Vision Design

Mechanic Color Pie Limitations

New 26 Jul 2024 Asked by j-waffles 7 Comments

Do you ever encounter issues where a mechanic that you want to be core to a set is too niche in its slice of the color pie? Like, food was a big theme in both Eldraine sets, but it is a mechanic that can only appear WGB, so you were limited somewhat in just how much you could use it compared to something disguise, which is a completely color-pie agnostic mechanic. When designing full custom sets I often have ideas for mechanics that seem to be total slam dunks, but are actually kind of limited in how much I can use them.

It happens from time to time. It’s why vision design checks in with the Council of Colors.

Set Progress Timeline

New 25 Jul 2024 Asked by neverusingthisaccount7 3 Comments

Out of all the sets you’re working on right now, which is the farthest along in the timeline? Alternatively, what’s the distance between vision design and release date?

Cairo is the in-universe Magic set that is the farthest out. It’s in vision design. I start exploratory design on a Universes Beyond set in August. The end of vision design to print is two to three years. In-universe Magic sets are closer to release than Universe Beyond ones when they come out of vision design.

Avacyn Birthday Trivia

New 25 Jul 2024 Asked by sapphicvalkyrja 8 Comments

I would like to invoke the rite of birthday trivia to request something about my favorite character, Avacyn!

From time to time we have what we call “brain to print” cards where a cards gets to print in the exact form it was designed. Avacyn, Angel of Hope was one such card. I made it in early vision design, and it never changed (I think they tried different mana costs, but ended back at where I started).Happy Birthday!

Thoughts on Animal Megabatch

New 24 Jul 2024 Asked by andalon-historian 12 Comments

I just want to say that I agree with you that animal megabatch would have been endlessly charming. I love it so much. But I understand the problem with creating a list that needs updating forever like that. It makes sense to get cut. But it also rocks! This is why un-sets are so important and should be more accepted by the community lol.

I think vision design’s job is to push design boundaries, and not all of them will make it to print. I personally found the idea of animal decks super charming.

Bloomburrow Classes' Design Stage

New 23 Jul 2024 Asked by brendo 6 Comments

At what point in the design process did you guys decide bloomburrow would have classes? I love that they're there, they fit well, but I was not expecting it at all.

It happened in early vision design.

Badgers to Raccoon Swap Timing

New 23 Jul 2024 Asked by crisplycans 5 Comments

How late in the design process were badgers replaced with raccoon? Was the decision to make Gruul's mechanic expend already made by the time the swap was decided on? Or did market testing show the audience's preference before any of that was locked in?

The change was made mid vision design. I’m not sure when expend first got added. It was there at the handoff, although unnamed.

Balance Between Creativity and Feasibility

New 23 Jul 2024 Asked by gevth 3 Comments

Part of Vision Design is pushing the boundaries of Magic (I believe). Sometimes, that means brainstorming wild successes like double faced cards or morph , but other times there are mechanics like the Animal batch or LCI’s gem resources that get killed by set or play design. Does vision design have limits on what they can propose? how do you foster outside-the-box creativity while keeping unfeasable ideas in check?

Part of pushing boundaries is doing things that end up being too far, but you don’t know the line if you never test it.

Bloomburrow's Diversified Biomes

New 21 Jul 2024 Asked by ajanicomelately 2 Comments

Loved the Bloomburrow vision design podcast! It got me thinking: While Bloomburrow has no particular biome… is the entire plane similar to what we see in this set… or could future sets on Bloomburrow feature other types of biomes? Stated another way: In the podcast Doug said this one is “European-ish or North Eastern America-ish”… but could we see a Bloomburrow set that was say, tropically or rainforest-ish or polar-ish” Or does the whole plane look/feel like this iteration?

I don’t think it’s been established. We tend to leave some amount of each world open-ended to allow for flexibility on a revisit.

Cut Animals in Bloomburrow

New 14 Jul 2024 Asked by jirachibi2550 3 Comments

When you do articles/DTWs on Bloomburrow: Can you list some more animals that you guys considered for the set but got cut and if you had any planned colors/mechanics for them? We know about Badgers and such, but would love to hear if there were more :)

The two that existed as two-color archetypes was Weasels in black/red and Badgers in red/green. In early vision design, for a short moment, we had fifteen animals as we gave one to each monocolor. It became clear quickly it was just too many animals. There were many ones we talked about that never made the cut. Turtles and Frogs, for example, were fighting for the green/blue slot.

Abbreviation of Design Stages

New 04 Jul 2024 Asked by su92 4 Comments

I've got a very specific questions. "Exploratory Design", "Vision Design", "Set Design", "Play Design" are all two words and sound like the kind of thing that could be abbreviated. I can imagine you guys talk about "Exploratory" or "Vision" just like that... but how do you abbreviate "Set Design" or "Play Design"? Do you always say the full name?

We will say “set” and “play”, although more often the former than the latter.

Head Designer vs Lead Designer

New 03 Jul 2024 Asked by bloodyqueerfrenchman 4 Comments

You are head designer and often lead designer. What is the difference between those two tasks?

I am Head Designer overseeing all of the early portion of design. I am lead designer on specific sets, such as Outlaws of Thunder Junction vision design.

Advice on Game Design Logistics

New 01 Jul 2024 Asked by bias-ffancrzy 6 Comments

I'm part of a community that is designing new homebrew content for an old out of print card game (sort of like modding old video games). We've grown to the point where we have our own mini R&D, complete with design and development "Teams".

