
Excitement for Upcoming Sets

New 14 Jul 2024 Asked by shahrathestoryteller 8 Comments

Hi Mark! Just wanna give shout out to awesome sets you have planned for the Dragonstorm arc: Bloomburrow for the high fantasy traditionalists and typal lovers, Duskmourn for the modern horror fans and a different take on an Enchantment matters set, The Death Race as a fun exploration of the Omenpaths and finally a set centered around Vehicles (I mean it's not confirmed but…c'mon), and a long-awaited Return to Tarkir set for Magic veterans and those who waited for a wedge faction set! I am absolutely stoked for all of these sets, and I am glad that Magic embraces variety enough to take risks for modern, novel aesthetics while still preserving old, familiar aesthetics!

I’m excited you’re excited.

Origin of the Banana Peel

New 13 Jul 2024 Asked by drchipmunk 10 Comments

The art for "Take out the Trash" has a banana peel on it. Where in the fully temperate region off the Valley are they getting bananas?

I assume it fell through an omenpath. : )

Modern Themes and Omenpaths

New 29 Jun 2024 Asked by dusqofrakdos 1 Comments

I'm all for the modern themes and general aesthetic of Duskmourn. It's the only set this year I've personally been excited for. Honestly the only part that still doesn't feel right to me is random non-planeswalker characters being able to show up anywhere now. I'm fine with the lack of planeswalkers in the story now, but I wish it didn't come hand in hand with omenpaths.

The goal of desparking planeswalkers, and omen paths, was to allow us to have more “planeswalker” characters with less planeswalker cards.

Desire for More Kavus

New 25 Jun 2024 Asked by andalon-historian 10 Comments

I want to throw one in for more kavus. With Magic's unique/original IP big monsters like Kavu, Surrakar, and maybe Sliths (and now Varmints), I'd love to see them show up on more different planes, with reinterpretations and fitting into different settings.

Omenpaths will help this goal a bit, at least as far as seeing them more places. Them adapting might take time.

Rulings on Cloning Device Usage

New 22 Jun 2024 Asked by aalgot 7 Comments

Why are the rulings on the handy dandy humoncolous cloning device designed in such a way that if Nissa was to go to our world through an omenpath (which she probably can’t but you don’t have the ability to prove that) and try to use it she can’t because she is an elf and therefore her hands aren’t human hands.

We are very human-centric in our templating. I would rule if you’re able to play Magic, your hand works.

Future of Myr and Omenpaths

New 15 Jun 2024 Asked by glucosedragon 0 Comments

Hey mark! I was wondering if we can expect myr to spread out using the omenpaths? (I love them so much) Thanks for reading this!

I hope to see more Myr.

Detective Agency Origin in MKM

New 07 Jun 2024 Asked by generalb 30 Comments

Hey mark,I had a thought. One of if not the big points of OTJ is that everyone there(except cactusfolk) came from different planes thanks to the omenpaths. I was wondering, why did Wizards not do that for the Detective Agency in MKM? It feels far more believable that the organization came from another plane(possibly started by someone from New Capenna, seeing a familiar cityscape and wanting to capitalize) rather than just being there The Whole Time and only now being relevant.

The first Ravnica novel is literally about a cop solving a murder. People solving murders is not new to Ravnica.

Impact of Omen Paths

New 02 Jun 2024 Asked by duskphoenix 76 Comments

Now that we've had a year of sets that explored omen paths as a plot device and an excuse to feature legendary creatures on planes they didn't originate from, how do you feel they affect the set mechanics? And more specifically, do you feel they have a noticeable affect on top-down design? (like for instance, the cowboy-themed set featuring many characters from Magic's past and attempting to stay true to their characters while working in those cowboy-themed set mechanics)

It’s a useful tool to make sets we previously couldn’t.How do you all feel about the impact of the omenpaths?

Slivers and Omen Paths

New 02 Jun 2024 Asked by argentium-echo 28 Comments

Hey Mark, now that we've got Omenpaths, does that at all affect where Slivers are sitting on the beeble scale?

No. The issue with Slivers is a mechanical one (they require a lot of structure) not a flavor one.

Narrative Evolution Challenge

New 23 May 2024 Asked by beautifulsoulkitty 1 Comments

Hello Mark. You know you could have done a set like OTJ (bringing characters from different plans on the same) before the Mending, without need of omenpath. Is this a confession that breaking portals and summoning with the Mending was a bad idea?

No. Stories evolve, things change. The Mending was great. That doesn’t mean it’s the way things should always be though.

Omenpaths Reception Poll

New 21 May 2024 Asked by ledlighton 2 Comments

I honestly don’t know if it is an unpopular opinion or not, but I really like Omenpaths and the kind of sets that they enable.What are the general consensus about them ?

Let’s find out (at least from people here on Blogatog).

