Chaos Warp

Approach to Color-breaking Cards

New 21 Jul 2024 Asked by alwaysatoad 4 Comments

Hey Mark! I'm wondering, why do you allow yourself to reprint color-breaking cards? It gives players, especially newer players, the wrong idea about the color pie. Instead of reprinting Chaos Warp, why not either (A) print a different, non-breaking card that achieves whatever it is Chaos Warp achieves for red, or (B) change the color pie so Chaos Warp isn't a break?

The problem is players want access to the cards. The compromise was to not add them to formats that they aren’t legal in. That’s why color pie breaks won’t get reprinted in premier sets (not counting bonus sheets that don’t change card legality).

Reprinting Choices in Commander Products

New 10 Jul 2024 Asked by zombsidian 23 Comments

Why do we get cards reprinted in Commander products, like Chaos Warp, that are breaks but get reprinted, while cards like Cabal Ritual don't get reprints in these types of products even though they're less of a break?

Reprint products are allowed to reprint color pie breaks as long as they don’t add them to a new format. I assume they reprint Chaos Warp more than Cabal Ritual because it’s more in demand.

Fixing Beast Within and Chaos Warp

New 07 Jul 2024 Asked by bloodyqueerfrenchman 63 Comments

How would you fix Beast Within and Chaos Warp?

Not print them.

Chaos Warp Color

New 22 Mar 2024 Asked by androgeus 19 Comments

Given that Chaos Warp is a break for Red, what colour(s) should it be? I’m guess Red Green or Red White.

Either of those would work.

Tibalt's Trickery Discussion

New 30 Aug 2023 Asked by blaze-1013 25 Comments

Why isn't Tibalt's Trickery a break if Chaos Warp is? I agree Warp is a break, but isn't Trickery just that effect, changing one thing into another, but affecting a spell on the stack vs. permanent in play? IMO Trickery is a break, red shouldn't keep a spell/effect from happening, just change how it happens, but even if it was allowed it still has the same issue as Warp, it answers enchantments and doesn't replace what it countered with something of the same type the way modern Warp effects do.

Changing a spell is a different thing than destroying a permanent. For example, blue can change spells, but can’t destroy permanents.

Color Pie Discussions

New 15 Jun 2023 Asked by blaze-1013 44 Comments

Since the subject of white counters is happening, can I request an Ashiok's Erasure color shifted into white? If red is allowed Chaos Warp on the stack white should be allowed Banishing Light on the stack.

Ashiok’s Erasure is playing in some gray space when it comes to white’s color pie. My gut is we wouldn’t make it, but it’s the kind of thing the Council of Colors would discuss.Chaos Warp, by the way, is a color pie break that red shouldn’t have.

Digital vs Paper Gameplay

New 01 May 2023 Asked by blazinjsin 42 Comments

"Because digital has become such a big part of Magic, we’re always conscious of misclicks." That sounds like they should add and 'are you sure' to digital instead of removing options for paper. Some of us have played paper for 20-30 years and will never touch digital, it's not exactly fair to us. Using polymorph effects on your own stuff (like Chaos Warp) isn't exactly a corner case, it's super common. Same with other effects that may be harder for digital but make sense to be able to do.

When we make Magic cards we have to think about all the ways they’ll be used by various players and balance those needs accordingly. For example, we’ve adjusted our templates, so they always work in multiplayer even though the majority of Magic play is two-player. That’s part of what being part of a robust game entails, players understanding that how other people enjoy the game can have impacts on how they play.

Wild Magic Surge Opinion

New 10 Feb 2023 Asked by dazedanarchist1312 26 Comments

Considering Wild Magic Surge got printed, have you changed your mind about Chaos Warp being a color pie break?

I have not. Red can change an enchantment into another random enchantment.

Appreciating Artist Foglio

New 20 Jun 2022 Asked by evscfa1 35 Comments

High five to whoever got Foglio to do art for Chaos Warp in 2X2. He is my favorite MtG artist by far!

High fives to be applied.

