
Maths on Imbalanced Factions

New 21 Jul 2024 Asked by purplerakath 1 Comments

Does the math on imbalanced factions change if it's just five two color factions with two of them being the same typal/theme. Something like Izzet Weirds, Simic Elementals, Golgari Squrrels, and Mardu (Boros and Orzhov) Vampires?

Five two-color factions isn’t “imbalanced”.

BLB Calamity Beasts Classification

New 19 Jul 2024 Asked by timothymcmaster-blog 1 Comments

Do you know if it was considered for the BLB calamity beasts to be Incarnations instead of Elementals? Feels like they align closer in flavour to that end of the Animated Material->Manifested Concept spectrum with cards like Maha and Beza.

Not that I know of.

Reprinting text-less full art

New 19 Jul 2024 Asked by brendo 4 Comments

Hey Mark, could cards be reprinted as text less full arts with the same art they already had? I just saw Campbell White's art for the elemental incarnation cycle in the MH3 special guests for the first time, and think that it actually gets hurt by the text box blocking a bit of it, and think it would be really cool if versions with just the art could exist.

It depends on the art ratio.

Calamity Beasts Design Talk

New 16 Jul 2024 Asked by heavenlyevan 6 Comments

Was there any discussion on having a light Elemental typal theme to support playing multiple Calamity Beasts?

Not that I’m aware of, but the adding of Elemental happened in set design.

Future of Mono-red Fire elementals

New 10 Jul 2024 Asked by fiery-justfiery 1 Comments

Hello! I'm a huge mono-Red fan and my special interest is Fire. (I've been a fan of MtG ever since I saw Ashling in a Lorwyn ad. Flamekin are my favorite!!) I'm eagerly looking forward to the reveal of the WildFire Calamity Beast's card! My question is: Can we please get a yes/no/maybe on the possibility of upcoming mono-red Fire elementals?

I can only say we make them from time to time and I expect us to make more in the future.

Infinity Elementals Clash

New 07 Jul 2024 Asked by logan5124 6 Comments

alright mark unrulings question
so me and my opponent both control infinity elementals, however a third player has crookclaw transmutered my opponent's meaning its' infinite power is actually infinite toughness
I attack them with infinity, they block with infinity, what happen

A creature with infinite power can’t destroy a creature with infinite toughness.

Understanding of 'Threaten' Effects

New 03 Jul 2024 Asked by nothingbutland-blog 16 Comments

Blues mind control power suite mist be a total anathema to Red core beliefs of listening to that inner voice(all of a sudden its that Blue mage ordering you about) which always made Threaten effects odd to me as part of its color pie; those would seem more in line with Black mind control (since Nlack would threaten,conjole and blackmail but thats a different topic all together). What was the impetus to put Threaten effects in Red was it part of the old I can use my enemys effects against them(i.e. Red Elemental Blast) or purely a playbalence thing of as a way to deal with big creatures?

Threaten is merely red using its magic to make others as impulsive as itself. Threaten is less it gaining control of their mind and more putting implusive thoughts in their head that get them to act a certain way.

Alternative Costs for Colorless Spells

New 21 Jun 2024 Asked by rowanalpha 4 Comments

If there had been colorless spells in the Force of … cycle or the Evoke elemental cycle, do you know think their alternate costs would have been to exile any colorless card, or would they have limited the alternate costs to non-land colorless cards?

My gut is discarding non-land colorless cards (and it would have to be non-land) would be a bit too restrictive, especially in the age of colored artifacts.

Infinity Clown Rule

New 18 Jun 2024 Asked by zanmor 2 Comments

re: infinite clown cards in the library: Previously you've ruled (unless I'm mistaken) that a player with infinite life who is attacked by Infinity Elemental will still have infinite life after taking infinite damage. Infinity minus anything, even infinity, is still infinity.

It seems to me that the infinite clown ruling should parallel that. Once you "shuffle" infinite cards into a library it is only possible that a clown card is on top no matter how many you draw. One card minus infinite clown token cards would still leave infinite cards above whatever discrete unique card was in your finite library. Infinite draws would still leave infinite clown token cards above because (in Magic specifically based on prior ruling as I recall it) infinity minus infinity is infinity.

If I'm incorrect about that prior ruling then this doesn't stand, but to me this seems like the consistent ruling to make with regard to infinities in Magic. It's not a mathematical truth or ruling and I think players trying to approach it like that are bound to get tripped up.

I said you’re just drawing Clowns.

Infinity and Game Mechanics

New 15 Jun 2024 Asked by hyrosen-blog 5 Comments

Another fun thing about infinity - you cannot pick an integer "at random" (that is, where every possible integer may be drawn drawn with equal probability). It's not a definable concept. Which also means that you cannot shuffle an infinite deck, because that is equivalent to specifying a sequence of equally likely random positions in the infinite unshuffled deck.

