
Devotion Variant Possibility

New 26 Jul 2024 Asked by raytyger 8 Comments

Do you think there could ever be a devotion variant that cared in some capacity about mana symbols in cards in your graveyard?

Chroma could do that. If we did devotion out of the graveyard it would have an additional word, something like grave devotion.

Trivia About Devotion Mechanic

New 26 Jul 2024 Asked by junejulyaugustdecember 7 Comments

Hi Mark! It was my birthday recently :) do you have any fun trivia about the Devotion mechanic?

The devotion mechanic was the redoing of chroma, an ability that first appeared (unnamed) in Future Sight and then (named) in Eventide. Aaron Forsythe originally pitched chroma on a single card in Future Sight, but I held it back because I thought it was a whole mechanic. We had high hopes for chroma, but the audience wasn’t too excited by it. Then when we were making original Theros, we needed a mechanic showing a connection to the Gods, and design team member Zac Hill pitched bring back chroma. We cleaned it up (now only caring about the mana cost of permanents on the battlefield) and renamed it, and it went on to be a beloved mechanic. It goes to show how much execution of a mechanic matters. Happy Birthday!

Single Color Rewards

New 20 Mar 2024 Asked by between-panels-blog 28 Comments

I've got a few chromatic questions!

In recent years, multicolor has become more prevalent - in tournament scenes, in limited, etc. It's just become a lot easier to get good land fixing with the number of dual and tri lands available to players (and mana rocks). This has really led to an increase in "good stuff" decks.
We've seen many incentives for playing multicolor, like the domain mechanic (in all its variations - i.e. chroma) but less stuff like devotion. Really, in recent memory, Theros has been the most focused on multicolor "hate".
Do you see more cards that focus on color in Magic's future, especially cards that incentivize sticking to a single color, or punish splashing?

We’re more likely to reward single color play than punish multicolor play, but we’ll still make both.

Mechanic Evolution

New 12 Mar 2024 Asked by thenuclearotaku 32 Comments

Hi Mark! We've seen a lot of mechanics in the recent times sort of "replace" other older mechanics; Morph -> Disguise, Cascade -> Discover, even further back with Chroma -> Devotion or Fear -> Intimidate -> Menace.How often does R&D like/want to do this, and whenever one of these "replacement" mechanics is designed and confirmed, how does that impact the status of the older mechanic and its future in the game? Does the older mechanic just go away forever, like with Chroma and Fear/Intimidate, or are those exceptions and not the norm?

When we upgrade a mechanic, we seldom return to the original version.

Chroma vs Devotion

New 02 Mar 2024 Asked by godkingjinping 40 Comments

How is chroma different from devotion? Reading both I don't really see a difference

Chroma looked for colored mana symbols in mana costs in all zones. Devotion just looks at your permanents on the battlefield.

Mechanic Family Tree

New 02 Mar 2024 Asked by doopboopdoop 27 Comments

Has there ever been an attempt at making a mechanic family tree? Like how a bunch of mechanics descend from kicker or how devotion came from chroma etc

Not that I know of. I’ve seen mechanics broken down by the type/style.

Mechanic Vocabulary Issue

New 26 Oct 2023 Asked by gridnack 50 Comments

I think Descend X, “if you descended this turn”, and “Fathomless decent”, have a vocabulary issue like Haunt did. They all mean different things. Descend 4 is a condition (similar to delirium/threshold). “If you descended this turn” is an action (similar to “if you milled a permanent or a permanent died” which is “Revolt”). Fathomless descent is neither a condition nor an action; it functions closer to Undergrowth/Chroma as a counting mechanic. As a tiny amount of feedback, using vocabulary in 3 different contexts makes it more difficult to grok (and remember).

Would using three different words for things so mechanically connected not cause more confusion?

Devotion vs Chroma

New 22 Sep 2023 Asked by stormcrow13 60 Comments

If/when colorless chroma just because of the dissonance with colorless and the name of the keyword

If. Devotion has mostly replaced chroma.