Red's Ability to Remove Enchantments

New 26 May 2022 Asked by lylethebloody 72 Comments

If Red can't remove enchantments, why Wild-Magic Surge? Sure it gives an enchantment back but you're still getting rid of the enchantment that you want to get rid of. Can't see why Chaos Warp is a huge break but this is totally OK from a Color Pie perspective.

We talked a lot about this on the Council of Colors. Red is one of two colors of polymorphing (turning creatures into a different creature). Blue gets to make the change knowing what it turns into, while red does it randomly, so you don’t know what you’ll get.We’ve decided that red can extend polymorphing into other permanent types, but that it has to still be the same card type. It also can’t miss some of the time and not replace it. So, red is allowed (on rare occasion) to polymorph an enchantment into a random other enchantment (some of the time being another copy of the same enchantment). Chaos Warp broke two of these rules. 1) It could change enchantments into non-enchantments and 2) it could whiff and not replace it.

Confusion over Tibalt’s Trickery

New 29 Apr 2022 Asked by dissociativehusky 39 Comments

Seems like you're getting a bevy of white counterspell questions so I have one, but I have a recent example! Tibalts Trickery. I get it is flavorfully more like a chaos warp, but it literally says "counter target spell." That implies that red can fully counter any kind of spell (with potential upside) and white cannot. Even if that was a one-off, it sets an odd example for "who gets counterspells."

Tibalt’s Trickery shouldn’t have used the words “counter target spell” for the very confusion you bring up. It’s also why we moved permanent transformation, as done through creature tokens, out of blue as putting the words “destroy target creature” just threw people. Red can’t counter spells. It can transform them into a different random spell.

Alchemy Cards and Color Council

New 15 Mar 2022 Asked by niuttuc 46 Comments

Do new Alchemy cards get to pass before the Council of Colors? The latest batch has a white polymorph/chaos warp and a red creature that reanimates other creatures repeatedly, neither of which feel very in color.

The Alchemy cards do go through the Council of Colors.

Comparing Red and White Answers

New 10 Jan 2022 Asked by definitely-not-a-squirrel-blog 31 Comments

To bring up red answers to high toughness creatures: Red can prevent creatures from being able to block, destroy defenders, temporarily take control of and then sacrifice creatures, and chaos warp creatures. White didn't have any good alternatives to card draw, so I think it makes sense that wizards would focus on that more.

They are very different issues, and you are correct that red had a lot more ways to work around its weakness.

Potential Color-Alignment for Chaos Warp

New 21 Oct 2021 Asked by stellae-in-caelis 24 Comments

Based on your opinion, what color(s) do you think that Chaos Warp would have to be in order to have the its current text?

Probably blue/red.

Chaos Warp Effect Nuances

New 21 Oct 2021 Asked by ff7hero-blog 24 Comments

Is the chance for Chaos Warp to "miss" (reveal a non-permanent) a bend or a break (or neither)?

It’s a break for any permanent red can’t destroy.

Explaining Companion Errata

New 21 Oct 2021 Asked by moonfolklore 32 Comments

Did the functional errata for Companion move the needle on errata philosophy at all? For instance seeing 'nonenchantment' added to Chaos Warp.

It has not . Companions were a special case.

Modifying Chaos Warp Ability

New 20 Oct 2021 Asked by purpurphoenix 50 Comments

So if Chaos Warp was "Shuffle target non-enchantment permanent into its owner's library..." that would be okay

Yes. It would be even better if it turned the permanents into permanents of the same type.

Red's Polymorph Ability Limitations

New 20 Oct 2021 Asked by gamma-3 18 Comments

"True Polymorph (where you don’t know the outcome of the transformation) has been moved to red."Does this mean that Chaos Warp is now in-pie for red?

No. Red can’t use polymorph as a means to get rid of troublesome enchantments.

Red's Counterspell Abilities

New 13 Oct 2021 Asked by annorax 47 Comments

Can Red get an unconditional counterspell that doesn't replace what it counters (ala Chaos Warp)? Or is Red Elemental Blast now considered a break?

Red Elemental Blast was considered a break when I started at Wizards in 1995.

Dislike for Chaos Warp

New 23 Sep 2021 Asked by zorroaburrito 49 Comments

What is your most disliked pie break?

Chaos Warp is the one that just won’t die.

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