
Amass Army with Clone Text

New 14 Jun 2024 Asked by fanfactorpodcast 2 Comments

Do the rules support an amass army token that's has clone text?

A card could graft the ability onto an Army creature token.

Opinions on Copy Effects

New 02 Jun 2024 Asked by clevibert 63 Comments

To contrast the opinion that a previous asker had about magic making too many doppelgangers, I really like the effect and don't feel it to be over powered.
When I started playing magic, around M13, I was in college and didn't have much disposable income. It seemed like the "cheap" cards I could afford were all clone type cards and cards that could cast my opponents instants and sorceries. I ended up getting so many cards I made a Wrexial, the risen deep EDH deck. I would commonly get asked "How good is your deck?" My reply was always, "I don't know, how good is YOUR deck?" It carried me a good long time and provided lots of fun for myself as I was trying to figure out how to essentially win with their deck and a fun challenge for my friends as they had to play around their own cards.
TLDR: please don't change how many doppelganger/copy style cards you're creating.

How do others feel about cards that copy the opponent’s cards?

Constraints on Copy Effects

New 02 Jun 2024 Asked by prosperity-post 44 Comments

The next time you want to make something like Doppelgang, how about \we restrict it to that player's side of the board, okay? or restrict it to a certain mana value? Recently, it seems like you guys have decided to have spell intrude on other players' permanents more than usual and it's really getting tiring. Of course, having spells that constantly making tokens is tiring enough. How about we reel it in some more, okay?

Alpha has four cards that can copy something of your opponent’s (Clone, Copy Artifact, Fork, & Vesuvan Doppelganger). Murders of Karlov Manor has three (Doppelgang, Lazav, Wearer of Faces, & Reenact the crime). It has one more card (Kaya, Spirit’s Justice) that copies your own stuff. Copying your opponent’s stuff is not new to Magic. I hear you that we need to be careful how it gets used. Token making, in contrast, has gone way up since the early days. Part of that is the addition of token cards to help manage them. Part of it is the huge popularity of them. And part of it is they allow access to new design space which thirty-one years in is an important tool. But I do hear you that perhaps we’re pushing boundaries with them.

Clone Mechanic Expansion

New 20 Apr 2024 Asked by dwarf-scum 18 Comments

Hey Mark, could you have a clone outside of blue if it could only copy creatures of a certain type or batch of types? Like a green creature that could enter as a copy of an elf, or a rakdos creature that could copy an outlaw.

Red can temporarily copy things, and green (with certain restrictions) can copy its own creatures.

Un-Rules Scenario

New 17 Feb 2024 Asked by first-interplanar-bank 28 Comments

Hi Mark, I would like to ask an un-rules question. If I play Clair D'Loon and then later cast mobile clone, what happens when the token represented by my phone dies? Does my phone enter the graveyard or do I find a card to represent that token going forward for the rest of the game? Or is there a different answer that I haven't considered?

You can represent it with a card once it leaves the battlefield.

Green Cloning Exception

New 08 Aug 2023 Asked by ginkasai 40 Comments

Is Bramble Sovereign an exception in green cloning?

Green is only supposed to clone your own stuff. I think Bramble Sovereign is trying to play with letting other players clone their stuff. It’s definitely us experimenting.

Green Cloning Space

New 08 Aug 2023 Asked by kernohain-blog 29 Comments

Hello!On a recent Drive to Work, you mentioned exploring design space around Green, and if it can clone. My question is, why does green need to clone? I don't see green as having any shortage of mechanical space, and it doesn't seem like that's terribly in green's philosophy. Thanks for all you do!

Self-cloning has been in green for decades. We’re not talking about adding it, just letting it continue to do so, again at a tertiary level.

Hybrid Mana Considerations

New 18 Jul 2023 Asked by sgjuxta 45 Comments

Question, as someone who is dipping my toes into trying to homebrew a Magic set with a relatively heavy hybrid mana theme, would a card like Body Double work as a blue/black hybrid card? I know black doesn't normally get clone effects and blue doesn't normally get to reanimate creatures, but this effect kinda sits at the junction of the two. I'm just not sure whether it would be an actual break, or just a fairly heavy bend. Thanks!

