
Game Tracking Revealed Cards

New 25 Jun 2024 Asked by 3-slugcat-pilots-7-ornithopters 6 Comments

Can the game keep track of what cards have been revealed in paper? Example: “as an additional cost to cast this spell, reveal 2 cards from your hand you have not already revealed”The issue comes with stuff like brainstorm, etc. and tracking which cards have been revealed among other things

I don’t believe the game can track stuff that’s not observable by the opponent.

Ponder Design

New 29 Mar 2024 Asked by andalon-historian 26 Comments

Was Ponder designed as a "fixed" Brainstorm?

I think so.

Mercadian Masques Evaluation

New 10 Oct 2023 Asked by nothingbutland-blog 66 Comments

You have said that R&D made Mercadian Masque a "weak" block,but its a block with free spells, rebel, Brainstorm, spell shapers, if it was printed into Standard today it would probably be the most dominant set being played. How in R&D's eyes was the block made "weaker"?

It was significantly weaker than Urza’s Saga Block. : )

Fixed Card Designs Idea

New 17 May 2023 Asked by ajanicomelately 38 Comments

DTW Idea: Fixed card designs. Someone had asked about Brainstorm vs Ancestral Recall. Another about Sol Ring to Sisay’s Ring. It might be an interesting topic! As always, love the podcast!

I’ll add it to the “short” list.

Brainstorm vs Recall

New 16 May 2023 Asked by godkingjinping 36 Comments

Is brainstorm fixed recall

I think it started out as a “fixed” Ancestral Recall, but it has also proven to be a little too strong and is banned/restricted in certain formats.

Segovian Bees Blame

New 01 Apr 2023 Asked by nicolbolas96 22 Comments

Hi Mark, is the Segovian's Bees fault if there is a white brainstorm in MoM?

Color pie issues? It’s the Segovian bees.

Tempest Brainstorm List Inquiry

New 01 May 2021 Asked by impeesa0 23 Comments

Anyone who has followed your work for long enough probably knows the story of the Tempest brainstorm list (I think I still have that issue of the Duelist), but I haven't followed consistently enough over the years to know: Have you ever put the whole list in one place? If not, then maybe as a column someday, talking about where each one has ended up over the years (are there any left that we've still never heard of?).

I have to track down the list.

White Brainstorm Request

New 31 Mar 2021 Asked by zackdes44 62 Comments

Can we get brainstorm in white?


Power of Blue Cantrips

New 15 Nov 2019 Asked by decafwizard 33 Comments

These days, we are seeing a lot less blue cantrips with a strength level like brainstorm, preordain serum visions, sleight of hand, and so forth printed into standard. Has design determined that these effects are too powerful for limited, or is there a chance we could see cards like these in standard again

I believe play design is wary about them.

Reprint Art Selection

New 29 Jun 2019 Asked by theuninvitedghost 29 Comments

"Hi Mark. Love WotCs work, but would like to express my dissatisfaction at the lack of foil Lorwyn art Ponder reprints. The core set ponder has seen reprints, and brainstorm has been reprinted several times, but no ponder. Thank you for listening. That’s a very specific request. : ) It’s possible if the stars align." Are you saying that whether or not a piece of artwork has been reprinted more or less often is not a consideration in choosing the art for a reprint that doesn't feature new art?

When choosing art for a reprint that isn’t getting new art, we tend to pick the piece that we feel best serves the card as a whole. That increases the chance that the same piece gets picked again.

Foil Ponder Requests

New 28 Jun 2019 Asked by anonleoleo 33 Comments

Hi Mark. Love WotCs work, but would like to express my dissatisfaction at the lack of foil Lorwyn art Ponder reprints. The core set ponder has seen reprints, and brainstorm has been reprinted several times, but no ponder. Thank you for listening.

That’s a very specific request. : )It’s possible if the stars align.

Aftermath Cards Explanation

New 25 May 2017 Asked by kingmagni 29 Comments

You said you created Aftermath cards to help Delirium, but why then are the two cards in the two colors more focused on Delirum, Mouth to Feed and Never to Return, sorceries on both sides?

I said the jumping off point was a brainstorming about helping delirium. The mechanic shifted my ch since the initial brainstorm.

Silver Border Specifics

New 27 Jan 2017 Asked by piogre 21 Comments

"Silver border cares specifically about the exact card you’re playing: language, artist, rarity, all of it." - does this mean that cards like Smart Ass and Mise work differently from black border in terms of the game action of naming a card? Or does Mise still work if I name "Brainstorm" and reveal "Gedankenwirbel"?

When naming a card, any name from any language of it works. When affected by a card based on its name (say with Unhinged’s Double Header) it looks specifically at the name of the card being affected.

Board Game Win Conditions

New 28 Oct 2016 Asked by waflman7 89 Comments

I am currently working on designing a board game. I have flavor and alot of the mechanics of the game but I can't figure out an end point that makes sense. Do you have any suggestions on how to brainstorm a way to win the game?

Figuring out the win conditions is something I figure out very early.If you’re farther along, my tip is this. Have nondesigners play the game with a stopwatch going. Have the players tell you when they’re starting to get bored. You want your game to stop well before (like ten minutes plus, even more if a longer game) the first person reported they were bored. Figure out what conditions can get the game to stop at that point.

Nostalgia or Design Space

New 20 Oct 2016 Asked by fepiera-blog 29 Comments

Do you see cards like Magus of the Moon or abilities that 'replicate' cards (such as Brainstorm on JMS) more like design space limitations, design space waste or just as nods to beloved cards?

It is both design space and nostalgia.

Color Pie Consistency

New 19 Sep 2015 Asked by cairnwanderer 35 Comments

What about supplemental color-pie bleeds that help diversify really important effects in Eternal Formats? White could certainly use a strong conditional Counterspells in Legacy, as Green could use some form or stronger Consistency without splashing for Brainstorm. Supplemental products seem like a great way to allow that bleed so the Eternal formats can divvy up some of that "Blue" space, while keeping those effects more strictly blue in the formats where those effects aren't as ... required.

The color pie should be a constant and not change from format to format.

Blue Cantrip Trivia

New 27 Aug 2015 Asked by quillypen 38 Comments

Finally I can ask for birthday trivia! Any trivia on any blue cantrip? I think Brainstorm is one of the best designed cards in Magic.

When I first got to R&D, we would fight about which was better Brainstorm or Ponder and I took the Ponder side. I think I was just subconsciously trying to convince people I was a designer and not a developer. : ) Happy Birthday!

YAAV's Non-Triggering Effect

New 02 May 2015 Asked by crypsys-deactivated20190627 13 Comments

Un-rules question. I control YAAV and no other permanents; an Island sits on top of my library. If I cast Brainstorm, and the next four cards are Bogardan Hellkites, and I put two of them back, how much damage do I deal my opponent?

None. Yet Another Aether Vortex does not trigger “enter the battlefield” effects.

White Cycle Completion

New 06 Apr 2015 Asked by wildfire149 47 Comments

When are you printing the white part of the 3 for 1 cycle? (no white, brainstorm, dark ritual, lighting bolt, giant growth)

White was Healing Salve and Blue was Ancestral Recall. All five of the cycle appeared in Alpha.

From-Hand Manipulation Future

New 15 Mar 2015 Asked by lurking-mtg-dnd 21 Comments

Do you think we'll ever see a from-hand-to-library manipulation again or has the power of Brainstorm shut that door?

It won’t be as powerful but I wouldn’t write the ability off just yet.

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