
Teferi Card Concerns

New 29 Jun 2019 Asked by rashandtaxes 183 Comments

Teferi time reveler is a problem. Why make a card that literally renders instants useless? Are you that desperate to sell a few more packs at the cost of standard's health?

Can I ask why you have to word the question like this? I get that you have concerns with a card and how it’s playing and I’m happy to hear constructive feedback about it. But why word it with hostility and assign ill will to the creators of the game I’m guessing you’re a fan of if you’re on my blog.This is just a simple life lesson, but adding hostility to things that don’t need it only serves to make you unhappier and lessens your ability to affect change. I get that there are times and places for anger and cynicism, but interacting with the people that can help make a thing you care about better through open and honest communication is just not one of them.

Teferi Mechanics

New 25 Jun 2019 Asked by jaredlhall-blog 26 Comments

Do you think the static ability on Teferi, Time Reveler (your opponents can only cast at sorcery speed) is also a Gruul ability ? What's the difference between having that ability on an Azorius card vs a Gruul card?

Azorius is about slowing the opponents things down, not Gruul.

Red Card Mechanics

New 17 Dec 2018 Asked by sigmasonicx 22 Comments

Rix Maadi Reveler is a red card with rummaging that lets you draw a card on an empty hand. Is this something we can expect to see in red often?

We’ve made the conscious choice to limit red’s drawing on an empty hand.

Xenagos Birthday Trivia

New 20 Nov 2017 Asked by thememeoplasm 40 Comments

Yesterday was my birthday, and I sent you a message but I guess it got lost. Could I get some trivia about my url’s namesake, Xenagos the Reveler?

We planned the cycle of fifteen gods early so we knew we would have five monocolored in the first set, five ally-colored in the second set and five enemy-colored in the third set. Luckily, it worked out that the God they wanted to be the outsider was allies so it fit the order we had already planned. Happy Birthday!

Eldritch Moon and Scornful Egotist

New 16 Jul 2016 Asked by elmdormesdoram 27 Comments

Why doesn't Eldritch Moon have a Scornful Egotist to fuel emerge?

There are cards like Bedlam Reveler and Emrakul that can be cast for far cheaper than their mana cost indicates. Madness can also play into this space. The bigger issue is we didn’t want to completely usurp the cost to emerge. The “ha, ha, I only payed three but got out a creature worth ten” is okay in older, more powerful formats, but something we have to be careful about in Limited and Standard.

Token Keywords Issue

New 08 May 2014 Asked by groblin-deactivated20140524 16 Comments

Hi Maro, Love your work. Just wondering why creature tokens within the last couple blocks don't have haste written on them, even when the card that creates says they have haste. Assemble the legion and Xenagos, the Reveler are examples of this. Thank you!

The problem is that tokens with keywords have a different art ratio than vanilla ones. As haste doesn’t usually have an impact beyond the turn they enter the battlefield, we chose not to write it on the token card to allow development the ability to add or remove haste as needed on tokens late into development.

Unleash Mechanic Praise

New 21 Oct 2012 Asked by rurouni06-blog 0 Comments

Just wanted to let you know that unleash is awesome. I enjoy that it was put on a lot of cards (like dead reveler and thrill kill assassin) that are good defensively make you really think about how you want to play it. It makes me very happy as a player (I am very much a spike)

I’m happy to hear so many players embracing unleash after playing it.

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