
Reflection on Mirroring Factions

New 22 Jul 2024 Asked by tameryourentertainer 4 Comments

Related to the last ask (at time of writing): would you do the mirroring thing again splitting packs between two factions? Did that go well enough that you'd do it again? Is there more design space for that kind of thing?

It’s a lot of extra work for little payoff, so I’m skeptical.

Reflections on MKM's Reception

New 21 Jun 2024 Asked by jackythefirst 21 Comments

Hey Mark,As someone who was not very thrilled for MKM when it was originally released. I am looking back now and see it a lot more favorably. While it wasn't my favorite set of all time. I think it is better than I gave it credit for originally and that some of the hate it got may have been a little bit harsh or undeserved.

I think the set has areas of improvement, but there were a lot of things I really liked about it.

Planar Chaos Reflections

New 04 May 2024 Asked by alakasizca 60 Comments

Hi Mark! Hopefully third time is a charm :) While reading the preview columns for Planar Chaos, I saw you wrote this: "Every choice we make has a firm grounding in the philosophical underpinnings of the colors". However, some cards clearly don't have that "firm grounding". Do you remember what made you think that Harmonize was green or Melancholy was black? It surprises me because it's so obviously not the case. Did you maybe get too carried away by the conceptual side of your idea? Thanks!

Sometimes when you mess in space you’ve never messed in before, you can have problems in understanding the scope of what you’re doing. Every effect we shifted colors in, we thought a lot about, and it was based on precedent, but sometimes we missed the forest for the trees, as the expression goes.Take Harmonize. It’s not as if green didn’t have access to card draw. What we missed is how shifting it away from being creature dependent fundamentally shifted how it got used, and allowed green to fill in a weakness in a way that was subtler than we understood at the time.Look, there’s a reason “hindsight is 20/20” in an expression. There are a lot of decisions that seem glaringly wrong looking back, but it often comes with knowledge you simply didn’t have at the time. Planar Chaos taught us the danger of playing with fundamentals. They’re a lot harder to work with than it seems at first blush.

Personal Podcast Reflection

New 03 May 2024 Asked by hyralc 29 Comments

Just finished listening to your podcast about your dad. It was tough to do so, though I imagine not nearly as tough as recording it. It meant something to me, I think. Thank you.

I’m glad it meant something to you.

Philosophy on Fulfilling Life

New 03 May 2024 Asked by lizardwizard100 51 Comments

Hey Mark, I hope you’re doing OK. May your father rest in peace. I have a question regarding life. For most of my life, I have believed that the key to living a fulfilling life is to do what makes you feel happy. And for a long time, Magic has been that key for me. However, as I get older, I am beginning to feel less fulfilled by the sheer pursuit of happiness, as if something else is missing. (Not to say that I’m enjoying Magic any less… I’m a player for life!) My question is… what do you believe makes for a fulfilling life?

I think besides being happy, having a sense of purpose is important. Here’s a thought exercise (that I mentioned doing when my Dad died) that I call the It’s a Wonderful Life reflection. What would the world be like if you were never born? What things did you influence? And this includes your impact on other people. Part of having a sense of purpose is doing something that positively affects others in a way that makes your life have meaning.

Praetors Design Insight

New 14 Apr 2024 Asked by tentativenewtype 70 Comments

Invoking the grand phenomena of Birthday Trivia, could you tell us something about the Phyrexian Praetors?
As an aside; had an absolute blast at OTJ prereleases, playing with merc tokens was the most fun I've had at a prerelease for a while.

The dual “I get an ability the buffs me and a second ability that’s a reflection that hurts my opponent” was the first thing I pitched for the Praetors. Everyone liked it, and we never looked back. Little did we know that we’d have to make more. : )Happy Birthday!

Mercadian Masques Reflections

New 08 Apr 2024 Asked by gridnack 36 Comments

I liked Mercadian Masques but perhaps its downfall is not the set itself, but the fact it came after the infamous Urza block. This meant 1.) the players compared power level 2.) the designers were especially cautious to limit power levelSo the set was good, but had external forces leading to poor sales. I would like to revisit Mercadia, now with new technology/design tools without the external forces. Pretty please?

I would argue the set had some additional design missteps. When we ask players worlds they want to return to, Mercadia scores pretty low.

Suspend Mechanic Reflection

New 26 Mar 2024 Asked by gnommunist-organizer 39 Comments

I forgot to do birthday trivia for almost three weeks D: so I guess I should ask about suspend!

