
Day/Night on Storm Scale

New 14 Jul 2024 Asked by jlafferty47-blog 2 Comments

Where would you put Day/Night on the Storm scale?

I’d call it a 7.

Werewolves and Day/Night Mechanic

New 21 Jun 2024 Asked by aalgot 3 Comments

If huntsmaster of the felts style cards never existed and instead werevolves were always done using day/night from the start, do you think that mechanic would be more accepted then.

I believe the Werewolves not linking up is a problem. Also, Day/Night, with hindsight, should have stopped progressing if no cards cared about it. I doubt we’d start over with day/night as the choice.

Unifying Innistrad Werewolves

New 01 Jun 2024 Asked by missmoo77 22 Comments

If you had the chance to unify all Innistrad werewolves under either their original flip requirements or with daybound/nightbound, which would you choose? Would you start from scratch with a 3rd idea? Does the answer change when looking at Midnight Hunt/Crimson Vow as a whole with the amount of cards that care about day/night?

I’d like them all to be linked. Which option depends on execution.

Future of Werewolves

New 31 May 2024 Asked by abzanemma 25 Comments

Hey, I'm excited for MH3 but am really bummed out that there are no new werewolves. Is there a chance we'll more in the future (without day/night bound hopefully)?

There is a chance.

Complexity in Design

New 23 May 2024 Asked by princevogelfrei 5 Comments

"The rise of Commander and the importance of larger formats has shifted how we think about complexity."Is this explained in more detail anywhere? MtG as a whole seems much more complex now. Timespiral is one of my favorite sets, but the complaint about it was that it was too complex, had too many mechanics. Now we have mechanics that are so complex they can't be explained on a card (ring tempts,initiative), more things to track (poison,energy,day/night) and new cards with varying format legality

There were more mechanics in Time Spiral block than existed in Magic before Time Spiral block. Another way to look at it is the difference between the complexity of a Modern Horizons set and a premier set. Yes, the average premier set is higher than they once were, but nowhere close to Time Spiral block.

Day/Night Mechanic Simplification

New 21 May 2024 Asked by thisisanuncreativeusername 5 Comments

Would a Day/Night errata that removes the need to track it whenever there are no Daybound/Nightbound permanents in play be feasible?

It was then original intent for Day/Night, but it added a bunch of words and didn’t matter a huge amount of the time.

Day/Night Card Mechanics

New 21 May 2024 Asked by aalgot 6 Comments

If a day/night bound card is on the field and I play a card with the effect “It becomes neither day nor night” then what happens? As long as the state of “neither day nor night” even exists that will be technically possible.

I don’t think that effect exists on a card to avoid the issue you’re asking about.

Mechanic Complexity Feedback

New 04 Mar 2024 Asked by honor-basquiat 81 Comments

"It varies mechanic to mechanic, but they don’t score any lower as a group against other mechanics. Some, like Monarch, are quite popular."People are criticizing the helper card mechanics because they are very complex, require specific varied tracking and they are virtually impossible to play with unless you constantly refer to helper card (compared to most cards that you can understand by simply reading its oracle text or reminder text).The Monarch doesn't have any of those issues. It's an elegant and masterfully designed mechanic.

The Monarch is very simple and straightforward, so much so that the oracle text from The Monarch token could fit as reminder text on several monarch cards. That can't be said about Day/Night, The Initiative, Venture in the Dungeon, Rad counters or Tempted by the Ring.

I've probably looked at the double sided Tempted by the Ring helper token over 100 times and I can't confidently tell someone exactly how the mechanic works if I don't have the helper token to read from. It's an extremely complex and multifaceted mechanic. I would say more complicated and wordy than 98% of other Magic mechanics. Can you please make more "outside of the game" helper card style mechanics that are easy to comprehend and intuitive?The Monarch and Ascend are examples of mechanics like this. More of that please!

The more complex mechanics that create outside of the game elements are intimidating (i.e. Venture into the Dungeon, Tempted by the Ring, The Initiative, Day/Night) and in my experience, they slow down the game because players can't understand them easily.Lastly, I'm offering this feedback as a major Magic enthusiast and long time veteran player who also plays with experienced players regularly. I can't even begin to imagine how daunting these types of mechanics must feel for novice players!

