Transform Cards

MDFC Design Logic

New 24 May 2024 Asked by aalgot 8 Comments

Why is one side is a MDFC arbitrarily considered the “Front”? unlike with transform cards that doesn’t seem necessary. But I may just be missing something.

The rules have to have a designated front and back. It has to specifically be something in each zone. For example, if it’s in your library, and it’s a creature on front and a land on back, you can’t tutor for the land, but you can tutor for the creature.

Art and Logistical Issues

New 14 Feb 2023 Asked by james-stors 33 Comments

Rather than print in-universe versions of Universes Beyond cards later, why not just have both versions on the front and back of the card? I understand this would be problematic for those who don't use sleeves, but you could always use a placeholder card like with the transform cards on Innistrad sets.

“Double the art budget” is a big ask. And that’s not even getting to how much other addition work this would require. Then there are the logistic issues. : )

Confusing Sun/Moon Symbol

New 01 Oct 2021 Asked by alienitems 51 Comments

I do think it's confusing that separate mechanics involving two-sided cards all have the sun/moon symbol in MID. These symbols seem intuitively tied to daybound/nightbound, but they don't seem have a good logical association with Disturb or the other transform cards. It's not intuitive that you could have two cards on the battlefield with the same day/night symbol and one transforms with day/night, the other doesn't. Was it looked at to use different symbols for Disturb and Transform?

All TDFCs in previous Innistrad sets (barring Eldritch Moon) used the sun and moon symbols, so I believe we just continued what we had done before. I agree, in retrospect, that daybound/nightbound should have made us reconsider that.

Disturb Creatures and MDFCs

New 18 Sep 2021 Asked by liampk 45 Comments

How much consideration was given to making Disturb creatures MDFCs that could only be cast from the graveyard? The way they work meshes a lot better with MDFCs than other transform cards, imo.It’d be nice to be able to see both the creature text and the casting cost of the Spirit side at the same time.

We don’t like mixing TDFCs and MDFCs, so none.Also, the flavor is much better if the creature has to die first before it becomes a Spirit.

Transform Cards and Standard Confusion

New 08 Aug 2021 Asked by patjamma 43 Comments

Assuming Transform is making a return in one or both Innistrad sets, is there any worry that it will cause confusion with all the MDFCs in Standard?

No. The back sides of transform cards don’t have mana costs.

Kamigawa Return Perception

New 18 Mar 2021 Asked by schienamento 75 Comments

I can't see how a return to Kamigawa wouldn't be a guaranteed success. It had a lot of themes that now are very popular: Legends, Transform cards, Gods, Samurai and Ninja... It seems even a perfect fit for Sagas and Historic. How do you see it?

The issue isn’t could we do a good job. It’s can I convince the Powers That Be to return to something that did so poorly originally?

Delving into DFC

New 18 Dec 2020 Asked by jonpaulcardenas 34 Comments

I have some DFC questions. So what happens if I have a Blackbloom rogue in play and I cast MoonMist? If I have Oracle of Mul daya out Can I play Blackbloom Rogue from the top of my Library? Is there any Traditional DFC that can get to its back side without using Transform? Is there currently any MDFC that can get to its back side with Transform? How do MDFC get to there Backside?

You can only transform a card with transform. Moonmist is merely creating a different way to transform cards with transform. A MDFC doesn’t have transform, so it can’t be transformed.

MDFC Impact on TDFCs

New 10 Sep 2020 Asked by madxmage 26 Comments

Hey Mark, does the existence of MDFC impact traditional Transform Cards?

No, TDFCs work like they always have.

Meaning of Triangles on MDFCs

New 05 Sep 2020 Asked by nonepizzaleftgirl 34 Comments

Do the single triangle/two triangles on the top left of MDFCs signify anything specific? With transform cards we had sun/moon, moon/eldrazi and the planeswalker symbol for the flipwalkers that all fit with what the two sides meant. do the triangles have any meaning or is it just a way to say "side 1/side 2"?

It just means side 1, side 2.

