Design Space

Pawprint Cards Symbol Creation

New 23 Jul 2024 Asked by perfectcollectorduck 3 Comments

How much does the fact that pawprint cards need a new symbol for each set lessen their likelihood of showing up, simply because of budgeting? It seems like such rich design space, and it'd be a shame to not use it because a new symbol is needed each time.

Making new symbols is not the challenge you seem to think it is.

Exploring 'Bonkers' Design Space

New 23 Jul 2024 Asked by awholecoin 6 Comments

I follow a subreddit called BadMtgCombos and I see a lot of cards that are quite frankly bonkers. Mindslaver is probably a good example.A lot of those bonkers cards are older and I was wondering if bonkers design space has become tapped out?Is R&D deliberately avoiding making bonkers cards?

There are definitely cards we make nowadays that many players think are stronger than they should be. I don;t know if they’d consider them “bonkers”.

Reflection on Mirroring Factions

New 22 Jul 2024 Asked by tameryourentertainer 4 Comments

Related to the last ask (at time of writing): would you do the mirroring thing again splitting packs between two factions? Did that go well enough that you'd do it again? Is there more design space for that kind of thing?

It’s a lot of extra work for little payoff, so I’m skeptical.

Concept of Aura Tokens

New 21 Jul 2024 Asked by j-waffles 8 Comments

We’ve seen aura tokens in the past in small numbers, but I want to know: do you think aura tokens (probably a predefined one) would do well as a core mechanic to a set? This question is both in terms of potential design space and potential complexity issues of having lots of auras attached to permanents

You should check out Wilds of Eldraine from last year. : )

Unifying Ox and Minotaur Types

New 16 Jul 2024 Asked by josphitia 11 Comments

Has there ever been any thought to combining the Ox and Minotaur creature types? Such as simplifying both to simply "Cow?" I'm a huge fan of bovines in all forms and it would be nice if all of the Ox in magic worked alongside their more anthropomorphic cousins the Minotaur. As it is now we're lucky to really get cards of *either* type printed. There's resonance to the name Minotaur, no doubt, but it also has its share of baggage. It has Greek connotations and that's probably a big reason Minotaurs are almost strictly in Theros (although some favorites, such as Neheb, are from other planes). I was happy that Outlaws had more Ox cards, but it also highlights my dissatisfaction: Holy Cow is an *ox* not a cow, despite the name. It feels like a retread of the Hound or Naga debacle all over again. Hound was simplified to Dog and all Snakes, from rattlesnakes to Naga, are simply the type Snake now. This allows snakes and dogs of all walks benefit from a shared unity. Cats had it right, we didn't need Leonin as a separate type.I just feel like there's unnecessary separation being created by dividing Ox and Minotaur and it has the same resonance failings as all dogs being labeled "hounds" had. If it's important for a particular creature to *be* a minotaur then they can just *have* minotaur in their name, like ~30% of minotaurs already do. There's also the simple fact that Minotaur is a longer average creature type, limiting design space for other types to be included. It's hard to justify why a Minotaur is on a random plane, but much less so if it's simply a "Cow Warrior" for example. As for why I think "Cow" should just be the combined type name, I simply think it fits. Cow is a resonant name. Almost everyone, East to west, knows *of* cows if only because their milk is such a widely used commodity. We don't call it "Ox's milk" after all. More than that, it's fun! Cow is *funny* in the same way *squirrel* is funny. It's amusing to see "Squirrels you control" in this game full of fighting. In that vein, "Cows you control" is an amusing line that can help break up the seriousness of a setting. I know this is making a mountain out of a molehill, but magic is a game of different perspectives coming together and creating something new. Cows are my favorite animal and it's simply dissatisfying, to me, that my Holy Cow can't benefit from a Kragma Warcaller. That Angrath, colloquially named "Cow Dad" in the community, would have the creature type "Minotaur." The only downside I can see is that "Cow" *does* specifically refer to females of a bovine species. But that is a distinction few, if any, seriously take into consideration. If one sees a field of cows, they're not saying "I see lots of cows and 3 bulls!" They're going to say "I see cows!"So to bring the thesis back, has there been any discussion internally to simplifying the Minotaur and Ox creature types under a single banner, such as "Cow?" I would also happily settle for "Cattle" as the new type. I just feel the current Ox vs Minotaur divide has to go, for both flavor and mechanical reasons, and the sooner the better.

I have been on Team Cow (as I was on Team Dog) for many years. I even made Cows in Un-sets. I still believe Minotaur should be its own creature type though.

Feedback on Gift Mechanic

New 16 Jul 2024 Asked by chazashley175 7 Comments

Mark, no question. Just wanted to express that I really really really really like the Gift mechanic. I'm assuming there's a lot of design space for it too??

It’s not as easy to design for as one might assume at first blush, but there are a lot of cool things to do with it.

Red and Game Restrictions

New 16 Jul 2024 Asked by szwanger 2 Comments

Since white likes to make restrictions such as "cast only one spell per turn," is there any design space in red for the ability to ignore such restrictions?