I'm trying to learn more about logistics and communication to get better at this, so I had a couple questions.

I struggle with communicating things like "design goals" or explaining why a card was designed a certain way to the "development" team without coming across like I'm dismissing their feedback. Do you have any advice on this?

Secondly how much of feedback on individual cards are done in writing via the "Design file" for each card you've shown in various articles where R&D members are leaving notes, vs conversations. with conversations sometimes you need to play telephone to get feedback to everyone, and with notes it feels like you can't get as much detail?

Thanks. I'm sure this question is too long for you to answer in depth but any wisdom would be appreciated.

I put up vision design handoff documents all the time if you want to see how we communicate between design teams in writing. Most our card by card notes are in the database. We show off dev notes from time to time.

Lost Caverns Set Development

New 27 Jun 2024 Asked by snivy1245 6 Comments

Hi, Mark. I just wanted to say that I find it astounding that Lost Caverns being set on Ixalan was a late decision, as one of the reasons it drew me into Magic was how interesting I found the factions of the plane, and how well I saw them represented in the cards. I suppose it just goes to show how much a set can change in Play Design, huh?

It changed in early set design, just after vision design handed the file off.

Favorite Unpublished Mechanic

New 24 Jun 2024 Asked by shahrathestoryteller 6 Comments

Hi Mark! What's your favourite mechanic that was in development but ultimately, will never see print due to inherent gameplay problems it promotes.

Bloomburrow had a mechanic handed off from vision design that didn’t make it to print that I really liked.

Considering 3/2 Power in MKM

New 19 Jun 2024 Asked by shmittywerbenjagermanjensen 2 Comments

I was thinking about a blog from Ari Lax about 3/2 being the best power and toughness for limited and was wondering if you all considered or tested with disguise/cloak from MKM making 3/2s rather than 2/2s with ward?

The initial version of Disguise in vision design of Murders at Karlov Manor made them 3/2. It was a bit too aggressive.

Cryptic Insight into Current Project

New 13 Jun 2024 Asked by honor-basquiat 7 Comments

Hey Mark, how's your week been coming along? Can you please share something cryptic about what you've been working on this week?

I did a Ziplining draft this week and was very happy to see set design embracing, and improving upon, the cool stuff vision design did.

Outlaws of Thunder Junction

New 10 Jun 2024 Asked by space-wizards 73 Comments

"Innistrad is one of my best designs."Yeah, Innistrad was great when it was unique, and gothic horror is an incredibly deep well to draw from. There's tons of source material, and it's easy to make it feel "universal".These days, it feels like every premier set is trying to be Innistrad, unless it's a Storyline Set or a Return Set. The Innistrad-likes all feel like "Magic does [genre]" instead of something actually original, Storyline Sets are practically Return Sets, and the actual Return Sets are half Innistrad-likes anyway.The Modern Horizons sets are the last bastion of bottom-up, Magic doing Magic sets, but they're infrequent, expensive, and overshadowed by how they destroy the Modern metagame every time.I just want a new world that makes me feel like I'm reading the Planeswalker's Guide to Alara again. A world that only makes sense in Magic the Gathering, instead of Magic fitting itself into something that already exists.

I want to begin by stressing something. You’re talking to me, the Head Designer of Magic. I, along with rest of the designers, are in charge of the mechanical execution of design. We create the larger structure of how the set is build, weave in flavorful themes, and design mechanics to play into that structure and theme(s). When I talk about sets I’ve done I’m talking about the part of the process I’m in charge of. With that said, let’s talk about the latest design I led (vision design), Outlaws of Thunder Junction. I hold up its game design to any other set I’ve lead. The mechanics are sharp, useful, and lead towards new play patterns. The limited play and constructed play involving its themes are novel. And while it’s all forward facing, it was designed to be more backwards compatible than previous sets. Plot, in particular, is one of the most exciting new mechanics I’ve designed in a long time. It’s simple in description, but surprisingly deep in strategy. Having the primary focal point of villainy, with a secondary theme of the Western genre, led my team to create something new. Top-down is just an input. Good design can come from any input. Bottom-up design is no better at making good mechanic designs than top-down. I believe current mechanical design is on point, and Outlaws of Thunder Junction, in particular, is my team being on their A game.

Current Set Design Projects

New 05 Jun 2024 Asked by elderaktis 10 Comments

Hi Mark. Which set(s) are you currently working on?

I’m currently on the vision design teams for Berlin and Cairo, neither of which I’m leading. Exploratory design for a Universes Beyond set I’m leading vision design for starts soon.

Commander Format Prevalence

New 31 May 2024 Asked by yuleooze 29 Comments

Hi Mark, thanks for the podcast its something I look forward to every Friday, but I was a little put off this week while listening to your episode about the MH3 vision design. Within 90 seconds of the start Commander is mentioned. I play commander but at this point I've come to resent how the game is largely centered on it to the point that even products aimed at something else have to have commander elements kept in mind. There is a separate (and oversaturated) product line in the precons aimed at commander, can we keep these things separate please?

It’s the number one played tabletop format, by a decent margin. How do we not care about a format so many people are playing?

Meld Cards in MH3 Design

New 29 May 2024 Asked by lordmohses 29 Comments

Hi Mark,Were meld cards ever considered for MH3?

I do believe other DFC designs were made in vision design. I’’m not sure if that included Meld. It might have.

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