Jund (B/R/G)

Animal Appearance in Duos

New 17 Jul 2024 Asked by pvonvil 5 Comments

From what I can gather all the duos, like Bakersbane Duo are in shards: Bakersbane duo is green but fits in a squirrel (bg) or raccoon deck (rg), making it a basically a Jund card. The black cards are an exception: Glivedive duo is in a wedge, Mardu (bat wb and lizard rb). Presumably the other black one will be squirrel (bg) and rat (ub)My question is: why? Is the pattern of shards intentional? Is the deviation to one color having wedges intentional?

The only guideline was each animal appeared in just two duos.

-1/-1 Counters in Standard

New 28 Jun 2024 Asked by yourpalrowan 4 Comments

Hey Mark, Happy Pride! What's the likelihood we see -1/-1 counters back in standard as a core mechanic? Maybe a Jund Legend?

It’s a high bar to clear, but it’s still a possibility.

Classic Tokens Appreciation

New 31 May 2024 Asked by sapphicvalkyrja 32 Comments

As a Magic old-timer who just finished a "Serra Angel tokens" Commander deck inspired by Historian's Boon and the special Treizeci, Sun of Serra card from Heroes of the Realm that was floating around some months back, I love the Tarmogoyf tokens in the new Jund Commander deck. They're a great way to give a nod to Magic's history, and I hope we see this sort of thing again (though it feels like it could be easy to over-do them so moderation seems best). Please pass on some high-fives for "classic creatures as tokens" idea!

Will do.

First Prerelease Experience

New 15 Apr 2024 Asked by cruxoftheissue 22 Comments

Went to my first prerelease today and ended up playing a Jund deck with some really fun counterplays! I love all the targeting spells, makes it exciting to say I'm doing a crime and then one-shotting an opponents creature! The set was exciting, I loved everything about it

: )

Multicolored Mana Symbols

New 02 Jan 2024 Asked by ncat 36 Comments

Is there a reason that multicoloured mana symbols aren't used in mana sources? I.e, instead of "Add [B] or [G]", it could be add [B/G]?It could probably save a bunch of card space, especially in 5 colour mana sources, if 5 colour multiple type pops were added, i.e. "Add one mana of any colour" vs "Add [W/U/B/R/G]"
Though, I suspect a 5 colour one might not work in formats like commander, since then it would count as 5 colour identity card

The reason is it implies things that aren’t inherently true. Also, it would cause some color identity issues as you point out.

Kraven Color Identity

New 20 Nov 2023 Asked by honor-basquiat 25 Comments

Hi Mark, which color(s) is Kraven the Hunter? Maybe Golgari or Jund? His primary color to me seems to be green but what do you think?

Kraven seems pretty black/green.

Clarifying Threebrid Concept

New 26 Oct 2023 Asked by 22bebo 27 Comments

Re:threebrid- I think the question asker meant a variant of twobrid, so like {3/R} (three generic or one red) as opposed to {B/R/G} (black or red or green).

The problem with three-brid, is you will seldom pay the generic mana.

Color Order Explanation

New 30 Jul 2023 Asked by woihtmmd 113 Comments

"They are in WUBRG order. Note that doesn’t mean W is always before U" Can you explain how this works? I'm confused.

Let’s start with allied color pairs. The way we do them is we start with the color and the go clockwise around the color wheel. That means they are: White/BlueBlue/BlackBlack/RedRed/GreenGreen/WhiteNote that means green and white are green/white, the order in which they are consecutive rather than the order of WUBRG. For enemy color pairs we get: White/BlackBlue/RedBlack/GreenRed/WhiteGreen/BlueIn this case two color pairs, red and white, and green and blue, are not in WUBRG order, but in the order where they are closest around the circle.This order makes it so each color is first two out of four times, and last two out of four times.Shard/arc three color trios are done the order that they appear together in the circle:White/Blue/BlackBlue/Black/RedBlack/Red/GreenRed/Green/WhiteGreen/White/BlueRed, green and white, and green, white, and blue aren’t in WUBRG order.Wedge three-color trios, are written such that the shared enemy color is in the center, with each color appearing with it as it appears when it’s written as an enemy color :White/Black/GreenBlue/Red/WhiteBlack/Green/BlueRed/White/BlackGreen/Blue/RedOnly white, black, green is in WUBRG order.Four color quartets appear in the order they appear consecutive in the color wheel: White/Blue/Black/RedBlue/Black/Red/GreenBlack/Red/Green/WhiteRed/Green/White/Blue Green/White/Blue/BlackAll but the first two aren’t in WUBRG order.Five color us in WUBRG order:White/Blue/Black/Red/Green

Jund Trivia

New 14 May 2023 Asked by grantwarmstrong 29 Comments

Hey Maro, it's my birthday today. Could I please get some trivia about Korvold, Fae-Cursed King, or if not then Jund sac in general?

In Shards of Alara, Jund’s named mechanic was going to be something that triggered whenever a creature died. We end up making a three-card cycle out of it and replaced it with devour. Happy Birthday!

Commander Archetype Delays

New 17 Mar 2023 Asked by polarisfluff 34 Comments

Is there a reason certain highly desired or very clear archetypes don't get commanders built for them? For example, abzan lifegain is something a ton of people want and it's the perfect colors for it, yet we haven't seen a dedicated commander for it. Additionally there's mardu spellslinger that can combine the burn from boros with the drain from black. A personal desire of mine is to get a creature "force feed" commander to give opponents a bunch of tokens and hit em with massacre wurm. Jund pls

Two issues:
  1. There are a lot of moving parts when making Commander decks (aka different needs that have to be addressed).
  2. There are a lot of different Commanders players want.
We will eventually get to the ones that a lot of players are asking for, but it can take some time.

