Modern Horizons 3

On 5-color Legendary Angel

New 26 Jul 2024 Asked by sapphic-asymmetries 10 Comments

Hi Mark! Curious as a huge angel fan: If/When 5-color legendary angel?Also All my thanks and many high-fives to the team for mh3, I've gotten so many friends into magic because of it!

I assume when. We make a lot of Angels. I’m glad you and your friends like it.

Enjoyment from Marvel Sets

New 24 Jul 2024 Asked by windows-media-playa 5 Comments

Gooday sir! I call upon the sacred right of birthday trivia to ask you about your favorite set to open packs from. I only really started playing when UB LOTR released and since then I've had some fun pulls including Ulamog showcase from MH3. I would love to see what luck brings from your favorite set to rip into.

I’ve been enjoying opening packs from upcoming Marvel sets. : )

MH3 Flip Walkers Control Rules

New 21 Jul 2024 Asked by werhsdnas-blog 4 Comments

Is there a flavor reason why the MH3 flip walkers return to the owner's control and not the control of the person who flipped them?

I think it’s how the rules work. A new card (as far as the game is concerned) that hasn’t entered the game yet doesn’t have a controller.Someone better versed in the rules could explain the nitty gritty.

Reception of Modern Horizons 3

New 21 Jul 2024 Asked by honor-basquiat 2 Comments

How successful was Modern Horizons 3? Did its reception meet your expectations?

It’s doing very well. Expectations met. : )

Reprinting text-less full art

New 19 Jul 2024 Asked by brendo 4 Comments

Hey Mark, could cards be reprinted as text less full arts with the same art they already had? I just saw Campbell White's art for the elemental incarnation cycle in the MH3 special guests for the first time, and think that it actually gets hurt by the text box blocking a bit of it, and think it would be really cool if versions with just the art could exist.

It depends on the art ratio.

MH Sets and Power Creep

New 16 Jul 2024 Asked by smtmtg 15 Comments

Hey Mark! Not to be confrontational or anything but can we, at this point, say that the MH sets (specially mh3) caused power creep? The meta on the pro tour was pretty rough. Thanks for all your hard work!

It raised the power level of the format. That happens whenever enough new (relevant) cards enter a format. Before we starting making cards for Modern (when sets were mostly focused at Standard), the influx of (relevant) new cards was low, so format churn was low. Olds cards did get forced out by new cards, but it happened at a much slower rate. That’s not what “power creep” is. So, if you want to be unhappy with format churn due to products being created with a higher power level as they’re aimed at Modern, that’s very reasonable. It’s a “card influx” complaint not a “power creep” complaint.

Philosophy behind Snow Wastes

New 10 Jul 2024 Asked by hugsandambitions 5 Comments

In the past, you've mentioned a philosophy of not designing something just to check boxes. Ie, not making an Energy-Matters legendary Homunculus just because you haven't yet. Because of that, when Snow Wastes were shown in MH3 I thought there'd be a snow archetype, but there wasn't. Were Snow Wastes an exception to the box-checking philosophy?


Missing Titan Text Explanation

New 08 Jul 2024 Asked by dullwitandravens 3 Comments

Is there a reason why you seem to no longer print cards with the "when this is put into your graveyard, shuffle yard into library" text from the original elldrazi titans? It feels like a major part of their identity to me, and i was a bit sad to see that none of the titans in MH3 had it.

It doesn’t play well.

Hybrid Mechanic in MH3

New 07 Jul 2024 Asked by mistershinyobject 3 Comments

Why were the two-color MDFC lands in MH3 hybrid? The point of hybrid is "or" not "and," but the backside gives you that other mana anyway. What's the point of a card that says "you don't have to play mana sources of this other color" while also giving you a mana source of that color?

The point is you can play it in a deck of either color without having to support the second color in the deck.

Issues in Play Boosters

New 07 Jul 2024 Asked by guardmanxl 23 Comments

Mark, I play a lot of limited and one thing I've noticed with the new play boosters is that it is no longer guaranteed to have a card of every color in it. This is especially glaring in a set like MKM or MH3 with multicolored commons. In MH3 especially, since there are no colorless commons, I've opened several packs where it is missing a color and the only cards in my other color are multicolored, meaning I basically don't get a 1st pick. Is this a known problem? Is anything being done about it?

The collation only allows us to guarantee four colors and not five.

MH3's Kindred Cards Impact

New 07 Jul 2024 Asked by firefish55 5 Comments

When you learned MH3 would feature new Kindred cards, did you know it would come with such a big influx of people asking about Kindred on Tumblr lol?

I did.

Insights on Absorb Mechanic Designs

New 06 Jul 2024 Asked by mytheralmin 28 Comments

Hello, I heard something interesting about MH3 where you retried EVERY mechanic to see what would work with a new context or be interesting. You (WoTC) revisited many of my favorite mechanics like grandeur but didn't for probably my favorite. That mechanic is absorb, and while it has only been keyworded on one card "Lymph Sliver" it did see a continuation on my favorite card of all "Valkmira, Protector's Shield" alongside what would only a few sets later become ward. I wanted to know if you could share any insights on the designs taken with absorb or any other of your favorite mechanics? Thank you very much for your time.

