Council of colors

Mechanic Color Pie Limitations

New 26 Jul 2024 Asked by j-waffles 7 Comments

Do you ever encounter issues where a mechanic that you want to be core to a set is too niche in its slice of the color pie? Like, food was a big theme in both Eldraine sets, but it is a mechanic that can only appear WGB, so you were limited somewhat in just how much you could use it compared to something disguise, which is a completely color-pie agnostic mechanic. When designing full custom sets I often have ideas for mechanics that seem to be total slam dunks, but are actually kind of limited in how much I can use them.

It happens from time to time. It’s why vision design checks in with the Council of Colors.

Color Pie Breaks

New 11 Jul 2024 Asked by trifas 8 Comments

Was there any color pie break printed after the creation of the Council of Colors?

There have been, but they occur much less. Things can still slip through the cracks.

Assassin's Creed Cards Trivia

New 08 Jul 2024 Asked by kidcincinnati 30 Comments

At long last, it is time to invoke my birthday trivia! I love your pieces on the color pie and I’m a huge Assassin’s Creed fan, so I’d love if you had any interesting trivia on AC cards that the Council of Colors discussed or tweaked. If nothing comes to mind, I am a massive fan of Boros and Minotaurs; if there’s any trivia about Boros Minotaurs, that would be lovely, or either individually. I get a ton from DtW and Making Magic, keep up the wonderful work!

In Theros block, Minotaurs power and toughness had to add up to a least 5. We made one exception later in the block.Happy Birthday!

Council Oversight for Arena Cards

New 07 Jul 2024 Asked by sobek16 8 Comments

Do cards exclusively on Magic Arena go through the Council of Colors?

They’re supposed to, yes.

Potential for Copy Land Mechanic

New 05 Jul 2024 Asked by zorroaburrito 2 Comments

Would Copy Land be in-pie for G?

Copying your own land could be something we discuss in the Council of Colors.

Future of Color Pie

New 04 Jul 2024 Asked by jjustin1379 13 Comments

What will happen to the color pie whe you are no longer the person in charge of it? The next person to lead the color council will hVe a different view of the color pie then you and will make changes you will not necessarily agree with. What do you think about that?

I have great faith in the Council of Colors. Note the whole team makes decisions, not just me.

Council of Colors' Scope

New 30 Jun 2024 Asked by blorpityblorpboop 2 Comments

Is there something like the Council of Colors but for Color Pairs?

The Council of Colors addresses all color issues which includes color pairs.

Chief of the Edge

New 15 Jun 2024 Asked by snivy1245 8 Comments

What does Chief of the Edge do that requires it to also be black? I ask in consideration of Question 28. As far as I can see, an anthem is something that could be done in only white.

We *try* to make all multicolored cards mechanically reflect all colors, but it can’t always be done while meeting other constraints of the set. They’ll get tagged by the Council of Colors, but are allowed to exist if there isn’t an easy fix that works for the set. Chief of Edge isn’t that though. It’s a multicolor signpost for a white/black Warrior typal theme. Both colors can grant power to its creatures. Yes, white does it more often, and usually grants all its creatures while black pumps black subsets. It could have been hybrid from a color pie perspective, but most signposts are multicolored.

Colorless Philosophy

New 28 May 2024 Asked by shiggymegamitiggy 0 Comments

Had a listen to the "Color Speaks" series while driving this weekend. It was really interesting insight. While colorless is not a color, is it possible to get a "Colorless Speaks"? Colorless does have representation on the Council of Colors and there's some kind of philosophy behind the actions of Karn, Ugin, and the Eldrazi.

Colorless does not have a philosophy.

Blue Card Mechanics

New 22 May 2024 Asked by michel475193362 8 Comments

Isn't "Harbinger of the Seas" a card that completely deviates from the range allowed for blue?The effect of "Blood Moon" is essentially land destruction, and that should be allowed because it is red. Just because Spreading Seas is in blue, allowing it to have that effect on the big picture would be an anomaly that would allow Jokulhaups and Armageddon in blue. I'm not sure how the Council of Colors could have allowed such a card? If blue allows such a card, white and black should pass this effect before it, and if green allows it because it can, then green will be allowed to have a creature with both death touch and fighting.This card is too ridiculous.

Blue is primary in turning lands from one basic land type into another. It’s not an effect we do a lot, but when we do it, blue is the one who mostly does it. (We do let black turn lands into swamps.)

Digital Cards Review

New 09 May 2024 Asked by j-waffles 11 Comments

Does the council of colors discuss the digital exclusive cards?

We do a pass on them.

