
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Drafting

New 26 Jul 2024 Asked by mrpopogod 11 Comments

When you were creating Outlaws of Thunder Junction, where you ever concerned that when people talked about drafting OTJ that some older players might be worried about seeing UG madness?

: )For those non-old timers out there. Blocks were often nicknamed with the first letter of each set in the block. So Odyssey/Torment/Judgment draft was often called OTJ. One its major draft archetype was green/blue madness.

All Creatures Fight/Bite Spell

New 06 Jun 2024 Asked by braveswordwielder 5 Comments

A theoretical “all creatures fight/bite” spell seems like it’s going to be Day of Judgment (or at least Duneblast) in 99% of situations. Seems like it goes squarely into the “deathtouch + ETB fight” category to me, even if a functional template could be figured out.

It would probably be multicolored, if we did it.

Color Imbalance in Sets

New 20 Apr 2024 Asked by thetitan555 34 Comments

If/when: A draftable set with an intentional imbalance of colors of cards printed? Say, 30% white cards.

If. We did it in Torment (more black cards, less white and green) and Judgment (the opposite), and learned that it warps limited too much.

Color Absence in Draft

New 08 Apr 2024 Asked by embergeos 27 Comments

If/when draft set with one or more colors absent?

If. Torment/Judgment explored having an imbalance of colors and our experience from making those two sets discouraged us from repeating it. I’m even more skeptical that we’d abandon a color or colors.

Color-Focused Set Hesitation

New 26 Mar 2024 Asked by deathworld12 24 Comments

can i request a set similar to torment/judgment that has heavy focus on one or two colors?

Torment and Judgment taught us to be wary of doing it again. It’s a huge amount of work, messes up limited, and didn’t even move the needle of making players more excited about the set.I never say never, so maybe there will come a set where doing it will be important, but it’s a high bar to clear.

Avoiding Color Weighting

New 28 Nov 2023 Asked by trifas 35 Comments

Torment leaned Black, Judgement leaned GW, was there any talk about leaning Odyssey UR?

No, Torment and Judgment taught us the dangers of doing it, and we’re are unlikely to color weight again.

Defending Tropes Use

New 02 Sep 2023 Asked by riptidecrab 115 Comments

You use the word trope a lot and I know what you mean by it but I don't think it has a super great connotation. It implies that your product relies on stereotypes and is less than original, which I know is far from the case. I'd consider trying to find a different way to say that Magic design plays to our expectations.

It’s the word that means exactly what I’m trying to say. Tropes and stereotypes are different things. I’d rather educate the audience with proper vocabulary than change words because people don’t know definitions.Trope: Something, such as an idea, phrase, or image, that’s often used in a a particular type of art, in the media, in a particular artist’s work, etc. It’s a commonly used theme or device to shorthand a concept.Stereotype: A standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment.

Mana Distribution Sets

New 31 Aug 2023 Asked by wildcardgamez 49 Comments

Do you think you'd ever do another group of sets with uneven mana distribution like torment and judgment?

It’s unlikely. Once burned, twice shy. It just messes up limited balance too much.

Set Reception Confidence

New 09 Apr 2023 Asked by gevth 33 Comments

We’re less than a month before the release of MOM, and we already know all the cards in the set. Are you nervous about how we, the players, will receive it?(For the record, I know I already love backup, Phyrexian tribal, Transform as a theme, and the Multiverse Legends bonus sheet. I’m reserving judgment for Battles until after I play with them)

No, I think you the majority of players will enjoy it quite a bit.

Returning to Torment/Judgment Set Format

New 15 May 2022 Asked by mysterio797 20 Comments

Hello Mark, do you think you guys will do sets like Torment or Judgment ever again where the ASFAN of a particular color(s) is higher than the rest?

Highly skeptical. It really messes up limited.

