
Desparking Feedback

New 01 Mar 2024 Asked by bassimelwakil 53 Comments

RE: how I’m feeling about the desparking… sad to say it’s made me check out to some degree. It not only resets a lot of work you’ve done in making a planeswalker roster that fills all manner of design roles for sets, but also replaces the intrinsic attribute of a planeswalker’s ability to appear in other planes with contrivance of happening upon an omenpath. It adds more coincidence to the story, which makes it feel more arbitrary. It also muddies who are the core cast of a story. I always knew who the major characters in a set’s stories were: it was the planeswalkers. Now, I have to sift through a dozen or so legends every set, some uncommon, some aren’t in boosters, and I have no idea. The story signals are gone.I’m sure I’m in the minority, so it doesn’t matter I guess, but since you asked for feedback, that’s mine. I’m sorry to be a downer. I’m glad MtG is doing well.

Thanks for the feedback.

Dominaria United Symbols

New 19 Aug 2022 Asked by jericuboritox 76 Comments

I have a minor criticism of Dominaria United, that really only applies right now during preview season and probably won't come up in actual play at all. I'm primarily a standard and draft player, so the commander-specific cards aren't of much interest to me. In the past, it was really easy to tell when a card being previewed was one I should care about or not because all the commander-specific cards have a set symbol shaped like a shield, which is distinct from the standard-legal set symbol. Except, in Dominaria United, the set symbol is ALSO shaped like a shield, which makes sense lore-wise but makes it difficult to tell at a glance whether or not a card is something I should take note of for my preferred formats. Again, this isn't a major issue, just something I wanted to note because it's already causing some annoyance trying to sift through previews.

It’s a valuable piece of feedback. I’ll pass it along.

Errata Request for Wavesifter

New 22 Dec 2021 Asked by lebreadbox-blog 31 Comments

I have been convinced of the errors of my ways regarding muldrifter and thus retract my request. But i double down on the request for "wavesifter" which, is an actual goldfish to receive an errata to fish.

Fair enough.

Errata for Elemental Fish

New 22 Dec 2021 Asked by lebreadbox-blog 61 Comments

Can I please please please request "wavesifter" and "muldrifter" receive an errata to "Elemental Fish"? It hurts my soul that these fish are not fish. The art clearly depicts fish. Please?

I’ll pass the request along.

Specific Naming Request

New 13 Dec 2021 Asked by buzzard42 30 Comments

May I request more cards that refer to other cards by name, like Renowned Weaponsmith and Sift Through Sands?

You may.

Keywording Card Effects

New 16 Mar 2020 Asked by glintfang-nezumi 36 Comments

Do you think it would be worth keywording looking at the top N cards, putting one with [quality] in your hand, and the rest on the bottom of the library in a random order? Like “Sift 4 for a creature card with power 2 or less”?

We’ve talked about it. We’re not always consistent with how we execute it is the issue.

Phyrexian Creature Type

New 24 Sep 2019 Asked by jaymictheunyielding 38 Comments

It wasn't plausible before, but since new creature types - Dinosaur, Noble, Warlock, etc. - are now being retroactively put on important past cards, could the same potentially be done for Phyrexian whenever the need next arises? Or are there just too many to go back and sift through?

There’s too many and it’s near impossible to know from the art in many cases.

Feedback: Valuable Tool

New 19 May 2019 Asked by rasalhage 36 Comments

You must get a lot of complaints through your email link that aren't about things you can control. Is it annoying to have to sift through negative feedback to send it along to the right people, or is it satisfying/something else?

I think of my social media/email as a barometer of what is upsetting our player base. I see it as a valuable tool and don’t take anything personally.

Timesifter Origins

New 06 Jan 2014 Asked by rilea50 14 Comments

Okay then. No tie in. Every time I play this card in edh my opponents groan. Timesifter, it is my favorite. Have any trivia?

Timesifter came about because I asked my design team (for Mirrodin) to make more wacky artifact rates. I felt that an artifact block needed a little more wackiness than we currently had. Timesifter came out of this homework assignment.

Undead Alchemist Oversight

New 20 Mar 2012 Asked by vicpc 1 Comments

Isn't Undead Alchemist a zombie lord? He wasn't in your article

I did the best I could finding them all. 13,000 cards is a lot of cards to sift through.

Grateful Engagement

New 25 Feb 2012 Asked by kycygni3 0 Comments

You finally answered one of my questions! (I assume you get 1000 every day, so it's just a dice roll) I just wanted to say thank you. I discovered this Pit and made an account, as I really enjoy developer insight. Your willingness to sift though these and opine is much appreciated.

Now I’ve answered two of your questions (although technically this one’s not a question). You guys are nice enough to keep me gainfully employed. I’m more than willing to do my share to keep you all in the loop.

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