Concerns over Unnecessary Colors

New 02 May 2024 Asked by j-waffles 41 Comments

Hey mark. Y’all in R&D infamously “avoid doing two-colour creatures which could be done in a single color”, like a creature with flying and vigilance, for example. I am not rehashing that argument, because I fully understand why the answer to that question is GB (although since vigilance is allowed in blue now that means that the UB option that was wrong at the time now is also a correct answer). That said, I do have some qualms with the premise of that question. We see multicolored cards that don’t need all their colors CONSTANTLY. Just in Thunder Junction, we got:- Wylie duke, which can be in white or green, and doesn’t need to be both- Vraska joins up, which can be done in mono green and doesn’t need black- Selvala, which can be done in mono green and doesn’t need white- Seraphic steed, which can be done in mono white and doesn’t need green- Rakdos joins up, which could be done in mono black and doesn’t need red- Miriam, which could be done in mono green and doesn’t need white- Marchesa, who can be done in blue or black, and doesn’t need to be both, and DEFINITELY doesn’t need red- Lilah, who could be done in red or blue and doesn’t need to be both- Jasper flint, who can be done in Black or red and doesn’t need to be both- Jem, who could be done in mono blue and doesn’t need white- Form a posse, which could be done in red or white and doesn’t need to be both- Breeches, who can be done in mono red and doesn’t need blue- At knifepoint, which could be done in mono red and doesn’t need black- Obeka, which could be dimir or izzet and doesn’t need to be grixis- Vihaan, who could be done in boros and doesn’t need black- Kirri, which could be in mono green, and doesn’t need red or white- Yuma, which could be done in mono green (and maybe mono red?) but definitely doesn’t need white- Olivia, which could be boros or rakdos and doesn’t need to be mardu- Pest control, which could be mono white and doesn’t need blackI don’t really know what I’m asking, but I just wanted to bring up that unnecessary colors appear on multicolored spells VERY frequently; and I wanted to know if you have any thoughts about this.

That’s why I say “we try” and not “we always do”. When a multicolor card doesn’t have abilities of two colors, we’ll tag it in the Council of Colors pass, and the lead designer will see if hey can find an elegant solution. It’s not a mandatory thing though, as it’s hard to do without making cards extra wordy and clunky. Again, that’s why I say “we try” to do it as it’s something we do when we can, but often don’t do.

Green's Compatibility with Black

New 22 Apr 2024 Asked by shiggymegamitiggy 44 Comments

Council of colors question. Black/Green cards sometimes show a subversion of nature. For example, Dark Heart of the Woods and Squandered Resources both deal with the abuse of natural resources, and Grim Feast seems to imply cannibalism. Philosophically, why is Green OK with partnering with Black to produce such effects?

It’s less that green chooses to partner with black, and more that that philosophy requires a combination of black and green philosophies.

Green's Copying Ability

New 27 Mar 2024 Asked by noahmatthews1399 25 Comments

Where does green rank on being able to create copies of its own creatures? Seems like a pretty green ability in terms of flavor but I can only think of Bramble Sovereign

Green is allowed to copy its own creatures, but there is discussion in the Council of Colors how often and in what way we want green to do copying. (The answer is “some”.)

Council of Colors Process

New 23 Feb 2024 Asked by j-waffles 26 Comments

Does the council of colors discuss EVERY card in EVERY set file? Or does somebody go through and pick out the dubious ones for you all to discuss?

Each color counselor reviews their color pulling out cards to discuss.

Color Pie Discussion

New 13 Sep 2023 Asked by ahsfjsinn 41 Comments

Up the beanstalk let’s you draw off any 5mv or more spell in green, not just creatures (or I guess also enchantments), is this a color pie break?

It’s more bend than break, but we had many a discussion about it in the Council of Colors.

Multicolor Card Design

New 05 Sep 2023 Asked by bloodyqueerfrenchman 31 Comments

You said that, 'There are design structures and tools to make multicolor cards.' How are multicoloured cards designed in relation to the colour pie? Is there something like multicolour colour pie and is the council of colours involved somehow? I'd just like to know the process behind it - if you can of course talk about it.

The topic is better suited to a podcast that a blog answer. There are a lot of moving pieces with multicolor card design. It’s more a combination of the individual colors than a separate color identity for pairs and triplets.

Card Distribution Suggestions

New 30 Aug 2023 Asked by flakmaniak 56 Comments

Is it a little contradictory-sounding if I say that both: Goblins used to get much more spotlight, and I miss how prominent they were back in the day, from say 1993-2007, with lots of iconic goblin-tribal effects, and... Also, that I wish we got more orcs and dwarves? Well, I know you'd say that these three fight for space, but, my answer is very simple: Just print more red cards, and fewer white cards! Then we'll have room!

I’ll run this by the white representative on the Council of Colors.

Black Sacrifice Shift

New 16 Aug 2023 Asked by apo08 31 Comments

Hi Mark,Using bargain, black can sacrifice its own dangerous enchantments like Demonic Pact. Actually I've been made to notice that new Braids let's you sacrifice enchantments as well. This raises a question: is getting rid of your own enchantments still out of pie for black? I thought this was the reason why Feed the Swarm can't target your own things.

The Council of Colors decided to start letting black sacrifice enchantments.

Council of Colors

New 13 Aug 2023 Asked by c256 38 Comments

On a recent Drive *mumble* Work episode, you mentioned that there are 8 members of the Council of Colors. My mental math only gets to 7. Can you tell us the roles of the 8? Thanks! (FWIW, I did consider posting this with “Sixth color confirmed!”.)

There is a representative for white, blue, black, red, green and colorless. I oversee the group with help from Mark Gottlieb. Technically, we have a ninth member that does much of the organizing work and takes notes

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