
Flight Characteristics in Characters

New 27 Jul 2024 Asked by magicwithclass 12 Comments

Do marvel characters that can fly but not naturally have flying? For example, storm doesn't fly, she rides air currents. Magneto doesn't fly, he is manipulating metal in the ground to simulate flight. Jean grey doesn't fly, she uses telekinesis. Do these characters have flying or do they have activated flying or something to else to represent this is not true flight

If you can propel yourself through the air through whatever means, you can have flying.

Psionic Magic Colors

New 30 Oct 2023 Asked by nothingbutland-blog 48 Comments

In general psychic magic falls into Blue color pie...even the breaks Psionic Blast, Psychic Purge, Psychic Allergy, Telepathy, Telekinesis( what a wasted card name) with the occasional shift into Black Psychic Spear, until you hit Pyrokinesis being Red. Cpuld you see psychic magic/powers across all colors?

I could imagine a psionic themed set where we spread it across all five colors. In a vacuum, it’s pretty blue.

Future of Deep Freeze Effects

New 27 Mar 2022 Asked by nothingbutland-blog 26 Comments

Do you think we will see more deep freeze (stays tapped for 2 or more turns) effects like Telekinesis (without the damage prevention) in Blues future? And as an aside will we see a creature that taps another until it untaps again with the ability to stay tapped we haven't seen one of these in a long time?

It has a memory issue that would probably have to be solved.

Nature of Psychic Abilities

New 30 Oct 2019 Asked by tbjanowski 44 Comments

In the Magic Multiverse are psychic abilities(telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, psychometry) "natural" like a gorgon turning things to stone or are they magicical in nature like illusions?

They are psionic which falls in blue’s part of the pie.

Blue's Weird Effects

New 11 May 2019 Asked by tbjanowski 37 Comments

Does blue still get weird effects like, mana vortex, amnesia, invoke prejudice, energy tap, land equilibrium, telekinesis, deep water, zurs weirding, reality twist, delusions of grandure?

Blue still gets weird effects, although not all the ones you named.

Blue's Direct Damage Stance

New 10 May 2019 Asked by hedronsifter 27 Comments

"Psionic abilities such as telekinesis are blue. Blue hasn’t done direct damage in many, many years." Does the color pie care what blue hasn't done in a long time? I'm sure that psionic abilities are veing less represented to make game playability for balanced, not necessarily because it is non blue? Right?

Psionic abilities, in general, are flavored in blue.Direct damage is not blue. There are many things you could justify in flavor that are not mechanically part of a color.

Blue and Psionic Blast

New 10 May 2019 Asked by hedronsifter 22 Comments

You said "Direct damage" is non-blue 'barring weird shenanigans'... would you consider Psionic Blast to be a 'weird shenanigan'? Because an answer to an ask recenty indicated that psionic abikities were inherently blue.

Psionic abilities such as telekinesis are blue. Blue hasn’t done direct damage in many, many years.

Telekinesis Ability Allocation

New 08 May 2019 Asked by nouser1000-blog 96 Comments

Where's telekinesis on the powers color pie?

It’s a blue ability as it’s psionic.

Magic Wish

New 25 May 2018 Asked by forestd3w 18 Comments

My birthday was about a week ago but it seems you never saw my trivia question. If you could use magic, what type would it be and what would be it's color?

It would be cool to use telekinesis which would be blue magic. Happy Belated Birthday!

Telekinetic Planeswalker Concept

New 27 Apr 2018 Asked by billbro321 37 Comments

Will we ever get a blue psychic planeswalker that focuses on the power of telekinesis rather the telepathy. it’s a cool magic concept that I think could be explored more in the future. Thanks!

We keep making planeswalkers.

Powers of Copies

New 26 May 2015 Asked by mcbiskit 14 Comments

Would your copies have telekinesis and the ability to heal?

If I had all three powers.

Desired Superpower

New 07 Feb 2014 Asked by 22bebo 23 Comments

If you could have one superpower that doesn't grant other powers, what would it be?


Chosen Super-Power

New 07 Jun 2013 Asked by spartacusreturned 14 Comments

If you could have a super-power, which one would you pick? (No cheating like "power absorption" and assume you get the necessary secondary powers like how super strength requires super durability otherwise you break your bones).


Ideal Superpower

New 08 Feb 2013 Asked by espershardmage 9 Comments

What would your ideal superpower be?

I’d go with telekinesis.

Desired Superpower

New 01 Dec 2012 Asked by soulflame-blog 3 Comments

Which superpower which you don't currently have (so besides creating cool cards) would you like to have?

I think I’d like telekinesis.

Desired Super Power

New 09 Sep 2012 Asked by thedarthness 6 Comments

9/8: If you could have any super power, what would it be?


Desired Superpower

New 29 Jun 2012 Asked by quillypen 5 Comments

What superpower would you most like to have?


Regretted Card Names

New 10 May 2012 Asked by mtgmanabarbs 8 Comments

As someone who's conscientious of the issue of using up good, simple card names, if there was one already-taken card name you could "take back", what card would you pick?

It tears at my soul that the name Telekinesis is on such a sucky card.

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