I talk a lot about how different players enjoy different aspects of the game. What I talk far less about is different players struggle with different aspects. Some can’t handle excessive processing; some have issues with sequencing; some don’t understand the nuances of the rules; some aren’t good with memory. My best guess with you is you internalize (aka work from memory) card abilities most of the time, so cards which exceed your ability to memorize cause you issues.Because players see the game through the lens of their own experience, the feedback they tend to give is “stop doing thing X” because thing X is the element that they personally struggle with. The challenge is there are players that don’t struggle with that element of the game and thus enjoy thing X. For example, my biggest note on this blog about dungeons isn’t they’re too hard to process, but there aren’t enough of them. So, it’s a balance. We need to understand the ways in which people struggle and help accordingly where we can. I agree that we need to be cautious how complex and wordy we are on elements off the card. And we have to be careful how often we use that tool. Now there is a threshold where enough players struggle, that we have to question if a particular aspect is worth it. I don’t think we’re there yet with external game pieces, but I do loudly hear the note that we have to be better with as-fan of the helper cards showing up. The note that we need to auto-include more helper cards in the prerelease kits is also a strong one.So yes, I’m aware that outside game pieces come at a real cost for a certain type of player, and it is something we have to keep in mind when designing them. I personally think we could have simplified Tempted by the Ring a bit, for example, but I do think it was right to include in the product. Thanks for your feedback.

Day/Night Mechanic Future

New 04 Mar 2024 Asked by gevth 49 Comments

Do you think that the Day/Night mechanic is now forced to come back whenever we return to Innistrad?

I don’t think it’s forced, but there is a Werewolf issue we have deal with.

Werewolf Mechanic Preference

New 03 Mar 2024 Asked by spartacusreturned 41 Comments

Ignoring the logistics of tracking day/night for the rest of the game, which transformation mechanic for werewolves was more liked, the original one or the day/night one? What if you do account for the logistics?

The loudest voice from Werewolf players is they want all Werewolves working the same, which I am sympathetic with. With 20/20 hindsight, I wish we had stuck with building Werewolf states into the definition of day/night (aka Werewolves enter as Werewolves at night).

Game Complexity Concerns

New 29 Feb 2024 Asked by theadonalsium 72 Comments

Echoing what that other guy said, I have felt a rise in complexity recently. With so many new cards that not only make you read and remember what they do, but what the tokens they make do, then what the tokens that that token makes does, it really adds to the mental load. Some examples would be Ring Tempts You, daybound/nightbound, initiative, Venture into the dungeon, stickers, attractions, and many more.
For instance, had a vindicate, and was debating between killing Frodo, sauron’s bane and Nahar, selfless paladin, I would have to read a total of 6 cards. Each of the original creatures, plus the 3 dungeons and the Ring card. And this problem gets worse the more effects you add on, many of which don’t go away as the game continues. If someone introduces the initiative, I now have to worry about nahar exploring the underdark. This scaling complexity as the game continues now means there’s an insane amount layers of the game, which while fun, is also very daunting, and somewhat of a headache.If nothing else, I’d really like if “reading the card explains the card” was true, not “reading the card, then the three different extra cards that it makes explains the card”I do appreciate your listening, and generally a lot of the new stuff has been cool. However, this push for many “outside the game” mechanics is not great for paper play, and I would prefer less of it.

Here’s the core problem. A huge part of Magic is that we keep making new cards. When we do that, the audience wants new mechanics. (Market research shows again and again that one of the biggest draws to new sets is new mechanics.) We’re thirty years in. We’ve made a *lot* of mechanics, so we have to go to new spaces to make new things. It’s not as if there’s lots of simple, elegant, non-complex design space that we’re actively choosing not to do.What this means is if you want to play constructed formats that don’t rotate, complexity will rise with time. There’s literally no way around this. Every new card we create, every new mechanic we make, every set we put out adds complexity to the system. So if you’re finding the mental load too much, there are ways to play Magic where this isn’t an issue. Limited formats and rotating constructed formats limit complexity. Or you can choose to build your decks such that you focus on less mechanics you have to track.That said, I don’t think there’s a way for me to do my job (aka keep designing new things) that isn’t going to raise complexity. We can look at how many things we add to any one set. Maybe slow down the rise in complexity a little. But can we do so in a way that the audience is getting what they want? I’m not sure.One of the mechanics I get asked most to bring back is mutate, and that’s confusing even without the rest of Magic, so there are many forces pulling in different directions.I do like hearing the specific things that cause you all problems, because it’s possible I can figure out the style of designs that cause people problems. But the idea that we just stop making mechanics that reference things not on the card is a tough one given where Magic design technology is currently at.I do appreciate all the input, and I hope the dialogue helps me better understand what specific things are causing problems.