Mechanic Reception

New 08 Jul 2023 Asked by blind42-blog 42 Comments

Are there any mechanics that were not well recieved that may have only been that way due to not being pushed enough rather than a core issue with the mechanic itself? E.g. if the real problem with cleave is that cleaving costed too much or did not do enough? Is this usually taken into consideration when evaluating whether to bring it back?

The classic example is chroma. It was poorly received. We revamped it as devotion and it was a huge hit.

Chromatic Lantern Placement

New 15 Sep 2022 Asked by funnyjoemama 25 Comments

My question about Chromatic Lantern was more about why it wasn't put in the 5 color deck, which would need it more than the 3 color deck, instead.

I wasn’t involved in the making of the decks. My best guess was it was trying to match a certain flavor and it got put into the deck that best matched that flavor.

Chromatic Lantern Placement

New 15 Sep 2022 Asked by funnyjoemama 23 Comments

Why was Chromatic Lantern in a 3 color Warhammer deck, but not in the 5 color DMU precon? Seems like it would fit perfectly there.

We usually try to not put the same card in products near each other.

Chroma and Devotion Revisit

New 01 Sep 2022 Asked by eggsheenan 28 Comments

Any chance we could see chroma and devotion return in the same standard environment? I think itd make for a fun "back to basics" monocolor matters atmosphere. Chroma is nice because it works with cards in hand/library/graveyard.

I’m am skeptical we’re ever going to see chroma again. I think devotion has displaced it.

Comparing Lorwyn to Eldraine

New 17 May 2022 Asked by absolutelyterribad 41 Comments

Why is Lorwyn a 6 on the Rabiah scale when Eldraine was just Lorwyn Again This Time With Humans?

The same reason Chroma was disliked and Devotion beloved - execution matters.

Chroma's Future Possibility

New 09 May 2022 Asked by ennosytallo-blog 32 Comments

Now that we have Devotion. Chroma wil never see the light of day?

It’s very unlikely.

Improving Prior Set Designs

New 10 Apr 2022 Asked by ultwarrior 18 Comments

Re: Doing new things versus fixing old mistakes. Sometimes something new comes from the iteration of an old design--devotion versus chroma, for example. From that same perspective, how often is "a set about XYZ has more potential than the last time we did it, let's try to better it" the starting part for vision design?

Almost never.

Legendary Sorceries' Gameplay Feel

New 25 Dec 2021 Asked by arcanistlupus 58 Comments

My issue with Legendary Sorceries is that (to me) they didn't feel like "the Legendary mechanic, changed to be applicable to sorceries", it felt like "an entirely different mechanic, which has been stapled to the legendary supertype". I appreciate that spells required a different approach to the flavor, but use the same supertype made promises to the players as to how the mechanic would feel, and I think it failed to meet those promises. And unlike chroma, there's no way to try again.

Here’s the problem, how legendary permanents work can’t be replicated on non-permanents. Trust me, we tried. Too much just can’t carry over, so you really have no choice but take a stab at a different mechanical execution that feels like it matches the flavor.In my mind, thus may be what fundamentally dooms legendary instants and sorceries. Players want them to work the same and they just can’t.

Unexpectedly Cold Receptions

New 23 Sep 2021 Asked by queko13 62 Comments

Hello there Mark. Was there ever a mechanic that you thought it was going to be a slam dunk and the reception was "cold"? Not hated mind you but the general reaction was "meh, it's alright I guess"

I thought Chroma was going to go over way better than it did.

Devotion vs Chroma

New 20 Sep 2021 Asked by breawycker 68 Comments

Why did devotion work but not chroma?

It has better flavor and a more concise utility.

Likelihood of Devotion Outside Theros

New 20 Jul 2021 Asked by crunchos 40 Comments

What is more likely: Devotion showing up outside of Theros, or the return of Chroma?

The former.

Foretell Mechanics' Origin

New 09 Jan 2021 Asked by lucas2099 61 Comments

Was foretell created as a improved morph the same way chroma lead to devotion?

No, it was the combination of capturing a top down omen flavor and a mechanic called layaway that I created many years ago based on a mechanic from the Star Wars Trading Card game.

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