On Success of Kamigawa

New 22 Feb 2022 Asked by koriko99 34 Comments

Look at what you and your incredibly talented team did Mark! You went and actually made a Kamigawa return, but you not only returned, you did it so perfect in every conceivable way and satisfied both players who wanted a return and players who were skeptical of one that you now have people actually clamoring for a return to Rabiah! (I'm even in this camp now!) I will never question your judgement again and I'm sorry I ever did. You mad genius; never change!

You’ll never question my judgment again? : ) I really am very happy Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty has been received so positively.

Creating Better Feedback in Gaming

New 17 Nov 2021 Asked by su92 69 Comments

As a fellow creator, thanks for going against the word "lazy". It is a very misguided judgment that's sadly becoming very common now that game creation is more transparent, and I wish people understood how much effort goes into every little thing. Even if you only convinced one person, that's a win for everyone.

Always happy to help create better feedback.

Compelling Deterrence Judgment

New 06 Oct 2021 Asked by sobek16 41 Comments

Follow up: is Compelling Deterrence from Shadows over Innistrad a bend or break as it’s a mono blue card that can makes a player discard a card?

It’s a pretty big bend.

Color Influence on Settings

New 04 Oct 2021 Asked by cicakemlelo 55 Comments

In settings like New Phyrexia or Innistrad, other colors take on some aspects which are normally most closely associated with black. Have there been or will there be any settings which are "tinted" by other colors in a similar way? (E.g. if by some minor miracle we were to visit Serra's Realm, I imagine cards there might be "whiteshifted" instead.) ((Judgment doesn't really count, it just has more white and green cards outright, rather than bleeding white and green into the other colors.))

Most worlds lean towards a color, and it’s not always black. Theros leaned white and green. Tarkir leaned red. Kaladesh leaned blue.

Measurement of Set Complexity

New 05 Jun 2021 Asked by hugsandambitions 35 Comments

You talk about complexity, and how it applies to certain sets. Supplemental sets like MH2 can be more complex then average, while core sets tend to be less complex. Is there a specific scale you use when designing the sets to determine its complexity? Is there some measurable threshold that can be measured, and set as the bar for a particular set? Or is it more of a case-by-case judgment, individual analysis of each design kind of thing?

It’s more of a feel than hard and fast metrics. The closest we come to an actual metric is we measure average word count, which, if high, can sometimes point towards increased complexity.

Issues with Color-unbalance

New 24 May 2021 Asked by talestobetold 25 Comments

What problems did Torment and Judgment being color-unbalanced cause?

It warped environments, especially limited formats.

Feasibility of Four-Faction Set

New 24 May 2021 Asked by sosayeththebae 40 Comments

How feasible do you think it would be to design a four-faction set where all factions have one color in common (i.e. WU, WB, RW, and GW)?

Not very. We don’t like doing sets with color imbalances. Torment and Judgment taught us that.

Potential for Black Day of Judgment

New 31 Dec 2020 Asked by 22bebo 48 Comments

If or When: A black Day of Judgment?

When if you mean a black card with the same rules text, if if you mean the same mana cost (but converted to black).

Color Allocation Discussion

New 23 Dec 2020 Asked by 22bebo 38 Comments

I think what the last question meant was a set without white at all, then a set without blue at all, etc for all the colors. So each set would be color balanced among the four present colors.

I understood what was being asked. Darksteel and Judgment were color balanced when put together. That didn’t prevent them individually causing problems.

Nightmare Creature Type Trends

New 05 May 2020 Asked by kelzamgaming 49 Comments

Hi Mark! So, I've noticed the Nightmare creature type suddenly appearing again lately starting in Guilds of Ravnica, then the latest Ashiok and now all over Ikoria cards. I was a big fan of Chainer and the theme in Torment and Judgment (I admit I'm sad so many Ikoria Nightmares are multicolor because I'd love to build a UB Nightmare Commander deck). Is this sudden surge of Nightmares going anywhere, or is it just a fluke?

Creature types ebb and flo.

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