Breaking rules set up to protect game balance is risky.

Evolution of Squirrels' Color Identity

New 09 Jul 2024 Asked by stormcrow13 36 Comments

Do you know how squirrels became BG? Not just for Bloomburrow but over the years

They started green. I made the first black one in Unstable to match the flavor of the card. It evolved from there. Being black/green allows them to interact with the graveyard which has allowed a lot of interesting design space.

Concern about Complex Mechanics

New 09 Jul 2024 Asked by dude1818 52 Comments

I don't like how weird Magic is getting with mechanics lately. Collect evidence, commit a crime, now gift, forage, and pawprints. What happened to just making new keywords and ability words? Has wotc run out of design space?

All of the mechanics you listed, save paw prints, *is* a new keyword or ability word.

Bringing Back Cards from Exile

New 07 Jul 2024 Asked by ryandimiragent 45 Comments

What do you think the design space is for effects that bring cards back from exile?

Zero, as we shouldn’t do it. As always, I’m fine with cards using exile as a holding zone to then bring them back.

Stack Interaction and Color Pie

New 07 Jul 2024 Asked by snea-zel 5 Comments

Why does only blue have the ability to interact with the stack (aside from red copying spells)? Seems like a huge disadvantage to every other colour that they have nothing ressembling a counterspell. It makes sense for blue to be the best at it, but if every colour has creature removal why can't every colour have spell removal? Or even just some other colours?

Different colors have access to different things. It’s key to how the color pie works. Stack interaction is a pretty narrow design space by the way.

Rationale behind Foundations

New 02 Jul 2024 Asked by haaaaaaaaaaaave-you-met-ted 8 Comments

I'm not sure if you can comment on it yet, but was one of the rationales for Foundations the fact that with a set like that, it would mean you wouldn't have to print the same exact card (whether a functional reprint or the same exact name and card) in every set, thus freeing up a bit of space in the common slots?

It’s a new take on core sets. What if we didn’t have to constantly reinvent them? It does help save some design space.

Reveal Your Hand Mechanic

New 25 Jun 2024 Asked by polluxr 4 Comments

If/when more "reveal your hand" as a cost/additional cost like Land Grant? It feels like a neat design space . (All for it being used as additional cost over more free spells though)

Probably when, but it has issues. We generally like hidden information and it isn’t that much of a cost to pay.

Assassin Type Card Support

New 23 Jun 2024 Asked by 2muchtariel-blog 7 Comments

i've waited years for more Assassin typal support, and am disappointed that probably all of the design space for that type has been eaten up by a product I have zero interest in ever playing. Will some of these AC cards be reprinted as real Magic cards at some point? I remember that was originally the plan with UB content.

That’s the plan with Universes Beyond Secret Lair products with original designs.

Potential for New Roles

New 12 Jun 2024 Asked by trifas 21 Comments

How much design space is left for existing Roles? How about new ones?

There’s plenty of design space in the bigger picture. The larger issue is any one set can only handle so many roles in limited. I do think we’ll see roles again, but I don’t think it’s a well were going to frequently.

Wither's Future on Storm Scale

New 10 Jun 2024 Asked by honor-basquiat 25 Comments

Hey Mark, where would you put Wither on the Storm scale? How much design space would you say the mechanic has?

Play design’s dislike of -1/-1 environments makes it tricky to bring back, but Magic continually surprises.

Limited Enchant Lands Themes

New 10 Jun 2024 Asked by jjustin1379 21 Comments

Why are there so few enchant lands? Do you think a faction or a limited pairing could ever have enchanting lands as a theme?

There’s just not a lot of practical design space. Also, because we don’t want easy access to destroying lands, there wouldn’t be an easy means to balance it.

Design Space in Copying Spells

New 06 Jun 2024 Asked by boltshockdart 21 Comments

Hi Mark, is there any design space in "Copy target instant or sorcery spell" without choosing new targets for the copy? Or your opponent chooses targets for the copy? I always see the additional text, it feels more like clarification of how copying works than anything.

If we don’t state it, you couldn’t do it, and that’s not the intent.

Possibility of Off-Battlefield Stat Buffs

New 06 Jun 2024 Asked by meu133 12 Comments

Hi Mark, I opened a creature with Scavenge and it made me think, could the rules handle stat buffs and ability granting to creatures outside the battlefield? (to increase how much they scavenge for or how big Coram gets) Would there be enough design space for it?

My gut is the rules could do it if we wanted to, but there isn’t a lot of synergy/design space, so there’s not a great reason to do it.

Stun Counter Limitations

New 06 Jun 2024 Asked by lotsofpeoplehavequestions 2 Comments

Are non-white, non-blue cards that put stun counters on your own permanents as a limitation or drawback (as seen on The Beast, Deathless Prince and Pugnacious Hammerskull) an open design space or one of the "maybe an infrequent bend" cases?

It’s an area we can explore. Exert played in this space.

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