Feeling Ignored

New 15 Mar 2023 Asked by polarisfluff 33 Comments

Hi mark, I've sent you so many questions but they never get answered. Why do you hate me :( Is it because I ask about rats or jund creature force-feed commanders so much :(

I don’t hate you. I just get asked a *lot* of questions.

More Wedge Commanders

New 01 Feb 2023 Asked by strix-soven 36 Comments

May I request more wedge commanders? There are nearly 2x as many shard as wedge. In case you're interested: Sultai 17, Temur 15, Jeskai 19, Abzan 12, Mardu 23. Wedge total 86. Esper 34, Grixis 39, Jund 28, Naya 30, Bant 29. Shard total 160.

We do them in about equal numbers. The discrepancy comes from the fact that we used to do a lot more of the ally combinations than the enemy ones.

Mana Symbol Order

New 09 Nov 2022 Asked by notmakingablog71 83 Comments

Why do the mana symbols in some multicolored cards follow WUBRG but not others? i.e. an izzet card will have blue then red, but a golgari card has green first then black?

There is an order to every color combination: WUUBBRRGGWWBURBGRWGWWUBUBRBRGRGWGWUWBGURWBGURWBGURWUBRUBRGBRGWRGWUGWUBWUBRGThe order for each cycle has a pattern which goes around the mana circle in a particular way that is consistent for the cycle.

Design vs Competitive Power

New 03 Oct 2022 Asked by onebuckchuck 25 Comments

Hey Mark, does it ever bum you out when a certain card doesn't make the cut in the competitive scene, or doesn't show up in a deck that it was clearly designed for? Thinking of things like Ignoble Hierarch not appearing in Jund, for example.

Power level of individual cards is far outside the realm of my responsibilities. I focus much more on if players like the larger themes, mechanics, and structure of a set.

Grammar in Plane Visitation

New 08 Apr 2022 Asked by acceptableduraz 46 Comments

When you're referring to someone visiting a plane, are they "in" the plane, like a country, or "on" the plane, like a planet? In Ravnica? On Ravnica? Also, would that have changed on Alara since the Conflux? Like I would have said "on Jund" before and now I would say "in Jund," since it's a place within a plane now?

We say they are “on” the plane.

Riveteers Charm Color Choices

New 04 Apr 2022 Asked by jambrose 39 Comments

Mark, the newly spoiled Riveteers Charm, has 3 modes, but in the green slot uses the exact same mode as the black slot on jund charm, essentially making it BRB vs BRG. Was there a reason for graveyard destruction for the green vs regrowth effect?

Multiple colors can do certain effects. There’s no requirement that every effect be limited to just one color (overall, we tend to not repeat effects within a set).

Three-Color Cards Sequence

New 24 Mar 2022 Asked by rs-torres 62 Comments

Hey Mark! I noticed something that got me curious... I'm used to the WUBRG color sequence in Magic, and thought every card followed this pattern, but I noticed that's not true! Speaking about the 3-color cards, Grixis, Esper, Jund, Temur and Abzan cards follow the WUBRG sequence in its mana cost, but Jeskai, Naya, Mardu, Sultai and Bant cards do not, and I have to ask... why?

All ten three-color pairs do actually follow a WUBRG pattern. The central color, the one with two allies in arcs and two enemies in wedges, is in the middle. Then the colors follow the two-color order. For example, we use WU and GW, so the arc mana is GWU. Likewise, we use WB and RW so that order is RWB.

Traditional vs Non-Traditional Settings

New 05 Mar 2022 Asked by mmonkeyfeet 164 Comments

I would like to request that if magic is going to force non-mtg like settings on people (NEO, New Cap, Universes Beyond) and then tell the people who don't like it to just not engage with the part we don't like, at least make an effort to ensure the universally useful pieces strive for more traditional fantasy. The new triomes are obviously going to be major role players in any format they are legal in, but now I have to include a boxing ring in my jund or 5c decks to match w/ the ikoria triomes

Neon Dynasty and Streets of New Capenna are Magic settings as much as any other setting. It’s not even the first time we’ve pushed away from high fantasy. Kaladesh, Mirrodin/New Phyrexia, Esper (from Alara), and parts of Dominaria, for example, have all pushed in more sci-fi directions. And as far as cities go - we’ve been on Ravnica, Fiora, Mercadia, any of which could have had a boxing ring. Magic’s variety is core to its DNA. I respect that those elements might not be to your personal liking, but that doesn’t make them any less Magic.

Mana Symbols Order

New 31 Jan 2022 Asked by jericuboritox 89 Comments

Hey Mark, I was wondering what the rules were re: the order of mana symbols in cards that require multiple different mana types to cast? I was thinking about it recently and assumed that it would always be in WUBRG order, but when I went looking at some revealed cards I noticed Tamiyo, Compleated Sage put the green mana symbol before the blue, and Asari Commander has red before white.


Return of 2-brid Costs

New 07 Jan 2022 Asked by apo08 39 Comments

If/when: return of 2-brid mana costs (like {2/W}), or new cool symbols? Dunno, like {B/R/G} for example (although a bit nonsense I guess). Or colored X, maybe

Definitely when.

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