Suspend was one of the greatest deltas between how much I thought players would like it versus how much they did. It shows the importance of how easy something is to execute. Suspend was simple in concept, but a lot of work in actual practice.

Reflection on Identity

New 25 Mar 2024 Asked by a-legitimate-salvage 31 Comments

Alright Mark, here’s the ultimate question:What’s YOUR color identity?

First color - redSecond color - blue Third color - whiteFourth color - black Fifth color - green

Crimes Mechanic Tease Reflection

New 07 Mar 2024 Asked by androgeus 41 Comments

Has the reception of the commit crimes mechanic made you rethink how you’ll tease future mechanics?

It been mostly positive, so no. Again, I tend to spend more time with people complaining on my blog, so it warps perception.

Adventure Mechanic Reflection

New 04 Mar 2024 Asked by cerezawrites 26 Comments

I just finished your twenty favorite mechanics video and was curious about how adventure stacks up? Or is it something that is considered a sequel mechanic to something else (the way Discover is for Cascade, I could see an argument for Adventure as a descendent of Flashback).

Adventure was a contender. I think I removed as it requires an altered frame, and then forgot that meld did that as well and included it.

Color System Reflections

New 08 Feb 2024 Asked by ebo411 53 Comments

Hey Mark, was just talking with a buddy about the whole color system of M:tG, and I got a lot of respect for how it works om both a philosophical and game-design level. Out of curiosity though, and apologies if you get this a lot, if you had the chance to go back and fundamentally change something about the design (change what a color represents, add a new one, forgo the color system entirely, etc.), would you? And if so, what?

I wouldn’t change a thing.

Character Death Reflections

New 14 Dec 2023 Asked by itscrispycoffeecollector 68 Comments

Character death isn't something that is taken lightly, but have there been any examples where you or the Creative Team looked at a character death with hindsight and said, "we may have dropped the ball on that one"?

I think there are deaths that I believe in retrospect were a mistake, but I should stress not my area of expertise.

Un-Set Fan Appreciation

New 28 Nov 2023 Asked by ashnodsfoodstamp 40 Comments

As a huge un-set fan who certainly enjoyed unfinity, it was great to hear you talk about lessons learned. Agree with everything you mentioned. Thanks for being a genuinely great guy and letting us fans peek behind the curtain at your reflections!

You’re welcome. Thanks for listening to the podcast.

Reflections on Influence

New 19 Nov 2023 Asked by doctor-seamonster 40 Comments

You ever think about how you just gradually became one of the "elder statesmen" of geek culture, with things you've made creatively having touched millions of lives?

I do not. : )

Daybound/Nightbound Reflections

New 02 Nov 2023 Asked by greatdinn 57 Comments

Now that it's been around for a while, any further reflections on Daybound/Nightbound?

I wish we made Werewolf/Human transformation built in to it and made it stop progressing when no card on the battlefield cared about it.

Design Evolution Reflection

New 29 Sep 2023 Asked by assemblyofretards 36 Comments

in the past we had "aura weapons", vehicles that weren't vehicles, and sieges that were not battles (Tarkir). is there ever a concern with R&D that innovation will cancel out earlier designs?

With the pool of existing cards (over 25,000), that’s just going to happen to some degree. I like to think of it as stepping stones to get to where we are now.

The Grand Update Reflection

New 24 Jun 2023 Asked by apo08 27 Comments

"But we went far beyond that making many changes that you can’t easily tell from the creative of the card leading to non-intuitive situations were a card is something other than what it says and there’s no way of knowing other than memorizing Oracle."On the other hand, you need to check Oracle for most old cards.Besides, that update was unavoidable, wasn't it? How would you do it now?

If we had to do it again, we would have been far less aggressive on how many changes we made.

Design Philosophy Reflections

New 03 Jun 2023 Asked by nothingbutland-blog 34 Comments

After listening to your why not podcast it seems you have learned the lessons of Jurassic Park...from Odyssey, the gimick sets and other challenging sets."you were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should"- Ian Malcolm Would you agree?

: )

Easter Egg Designs

New 24 Apr 2023 Asked by oppilonus-blog 37 Comments

The other day I realized that Spirited Companion and Virus Beetle (from neo) were foils of each other. Are there any other eastereggs like that that you haven't seen many people notice or talk about?

We do reflections in a lot of sets.

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