I designed Lymph Sliver and absorb. If I remember correctly, I was riffing off of a shield mechanic from the Star Wars TCG. (It was a trading card game design lead by Richard Garfield that I was on the initial design team for.)

Legacy and Future of Milling

New 03 Jul 2024 Asked by tmplar 11 Comments


Just learned in a podcast you're somewhat the "father" of the mill mechanic!
Was sad there was no new tools for dimir mill in MH3, are there any incoming for mill decks (not self-mill) in Duskmourne? The mechanic would be fitting with the setting...

I can’t talk to the future, but we will be doing more mill effects, even if I can’t say when or where.I should stress that I did not invent mill. Millstone, the first card to mill cards, was in Antiquities and was designed by the East Coast Playtesters (Skaff Elias, Jim Lin, Dave Petty, and Chris Page) with help from Joel Mick.I was a champion of milling and made a lot of cards with it.

Potential Return of Future Sight Frame

New 01 Jul 2024 Asked by jaqeax 6 Comments

I've seen you asked about this a lot, but do you project us ever seeing the Future Sight frame ever again? I love how unique it was and is, and I am honestly surprised MH3 didn't have a frame treatment for it, given that Modern Horizons as a concept was inspired by Time Spiral block.

I get asked about it often. We would have to find the right place to use it, but I won’t say it couldn’t happen.

Energy Mechanic Turnaround

New 29 Jun 2024 Asked by gridnack 7 Comments

When Energy debuted, I didn’t see any cards that interested me and I didn’t get the appeal of the mechanic. Now in Modern Horizons 3, I’m coming around to it. I think MH3 just had more of the designs I’m familiar with and enjoy, so thanks for changing my mind. (It was the white green energy cards oddly enough #aluren)

I’m glad energy finally won you over.

Kamigawa Foxes Birthday Trivia Request

New 29 Jun 2024 Asked by violetfoxsketches 5 Comments

Birthday trivia request!My all time favorite card since I was 16 was Eight-And-A-Half Tails. Now I’m 34 as of today, and thinking back on how fondly I enjoyed the lore of the Kamigawa foxes.
Are there any Kamigawa foxes still alive in Neon Dynasty that were alive in the original Kamigawa block? I know there are references to Sensei Golden-Tail in NEO (and most recently in MH3) but are any of them still around? If so, are you allowed to disclose which ones are?

I wasn’t involved with Neon Dynasty’s creative, but my gut is they’re still around. Happy Birthday!

Understanding Preview Panel Planning

New 29 Jun 2024 Asked by kylekpratt 6 Comments

"Yeah, we showed cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction, the next set, but everyone wanted to talk about Bloomburrow." Not to give you too hard a time, but this is simply not true. Going back to the Chicago preview panel. the four sets you previewed cards from got the following time: Bloomburrow: ~9m (2:20-11:10), Assassin's Creed: ~11m(11:10-22:00), MH3: ~15m(22:00-36:40), OTJ: ~15m (36:40-51:00). Today, Bloomburrow got 5 total minutes compared to Duskmourn's 25.

So, Bloomburrow got even less time at Chicago and was 95% of what people online wanted to talk with me about the panel.The messages we got from people was they didn’t understand what Duskmourn was, so we spent some time on that to help people understand. The reason we have to do it early is so stores understand how much to order, which is key on having a sense from their players if they’re interested.

Efreets as Djinns Transition

New 28 Jun 2024 Asked by solaris-adz 2 Comments

Hello Mark!

Sorry if this already got answered, Pinnacle Monk in Modern Horizons 3 seems to be an efreet from Tarkir, but in its typeline it's noted as a djinn. Is it the sign that efreet might come to have the same treatment as viashinos, nagas and cephalid in the future? (for thos who dont know, now with MH3 they are respectively lizards, snakes and octopuses)

We are no longer supporting the Efreet creature type. New “Efreets” will be Djinns.

Modern Horizons 3 Counters

New 28 Jun 2024 Asked by das-ende-des-anfangs 9 Comments

Is modern Horizons 3 the first-ever draftable MtG set that included +1+1 counters and -1-1 counters? I thought that was something y'all never did.

The higher complexity of Modern Horizons sets allows us to do things we don’t in other sets.

Trivia about Vizzerdrix

New 27 Jun 2024 Asked by hexooze 2 Comments

Hi Mark!
Yesterday is my birthday. May I get trivia among one of my favorite cards - Worldfire, Wurmcoil Engine, Radiant Performer, Sundial of the Infinite, or Vizzerdrix? Or a random card from MH3 not covered by your previous Making Magic articles?

Vizzerdrix got created as a card for a product called Starter. The reason we made it is we had a series of TV commercials, one of which featured Kezzerdrix from Tempest (it involved mixing a wrestler, a chainsaw, and a bunny in a machine). A different ad in the same campaign used an Orgg. So to tie to those, we made a simpler Orgg and Vizzerdrix, as the original cards were too complicated for a beginner product.Happy Belated Birthday!

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