Sultai (B/G/U)

Release of Sultai Planeswalker

New 19 Jul 2024 Asked by waluigisbulge 1 Comments

If or when, A sultai planeswalker? (and the other missing groupings of colors, I'm a bit surprised we haven't seen one for each of the three color groupings yet)

I assume when, but at the slow rate we make them currently, it might be a while.

Legendary Rats in Bloomburrow

New 10 Jul 2024 Asked by kreetn 21 Comments

Can I get a maybe on more legendary Rats in bloomburrow? My goal is to make a sultai Nashi deck with every legendary rat ever, but so far the pickings are slim :)

Maybe. : )

Correlating Animals in Bloomburrow

New 30 Jun 2024 Asked by thunderweb 1 Comments

Do arcs and wedges have corresponding animals in Bloomburrow? (such as RGW Goats or BGU Hippos)

No, there was barely enough space for the ten two-color ones.

Perception on Commanders' Strength

New 20 Jun 2024 Asked by j-waffles 56 Comments

Hey mark, long time reader, also long time asker. I like a challenge when deckbuilding. When I first found out about your psychographics, I thought “woah! it even have the same name as me!” (John). Commander helps tickle that itch for me, because I can start off with a dumb premise and try to make that concept as best I can, and since it’s not a competitive format, I know that there will always be SOMEONE with a deck on a similar power level, however bad that terrible deck idea ends up being.This brings me to a qualm that I personally have, and have seen purely anecdotal evidence that other people have too.It feels kinda lame when you guys make a commander that’s just “this is the best commander for X”. More and more we’re getting legends where they’re just the *correct* choice. If I want to build a sultai graveyard deck, Muldrotha is the answer. Nothing tops it, and I doubt anything every will top it. And that’s just one archetype. 5 color sagas? Bombadil. Snow? Jorn and Isu. Flash tribal? Nymris. Sure there are other cards that can be the commander, but you can say that about anything. Sure, I COULD make a Rakdos exile deck with Pavel Maliki in the command zone, but that’s just objectively wrong. The commander is always gonna be prosper. My point is that it’s getting harder and harder to say “how do I make this work” when you’re just handing us the blueprints and all the parts with a step by step instruction booklet on what to do.To be fair, many archetypes have so much innate complexity to them and have reached a critical mass of options where it’s impossible to tell what the “best” option is, as there are so many different facets and roads to go down. Orzhov aristocrats and mono-green stompy are easy examples.But the fact that it isn’t always the case doesn’t change the fact that happens a lot. I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels this way, but I’m also sure that if it was a majority opinion in the community y’all wouldn’t be doing it this much. I just want to know if you have anything to say about this perception that I and many others hold. Thank you for all you do in magic, I hope you respond.

One of the most common requests I get here on the blog is “make this color combination Commander for this particular theme”. Eventually, for some of them, we find an opportunity to make it. We don’t know when that opportunity will arise again. We shouldn’t try to make the best Commander we can for that slot? If it’s too weak, players will just complain and ask we make another one. The reality is a lot of players want prescriptive answers, and there’s no way to make them for the players that want them and not for the players that don’t. The idea is that players who want to do something different have access to the history of Magic to find less obvious answers.

Card Color Query

New 16 Jun 2024 Asked by doopboopdoop 0 Comments

What colors would a card that said destroy target permanent or counter target spell be?

White/blue/black or black/green/blue.

All Will Be One Theme

New 14 Jun 2024 Asked by marrinara-sauce 8 Comments

Did All Will Be One have a wedge theme at some point in design? It seems like the sets biggest mechanics all appear primarily in sets of wedge colors (WBG poison, URW artifacts, BGU proliferate, GUR oil counters)

Not specifically, but sometimes designs drift in certain directions.

Draft Themes in MH3

New 29 May 2024 Asked by trifas 32 Comments

Does every Wedge have a draft theme in MH3? Jeskai has Energy, Temur has Eldrazi and Abzan has Modified. I wonder if Sultai and Mardu have something too.

There’s connective tissue, but not a full named mechanical theme.

Future Planeswalkers

New 01 Apr 2024 Asked by cheesedurian2 39 Comments

If/When? WBG and BGU planeswalkers.

I assume when, but not necessarily soon.

Name Preference and Skeletons

New 31 Dec 2023 Asked by generalb 47 Comments

Hello! I initially started this with one question but now I sorta realized I had two. 1. I’ve noticed some previous asks referring to you by name. Do you prefer that or a more formal Mr. Rosewater?2. Will we ever get a legendary skeleton for sultai? I’m throwing together a skeleton deck and honestly it’s roughThank you and good night! It’s 1 am and I am going to become unconscious now

1. Mark, or Maro, is fine. 2. I believe we’ll eventually get to it.

Future Planeswalkers Colors

New 02 Nov 2023 Asked by irlnautica 34 Comments

If or when - RGW, WBG and BGU Planeswalkers?

If, but not necessarily soon.

More Non-Blocking Tokens

New 19 Oct 2023 Asked by 3-slugcat-pilots-7-ornithopters 19 Comments

Hey Maro! I just wanted to ask you to send some more high-fives to the team! I have been playing some WOE limited on Arena and it's been really fun! I played a sultai grindy value deck and adventures plus the value of death triggers made it really fun to play! I have also played several rounds of rakdos rats and it is also really fun. As an aspiring game designer, I can see how making the tokens unable to block makes for so much better gameplay. I hope you guys intend on making even more tokens that can't block :)

Glad you enjoyed it and I’ll pass along the high fives. I’m sure we’ll make more creature tokens that can’t block.

