
Captain Sisay Trivia

New 03 Jun 2024 Asked by elmarcodepico 16 Comments

Hi Mark! It's my birthday today! Can I please have some trivia about Captain Sisay? Thank you!

Captain Sisay was the one Weatherlight crew member that Michael and I didn’t create. She and the Weatherlight were created as part of the Mirage story.Happy Birthday!

Favorite Airship Designs

New 11 Sep 2023 Asked by burninggiverwolf 35 Comments

Hi Mark, what are your favourite kind of airships? Classic like The Weatherlight, weird and intricate like in Kaladesh, ragtag and piratical like in Mercadia, or something else?

I have a soft spot for the Weatherlight, which I didn’t create, by the way. The Weatherlight and Sisay were part of the Mirage story.

Fixed Card Designs Idea

New 17 May 2023 Asked by ajanicomelately 38 Comments

DTW Idea: Fixed card designs. Someone had asked about Brainstorm vs Ancestral Recall. Another about Sol Ring to Sisay’s Ring. It might be an interesting topic! As always, love the podcast!

I’ll add it to the “short” list.

Un-rules Meeting Sisay

New 14 Dec 2022 Asked by hyralc 18 Comments

un-rules question! If I'm playing "Meet and Greet "Sisay"" (Another card not on gatherer currently), and I play cards from alpha any of those pre-expansion symbol sets, but I have another on the field/grave, can I still trigger "History"?

As long as it doesn’t share an expansion symbol, it will trigger. Note it has to be the actual versions without the expansion symbol.

Meet & Greet Art Rules

New 22 Sep 2022 Asked by centurosplaneswalker 70 Comments

Does Meet & Greet "Sisay" count as having Sisay in the art for Vorthos, even though it's clearly a paid actor?
On a related note, does Jilt count as having Yawgmoth or Hannah in the art? Because, as per the flavor text, that's *not* Gerrard's Hannah.

Having a character either dressed up as that character or a shapeshifter shifting into that character’s form passes the bar for visually referencing the character. The main idea of Vorthos is to let Vorthoses have fun making a deck flavored around a character.

Meet & Greet Text

New 22 Sep 2022 Asked by peaceloveexplosives 20 Comments

Un-Rules Q: does Meet & Greet "Sisay" count the lines with flavor words/phrases on the modal AFR cards?

No, as it’s not flavor text.

Adventure Spells and Sisay

New 21 Sep 2022 Asked by peaceloveexplosives 18 Comments

Making sure I understand Meet and Greet "Sisay" and the rules, does an Adventure spell have the flavor text of its creature part? Flavor text isn't one of an object's characteristics (which there are rules covering for Adventures), so I don't think this is covered in the Comprehensive Rules, but I may be wrong.

The adventure only has the qualities of the adventure spell, so unless it has flavor text itself (which I think non adventure has due to space) it doesn’t trigger “Sisay”.

Weatherlight Crew

New 15 Aug 2022 Asked by derplingvonderp 31 Comments

"Original weatherlight crew" is that gerrard's crew that went to rath and mercadia, or is it the previous crew led by sisay?

That’s Gerrard’s crew.

Weatherlight Trivia Request

New 07 Jun 2022 Asked by ashioks-right-horn 41 Comments

Mark,Its my birthday and I would like to invoke the rite of birthday trivia! Could I have some trivia on the Weatherlight?

The Weatherlight was one of the few aspects of the Weatherlight Saga not created by Michael and myself. It and Sisay were a small part of the Mirage story. We wanted a device that our characters could travel between worlds on and a flying ship sounded cool, so we adapted our story around it. Happy Birthday!

Goblin Trivia Request

New 03 May 2022 Asked by fckyeslore 42 Comments

hey mark! its my birthday and im cashing in my annual token for some trivia about goblins if youve got any

I believe Squee was the first Weatherlight character Michael and I made (that didn’t already exist - Sisay wasn’t created by us). He got his name from a piece of flavor text I wrote (on Relentless Assault).Happy Birthday

Appreciating Sisay's Art

New 03 Apr 2022 Asked by wherehavealltheuswrnamesgone 32 Comments

Really big fan of the Sisay art on the left-handed secret lair. High-five to whoever came up with that concept!