Werewolves Errata Hope

New 05 Feb 2024 Asked by viguini 59 Comments

Can we get a maybe on old werewolves errata to daybound with the release of Innistrad Remastered next year?

I tried so hard when Midnight Hunt came out with no luck. I can try again.

Werewolf Mechanics

New 12 Jan 2024 Asked by vanhawk 36 Comments

Hi Mark, could something like "non-horror, non-eldrazi double-faced werewolves you control have a timebound" work to unify the werewolves at least on commander? Timebound would function as daybound on the front face and nightbound on the back face.

If we want to align them, there are cleaner fixes.

Daybound/Nightbound Reflections

New 02 Nov 2023 Asked by greatdinn 57 Comments

Now that it's been around for a while, any further reflections on Daybound/Nightbound?

I wish we made Werewolf/Human transformation built in to it and made it stop progressing when no card on the battlefield cared about it.

Day/Night Mechanic Feedback

New 05 Oct 2023 Asked by abxxxy 43 Comments

What was the reception of the day/night mechanic from MID and VOW? I personally am not a fan and am wondering if it might show up in the lorwyn return.

It didn’t do great. Too much bookkeeping (especially when nothing on the battlefield cares) and non-synchronization with the old Werewolves.

Werewolf Mechanics

New 12 Sep 2023 Asked by cordiallupine 43 Comments

Re: werewolves, having had a Tovolar EDH deck since he came out, I've always found their day/night mechanic more a hindrance for playing them than a reason to. WOE featured werefoxes both in flavor and art as well as cards that didn't flip, and AFR featured a non-flipping werewolf. I personally don't think their previous mechanical identity needs to prevent them from appearing elsewhere or branching out in how their cards work, especially when they clearly have a fandom going.

My gut is we’ll find a world where they make sense and we’ll probably make them single-faced. Once we do that, we can give them another mechanical focus which will help us making one-ofs.

Commander Format Needs

New 26 Aug 2023 Asked by blazinjsin 48 Comments

"It feels like every other release lately we've been getting a macro game mechanic to add to black border (dungeon, undercity, attractions, day/night, ring bearer, etc.)" I can say as a commander player, we love leaning into all of those to make fancy new decks, the trick is we need more support for them than the set they first show up in

I talk about this in my “designing for eternal world” podcast. Commander needs over six times the volume that Standard does for a linear strategy to work. There’s just not an easy fix for that.

Complexity Creep Concern

New 25 Aug 2023 Asked by woofpack3 41 Comments

It feels like every other release lately we've been getting a macro game mechanic to add to black border (dungeon, undercity, attractions, day/night, ring bearer, etc.) The complexity creep feels bad to me as a player but I'm also wondering if it's setting off the same player acquisition alarm bells that prompted new world order way back in Lorwyn

It’s something we watch out for, but we have to balance it with wanting to explore new design space thirty years in.

Day/Night Errata Issues

New 27 May 2023 Asked by theuninvitedghost 37 Comments

“ It was my intention that they be lined up when we made day/night, but I have so far been unsuccessful in that quest.” What, in your opinion, is the most valid argument against it?

Too much functional errata.

Werewolf Cards Errata

New 27 May 2023 Asked by derelictdimir 44 Comments

Has there been any more consideration on errataing the old Werewolf cards to support Daybound/Nightbound mechanic? I enjoy playing the theme kitchen-table, but the divide in their design feels like it discourages co-mingling the old and the new cards.

It was my intention that they be lined up when we made day/night, but I have so far been unsuccessful in that quest.

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