Sultai Brood Origins

New 06 Aug 2023 Asked by lachlangrant-blog 40 Comments

Hi Mark,I've successfully entered my fifth decade of life and wish to invoke the rite of birthday trivia, pretty please. What've you got on The Sultai Brood?

Khans of Tarkir was originally going to be four factions, two two-color and two three-color. That is until the creative team came up with the Sultai Brood. Brady Dommermuth, the then creative director, begged me to add it. I did, but realized that if we went to five factions, we’d have to change the colors to all have the same number of colors. That became wedge as it’s the one mix we hadn’t done before. I would later us the original faction color breakdown in Ixalan.Happy Birthday!

Color Order Explanation

New 30 Jul 2023 Asked by woihtmmd 113 Comments

"They are in WUBRG order. Note that doesn’t mean W is always before U" Can you explain how this works? I'm confused.

Let’s start with allied color pairs. The way we do them is we start with the color and the go clockwise around the color wheel. That means they are: White/BlueBlue/BlackBlack/RedRed/GreenGreen/WhiteNote that means green and white are green/white, the order in which they are consecutive rather than the order of WUBRG. For enemy color pairs we get: White/BlackBlue/RedBlack/GreenRed/WhiteGreen/BlueIn this case two color pairs, red and white, and green and blue, are not in WUBRG order, but in the order where they are closest around the circle.This order makes it so each color is first two out of four times, and last two out of four times.Shard/arc three color trios are done the order that they appear together in the circle:White/Blue/BlackBlue/Black/RedBlack/Red/GreenRed/Green/WhiteGreen/White/BlueRed, green and white, and green, white, and blue aren’t in WUBRG order.Wedge three-color trios, are written such that the shared enemy color is in the center, with each color appearing with it as it appears when it’s written as an enemy color :White/Black/GreenBlue/Red/WhiteBlack/Green/BlueRed/White/BlackGreen/Blue/RedOnly white, black, green is in WUBRG order.Four color quartets appear in the order they appear consecutive in the color wheel: White/Blue/Black/RedBlue/Black/Red/GreenBlack/Red/Green/WhiteRed/Green/White/Blue Green/White/Blue/BlackAll but the first two aren’t in WUBRG order.Five color us in WUBRG order:White/Blue/Black/Red/Green

Pre-Sultai Tarkir Colors

New 20 Jun 2023 Asked by sandsbuisle 25 Comments

Based on the recent article you shared, I'm curious what colours the Tarkir clans were before you added Sultai.

Two were two-color and two three-color. I don’t remember off the top of my head. I believe we mostly added colors, but one of the three-color factions was probably an arc.

Tarkir Clan Color Logic

New 04 Jun 2023 Asked by cryptic-cruiser 47 Comments

If the Sultai were created through the “wedge” combination by combining green with the enemy colors black and blue, then why are they black-dominant and not green? The same goes for the other clans of Tarkir. Does this have some kind of color pie significance?

Khans of Tarkir, at the start of the block, had wedge clans. Dragons of Tarkir, at the end of the block had ally clans. We wanted each clan (the core concept, not the exact colors) to exist in all three sets of the block. The only was to do that was by having a color that wasn’t the enemy color be the center as the enemy color was the color that dropped out.

Color Pie Adjustments

New 11 Apr 2023 Asked by theuninvitedghost 41 Comments

What color gets Red Elemental Blast now?

“Counter target blue spell” is a blue effect.“Destroy target permanent” is white/black or black/green, so I assume either could do “destroy target red permanent”. That means it would be white/blue/black or black/green/blue.

More Wedge Commanders

New 01 Feb 2023 Asked by strix-soven 36 Comments

May I request more wedge commanders? There are nearly 2x as many shard as wedge. In case you're interested: Sultai 17, Temur 15, Jeskai 19, Abzan 12, Mardu 23. Wedge total 86. Esper 34, Grixis 39, Jund 28, Naya 30, Bant 29. Shard total 160.

We do them in about equal numbers. The discrepancy comes from the fact that we used to do a lot more of the ally combinations than the enemy ones.

ONE Set Color Themes

New 01 Feb 2023 Asked by beastmasterftw 31 Comments

Hi Mark, I was looking at the ONE cards, and I noticed that a lot of the mechanics seem to fall into 3 color pairs, specifically the enemy color wedges (Temur has oil counters, Sultai has proliferate, Abzan has toxic, and Jeskai seems to have some artifact synergies). I was curious if this was intentional, and if it was, if it means that ONE was a wedge set at some point in design, or if this was a result of some other part of the way you design sets.

It was purposeful that certain themes show up in three colors, but it wasn’t because the set was ever a three-color set. It just lets us have some nuance with draft color pairs. For instance, white, black, and green are the toxic colors, so it lets us do three different draft archetypes that are each distinct from one another.

Monogreen Zombies Count

New 20 Jan 2023 Asked by zombiedinosaurtoken-deactivated 19 Comments

There are only 2 *mono*green zombies. There are 27 multicolored ones with green, 26 BG and 1 BGU.

Yeah, I corrected the post.

Sultai Zombies Inquiry

New 20 Jan 2023 Asked by bboyskely-blog 46 Comments

Hi Mark! I've heard you really like zombies (as do i), and had a question about legendary type zombies. Ive noticed there isn't alot of 3 color zombies, no Sultai legendaries of them, and was wondering if we could possibly see some more in the near future?

Sultai? There are only two green Zombies. EDIT: Oops, I just looked at monogreen. There are a bunch of multicolored Zombies with green.

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