I believe that was Ari Zirulnik (who I had on my podcast a few weeks ago).

Captain Sisay Birthday Trivia

New 19 Nov 2021 Asked by ff7hero-blog 31 Comments

It's my birthday, MaRo! I would like to request any trivia about Captain Sisay, please.

Captain Sisay was the only character of the Weatherlight Crew not created by me and Michael. She, and the Weatherlight, played a small role in the Mirage/Visions story. Happy Birthday!

Legendary Land Considerations

New 09 Jan 2021 Asked by gridnack 71 Comments

With the most popular format being singleton (Commander) and my love for legendary lands, words cannot express my disappointment that I can’t tutor for The World Tree with Captain Sisay. Instead of removing legendary from lands, would you please consider “the legend rule doesn’t apply to this card” added as rules text? Being legendary is important for those vorthos players who have a special love/connection to unique things.

Longtime readers know I’ve wanted to strip mechanical definition of legendary for years. That would allow us to let flavor dictate when legendary gets used.

Five-Color Commander Feedback

New 11 Mar 2020 Asked by cursedereaper 61 Comments

The overall notion about 5c commanders is: less 5c commanders and narrower themes if you print new 5c commanders. 89% Accurate: 66 votes for less commanders (many that want them more restricted). 7 want same ratio if more restricted. 6 want less that have manacost like Golos, Sisay, Tazir and more that cost WUBRG. 4 Keep going (1 troll). 2 more 4c instead. The opinion on 5c good stuff differs. Kenrith and Golos were named the most. Niv was quite polarizing.

FYIThanks for compiling the results.

Request for Color Restrictions in Commander

New 10 Mar 2020 Asked by dunharrow-le-dingue 194 Comments

Commander has color restrictions, and you know that restrictions breed creativity. Can I request that you swing the pendulum away from the Morophon, Golos, Kenrith, Jodah, Najeela, Sisay, and Tazri -styled 5 color commanders? It was nice to have some of these but I think we are getting too many and it is making Commander too '5 color Good Stuff'.

Okay, Commander players, I’m curious to hear your thoughts on five color identity commanders. More, less, changed in some way? What would you like?

Sisay Ability Scope

New 18 Jan 2020 Asked by tybonel13 35 Comments

Would Sisay, Weatherlight Captain have been too good if her abilities cared about historic over legendary?

Doubtful, but historic wasn’t a mechanic available to Modern Horizons. We cut off mechanics at Khans of Tarkir block.

Orim 2.0 Possibility

New 18 Dec 2019 Asked by gruul-storyteller 39 Comments

So will we one day see a 2.0 version of Orim, Samite Healer like we did with Sisay, Weatherlight Captain or Gerrard, Weatherlight Hero?

Hopefully, one day.

Weatherlight Crew Trivia

New 01 Dec 2019 Asked by dalenthas 17 Comments

Hi Mark, I almost forgot to ask for my birthday trivia. Can I get something about the Weatherlight or her crew? Maybe something that you haven't shared about your original plan for the storyline?

Michael and I didn’t create Sisay or the Weatherlight. They were both part of the Mirage story, although a small part.Happy Birthday!

Off-Color Identity

New 12 Oct 2019 Asked by erfunk 34 Comments

"FYI / curiosity: Dominaria had the most recent legendary creatures with an off-color identity that wasn't fully 5c, in Shalai and Kazarov. Jodah was off-color 5c in the same set. Since then, there have been 4 other off-color 5c identities: Najeela, Sisay, Morophon, and Kenrith." CORRECTION! I somehow missed Golos, so there's 5 since Dominaria.


Legendary Creatures FYI

New 12 Oct 2019 Asked by erfunk 23 Comments

FYI / curiosity: Dominaria had the most recent legendary creatures with an off-color identity that wasn't fully 5c, in Shalai and Kazarov. Jodah was off-color 5c in the same set. Since then, there have been 4 other off-color 5c identities: Najeela, Sisay, Morophon, and Kenrith.


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