraska joins up, which can be done in mono green and doesn’t need black- Selvala, which can be done in mono green and doesn’t need white- Seraphic steed, which can be done in mono white and doesn’t need green- Rakdos joins up, which could be done in mono black and doesn’t need red- Miriam, which could be done in mono green and doesn’t need white- Marchesa, who can be done in blue or black, and doesn’t need to be both, and DEFINITELY doesn’t need red- Lilah, who could be done in red or blue and doesn’t need to be both- Jasper flint, who can be done in Black or red and doesn’t need to be both- Jem, who could be done in mono blue and doesn’t need white- Form a posse, which could be done in red or white and doesn’t need to be both- Breeches, who can be done in mono red and doesn’t need blue- At knifepoint, which could be done in mono red and doesn’t need black- Obeka, which could be dimir or izzet and doesn’t need to be grixis- Vihaan, who could be done in boros and doesn’t need black- Kirri, which could be in mono green, and doesn’t need red or white- Yuma, which could be done in mono green (and maybe mono red?) but definitely doesn’t need white- Olivia, which could be boros or rakdos and doesn’t need to be mardu- Pest control, which could be mono white and doesn’t need blackI don’t really know what I’m asking, but I just wanted to bring up that unnecessary colors appear on multicolored spells VERY frequently; and I wanted to know if you have any thoughts about this.

That’s why I say “we try” and not “we always do”. When a multicolor card doesn’t have abilities of two colors, we’ll tag it in the Council of Colors pass, and the lead designer will see if hey can find an elegant solution. It’s not a mandatory thing though, as it’s hard to do without making cards extra wordy and clunky. Again, that’s why I say “we try” to do it as it’s something we do when we can, but often don’t do.

Color Access to Vigilance

New 29 Apr 2024 Asked by jonscreenshow 35 Comments

I just watched the Good Mlrning Magic episode on Blue getting access to Vigilance. I've always felt like White makes a better choice as Haste's Tirtiary color than Black. My reasoning is that if you mix them both with Red, you get different playstyles. White/Red feels far more aggro compared to Black/Red. How do you feel about mono white Haste?

We try to keep aggro red and white off each other. Also, the reason haste is secondary in black is we need it for some reanimation effects.

Rakdos and Mount Mechanic

New 29 Apr 2024 Asked by trifas 47 Comments

Was Rakdos considered to have Mount given the specific piece of story where he allows for the last time ever, twice, for people to ride him?

I think that was a one time thing, so no.

Clone Mechanic Expansion

New 20 Apr 2024 Asked by dwarf-scum 18 Comments

Hey Mark, could you have a clone outside of blue if it could only copy creatures of a certain type or batch of types? Like a green creature that could enter as a copy of an elf, or a rakdos creature that could copy an outlaw.

Red can temporarily copy things, and green (with certain restrictions) can copy its own creatures.

Rakdos Size Variation

New 17 Apr 2024 Asked by blind42-blog 140 Comments

Rakdos has consistently been something like four stories tall. But in the MTGA splash screen, he's barely taller than the rest of the cast. Is this a retcon or does he have "Bowser scaling" now?

I believe Rakdos has the ability to change his size.

Origami Mechanic Expansion

New 02 Apr 2024 Asked by peggle2speedrun 66 Comments

As much as I love the new 'Origami' mechanic, limited really gets to feel samey when every-other game ends when somebody folds their whole board into cranes to swing in. I know you cant say much... But with the keyword officially being evergreen moving forward, is there anything in the pipeline to encourage other play patterns?

Crane is just the white/blue archetype.Other options:Blue/black - Fortune TellerBlack/red - HatRed/green - SwanGreen/white - Lotus flowerWhite/black - ButterflyBlue/red - Water balloonBlack/green - Masu boxRed/white - HeartGreen/blue - Jumping frog

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