Do you all like omenpaths?YesNoIndifferent

Phyrexian Invasion Implications

New 21 May 2024 Asked by 1953943 7 Comments

About the Phyrexian invasion thing, first, thanks for reading and responding to my novel of an ask. I appreciate that you go out of your way to address this kind of feedback.Second, I recognize that it’s not clear how best to handle things like this when you don’t know how the audience will react, and I respect that you all did what you thought was best with the given information. I sent that ask more to explain how I and (I believe) others feel about how it was handled after the fact, not to try and convince you that it was wrong.I also appreciate the narrative implications of Realmbreaker’s breeching the multiverse, creating the omenpaths, desparking most planeswalkers, and how that has shaped the upcoming arc. Actually I’m really interested in this arc because you’ve been able to do things that were never possible before. I also appreciate that there’s online story content for the vorthoses.In other words, nothing you said is wrong, obviously. I was trying to articulate that there seems to be some kind of disconnect between the expectation that the audience had about how a Phyrexian invasion would play out and what your plans were. There seems to be some missing thing that really sells the idea of “yeah, the invasion was every bit as bad as you thought it would be, and then some.” Maybe it’s because stories like this generally have a “the bad guys won” moment before the good guys win (like Infinity War and Endgame), and March of the Machine seemed to have breezed through both.Also, looking through the comments I see there are plenty of people who don’t want to dwell on the Phyrexians any longer than we have to.

Looking back, I do think we wanted to structure Phyrexia: All Will Be One and March of the Machine differently. I would have started the war in Phyrexia and had the bad guys are dominating moment be the stinger at the end of that set’s story. (Note: this is all my opinion.)

Creature Type Love

New 14 May 2024 Asked by spyrohawk 8 Comments

I just wanted to voice how much I love both Azra and Aetherborn as creature types. I just saw how Kylem was rates as an 8 on the Rabiah scale, I hope that doesn't mean we won't be getting more Azra named characters in the future. Luckily due to Omenpaths there's a little more flexibility, as we can have one-offs show up on different planes.

I think we’ll see other Aetherborn and Azra.

Purpose of Multiverse and Inter-planar Travel

New 02 May 2024 Asked by wulframofthedas 62 Comments

What's the point of a multiverse now its so easy to move between planes? Aren't Ravnica/Kaladesh/New Capenna and the rest of the the planes mixed around Thunder Junction just like a new version of Dominaria now?

Omenpaths are unstable (they can come and go) and not super frequent, so it’s not an easy task for a character to go from plane A to plane B if they aren’t a planeswalker.

Thunder Junction Fashion

New 16 Apr 2024 Asked by lordjuss1 36 Comments

Hi Mark. Wasn't convinced by Thunder Junction previews but went to prerelease and LOVED it. Really fun set. Thank you. Given how short the time is from the omenpaths opening to the time of the set, where does TJ's fashion come from?

It’s been a year and a half.

Mana Flow Through Omenpaths

New 11 Apr 2024 Asked by nothingbutland-blog 26 Comments

In the past different worlds were said to have more powerful or wild mana, does the opening of the Omenpaths erase this lore? Some planes had weak types of mana do the Omenpaths let stronger mana flow into them? Its just that previously lore onvolved various mana qualities andvwpuld just like to lnow ot that part of the metamagical physics has been changed?

To the best of my knowledge, mana doesn’t flow through omenpaths.

Ghosts and Omenpaths

New 09 Apr 2024 Asked by insertpersonalbrandinghere 37 Comments

Hi Mark, as always thanks for doing what you do. I’m not sure if this has been addressed elsewhere but can the ghosts of Ravnica travel through the omenpaths? I’d love a showcase set where Agrus Kos inspires a group of recruits (or quells a mob) on some other plane. He’d make a good Roman, or would do equally well employing his no nonsense attitude in a space war!

We haven’t tackled the metaphysics yet of spirit interplanetary travel.

Showcase Set Ideas

New 08 Apr 2024 Asked by randomette2 35 Comments

" I am interested in feedback if you all like the idea of a showcase set. If the answer is yes, are there other themes you'd like to see?" I would like to see the idea expended on, yeah. Some ideas of showcase themes: -A tournament or competition; -a trapped plane/prison plane that captures people from across the multiverse; -a clash between two or more planes.

There are many ways to do a showcase set. Everyone should remember that when I say a “showcase” set I mean, the set is built around a theme, and then we bring characters, and potential other things like objects, there that fit that larger theme. Next year’s omenpath set is Tennis and it’s a different kind of set, what I’m calling a travelogue set" where there is something that takes place over multiple worlds, in Tennis’ case a race.

Omenpath Town Logic

New 08 Apr 2024 Asked by machinepriestexemplar 67 Comments

"Most omenpaths are not stable and do not remain open continually. Also, you have no idea where you're going when you go through one, so it's not something to be done lightly. Finally, not all omenpaths are in obvious places."All of this seems like reasons to not build a town around one, yet we have a town built around one on Thunder Junction. Is their a reason the one there is different?

For some reason, the nature of Thunder Junction makes the omenpaths more stable, and more plentiful.

Omenpaths Current State

New 07 Apr 2024 Asked by mangofisher74 50 Comments

How are the omenpaths as of this moment in mtg's story? I was confused when listening to episode 2 and they mentioned the town being built around the omenpath, in my head the feel like they are only a few months old - definitely not old enough to have a town develop around them with a hidden vault. Thanks!

There is an eighteen-month gap between March of the Machine and Outlaws of Thunder Junction.

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