Hybrid effects need to exist in the overlap space between two colors (aka they both can do it as a monocolored card), not the space in between two colors.

Mechanic Flavor Renames

New 24 Jun 2023 Asked by azathoth-the-bored 29 Comments

With so many named mechanics, would it be possible for a mechanic to receive a clone/flavor rename to better suit a set?

It is possible, especially in a Universes Beyond product.

Un-Rules Query

New 09 May 2023 Asked by debugamp-blog 35 Comments

Un-Rules question! If I cast Form of Approach of the Second Son and reveal myself with Yet Another Aether Vortex while Oath of Gideon is on the field, the copy myself with a Clone... is the Clone a player? Does it get a turn? Can you mindslaver the Clone? For that matter, if instead of cloning myself I were to cause myself to phase out, would I ever phase in again?

You can’t clone playerness.

Legendary Clone Cards

New 08 Apr 2023 Asked by honor-basquiat 30 Comments

Can you please make more new cards that are clone or creature copy token effects that allow you to clone legendary creatures? It's very fun to clone your commander and there currently are a very small handful of cards that allow this compared to the overall pool of clone effects.

I could just remove the baggage for legendary and then every clone could do it. : )

Unfinity Technology Cards

New 12 Jan 2023 Asked by titania776 32 Comments

Now that Unfinity has been out for a while how do you feel about the technology cards like Urza’s Funhouse, Mobile Clone, ect. ?

I’ve enjoyed them. How about all of you?

Cloning Legendary Creatures

New 28 Dec 2022 Asked by hobblinharry-blog 34 Comments

“ Agreed. The inability to clone your own legendary creatures makes no flavor sense.” Which is probably exactly why sometimes when y’all make cards now that copy your own creatures, like Helm of the Host, they specifically say “if the creature is legendary, the copy is not legendary” or whatever that verbiage is

We do that mostly for Commander.

Legend Rule Concern

New 27 Dec 2022 Asked by frakkedorfiction 53 Comments

One thing that's always bothered me about the legend rule is I can't clone my own legend. For a rule whose main reason of being is flavor, this is a big flavor fail to me.

Agreed. The inability to clone your own legendary creatures makes no flavor sense.

Mobile Clone Clarification

New 27 Oct 2022 Asked by ocelotthetruedragonborn 18 Comments

Hey! For Mobile Clone, does a photocopy include counters, stickers, etc that are not on the creature, but ARE in the photo?


Populate Mobile Clone Mechanics

New 15 Oct 2022 Asked by themartiangeek 18 Comments

If you populate a Mobile Clone, do you get all the stuff on and attached to it or just the original creature?

You get every sticker and counter on it and every aura or equipment attached to it.

Copying Stickered Permanents

New 12 Oct 2022 Asked by teenatude 23 Comments

What happens to a copt of a stickered permanent? For example if i copy a creature with helm of the host that has a p/t sticker on it will that copy also “have” the same sticker

No, a copy only copies the base qualities of a creature (aka what’s printed on the card). Mobile Clone will copy stickers, as well as counters, auras, and equipment on the creature.

Using Polaroid for Mobile Clone

New 10 Oct 2022 Asked by simicmimic 39 Comments

Can we use a Polaroid camera for Mobile Clone? It’s not mobile in the sense you presumably meant, but it seems like it’d work.

You have my blessing.

Rules for Mobile Clone

New 09 Oct 2022 Asked by strodeviking 24 Comments

With the card “Mobile Clone”, does the mobile device that photographs a card need to have a screen? Like what if I randomly want to use an iCarly digital camera from 2009? Would that follow the rules of this card since it can just “Photograph” a card.

You need to be able to see the image.

Populating Animate Object

New 08 Oct 2022 Asked by themartiangeek 20 Comments

Since Animate Object considers the object a token, what happens if you populate it?

You sadly don’t get the stickers which means it has no toughness and will immediately be removed by state based effects. You can copy the stickers with Mobile Clone though.

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