Werewolf Moon Clause

New 04 Oct 2019 Asked by rhoxosgsaint 30 Comments

Does moon icons in werewolves(transform cards) backside count as 'moon in their art' clause of Princess Luna?

No, as that’s not “in the art”.

Showcase Frames Future

New 21 Jul 2019 Asked by myheartgoesoontz 50 Comments

Do the showcase frames mean that we are going to see a mechanic with a unique frame in every set going forward? While I could see XLN/RIX transform cards, Sagas, and WAR walkers being showcase cards, there's nothing from RNA, GRN, or either recent core set that fits the bill.

The showcase cards don’t require a mechanic with a new frame. That just happens to be the case for Throne of Eldraine.

Yawgmoth's Color Identity

New 06 May 2019 Asked by elderdragonmaster55 38 Comments

If yawgmoth would get a card Besides esper in his phyrexian god form If we got a transform card (yawgmoth before he turned into a god) What colors would pre-god form (human form) yawgmoth would be?

Either black or black/blue.

No Serra Transform Card

New 25 Feb 2018 Asked by templegarden-bogle-go 57 Comments

Hey Mark, was there a reason the Serra's Sanctum didn't get a Transform card like Cradle did?

Yes, we didn’t make one.

Transform Card Mechanics

New 24 Feb 2018 Asked by pikachaoart 51 Comments

Wait, I thought you couldn’t turn a transform card upside down

You can before you know it’s a transform card. Oh, Manifest, you sneaky mechanic. : )

Reprinting Flip Cards

New 23 Feb 2018 Asked by penthoplayer 21 Comments

If you found a time to reprint a flip card, such as in a Master's set, would you reprint it as a flip card, or alter it to be a transform card?

Flip cards would get reprinted as flip cards. Changing them to double-faced cards would change their functionality.

Kamigawa Transform Cards

New 23 Feb 2018 Asked by readinginthestarlight 44 Comments

In a return to Kamigawa set, would you anticipate transform cards being used to fill the same design/flavor space that flip cards did in the original Kamigawa sets?

I don’t think things changing into other things would necessarily need to be in a Kamigawa set.

Morph vs Transform Mechanics

New 21 Feb 2018 Asked by gatvin 68 Comments

With regard to the morph/transform debate. Morph is a mechanic that is practically anti-linear. While you get a benefit from including multiple, in many cases the benefit you get is the ability to include this creature where you otherwise wouldn't. It increases the flexibility of your deckbuilding. Transform on the other hand ALWAYS has a flip condition, meaning you're forced to build around it more. While the condition may vary, its basically always something linear. EX: Path of Mettle

Morph is not anti-linear. The issue isn’t can you play one by itself but does the mechanic encourage playing other cards. Morph’s bluffing aspect does encourage playing more morph cards. The mechanic isn’t strongly linear, but it’s linear. Transform, in contrast, is a mechanic that says turn the card to its other side. That’s all it does. You can design transform cards to be linear but the mechanic itself does nothing to enable that. The flip condition can be straight-forward like mana or even so simple that it will naturally happen. It doesn’t inherently have to be a build-around. The reason the question was hard was because a lot of early transform cards were linear, not because the mechanic is inherently linear, but because the individual designs were. The question was testing your ability to look past execution to function. I hope that helps.

Richard Garfield Mechanic

New 14 Jan 2018 Asked by pot-of-8-os 17 Comments

Using Richard Garfield Ph.D, can I play lands as though they were other lands? If so, can I play a land as though it were the back face of a transform card? (They have a CMC calculated from the front face, but don't actually have a mana cost)

Lands do not have a mana cost, so you can’t use them with Richard Garfield, Ph.D.

Transform Card Search

New 09 Oct 2017 Asked by benefactorist 29 Comments

I'm new to MtG, so sorry if this is answered somewhere I don't know, but if a card allows a search for a land, can a person search for the flipped version of the legendary flip lands from Ixalan?

No. You can only search for the front of a transform card.

Grimlock's Card Classification

New 06 Oct 2017 Asked by jayarbuthnot 24 Comments

Hey! For the purpose of Grimlock - are flip cards from Kamigawa considered transform cards?

No, as they don’t transform.

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