I hope it’s becoming more clear why Mox Lotus and Infinity Elemental aren’t eternal legal. : )

Infinity Elemental and Saw in Half

New 04 Jun 2024 Asked by phoebe-thalisse-feather 19 Comments

Heya Mark! Some friends and I are planning to build Un-Commander decks, s I have a quick Un-Question for ya! If a player casts Saw in Half on an Infinity Elemental, does the controller get two Infinity/3 creatures? Or is there some other value for their power?

Half of inifinity is infinity.

Evoke's Elemental Exclusive Choice

New 03 Jun 2024 Asked by jimharbor 13 Comments

If evoke was designed as a way to make instant and sorcery style effects work better in a typal set, why did you only make elementals with evoke and not for the other supported creature types. Thanks for answering our questions sir.


Elemental Blast and Color Pie

New 03 Jun 2024 Asked by doopboopdoop 13 Comments

Would any color have an elemental blast that isn't a color pie violation? My hunch is white is the closest

No one color counters spells and destroys permanents.

Trivia for Silvos, Rogue Elemental

New 30 May 2024 Asked by jellobrand 34 Comments

Hello Mark, hope all is well!I'm about to celebrate my 32nd birthday and would like to invoke the sacred rite of trivia from you! I got into this game when I was eight years old, someone in my class showed up with the iconic plastic baggy filled with a rubber band bound stack of little cardboard rectangles. I saw the card Root Elemental and was transfixed with the game ever since.Shortly after I found my way in a card shop and saw the absolutely mesmerizing Silvos, Rogue Elemental. I still to this day get a feeling of awe looking at that big green guy.So, do you have any hidden trivia on the pit fighter Silvos?Thanks for all you do for this game and for what you have done for me. Magic has been a very large part of my life for a long time, I appreciate your work and the work of everyone who has made it what it is.

Silvia is the largest regenerating creature at 8/5. The only other 8-power regenerator is Hunted Troll and it’s an 8/4 without trample (and gives the opponent four 1/1 blockers).Happy Birthday!

Birthday Creature Choice

New 25 May 2024 Asked by standtoarms 5 Comments

Dear Sir, It appears I've happened fortuitously to visit your blog on your birthday. Felicitations! In honour of the occasion, you have been granted the Devour Food ability until the next time it becomes Day. However, you may also need to pay Cumulative Upkeep. My question: what is your favourite creature whose power and toughness as numerals together form your new age?

I’ll say Ancient Greenwarden. I enjoy both Elementals and doubling things.

Colorless Mana Cost

New 16 May 2024 Asked by smtmtg 0 Comments

Hi Mark! I know it's weird to ask about color pie break when talking colorless but, isn't null elemental blast a break? Is not something that all colors can do nor is it overcosted. As usual thanks for taking the time and all your hard work

It requiring colorless mana in its cost means it’s not judge solely on rate like normal colorless cards with generic costs.

Colorless's Color Pie

New 16 May 2024 Asked by mataleon 7 Comments

Hello Mark! Null Elemental Blast does something that any color could do with such efficiency. Is this the signal that “pure colorless” {C} is getting a tiny slice of color pie?

We’re deciding what it can and can’t do, so sort of.

Marath Token Appreciation

New 05 May 2024 Asked by ella-is-scarlet-exclusive 25 Comments

One of the first things that got me and my brother into magic was buying two commander precons in 2015 - I got the new Boros one and he got the 2013 Marath commander deck. We were both very happy to see that with OTJ, we finally got an official X/X green elemental token for Marath's ability. Not sure if this is a "FYI" or "thank you" ask - probably both.

You’re welcome. : )

Convoke Mechanic Clarity

New 04 May 2024 Asked by pichujc 36 Comments

Hello Mark, after the recent MH3 reveals I was looking around and was surprised to learn that Convoke can't cover the colorless only costs on spells like Null Elemental Blast, as it's neither a generic cost nor colored mana by definition. It's admittedly a very niche interaction, but I feel like this is a bit unintuitive. Do you think there would be any value in updating Convoke so you could pay for colorless only mana with colorless creatures?

Assuming we don’t make cards that have both colorless mana costs and convoke, I just don’t think it’s something that will come up, except in hypotheticals. I agree it’s non-intuitive.

Iconic Creature Types

New 08 Apr 2024 Asked by zombsidian 49 Comments

So to continue with Signature racesWhite - AngelsBlue - Wizards/Krakens/FaeriesBlack - DemonsRed - DragonsGreen - Hydras/Elementals/Dinosaurs?

The iconic creatures:White - AngelBlue - SphinxBlack - DemonRed - DragonGreen - Hydra

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