Core Set 2019

Planeswalkers DFC Symbols

New 27 May 2024 Asked by tanknspank 10 Comments

Do you know why the planeswalkers in MH3 use the generic triangle symbol for DFCs instead of the one used in Magic Origins and M19?

I think we’re moving towards all DFCs using the triangles and not making unique symbols for different flavors of DFCs.

Elder Dragon Trivia

New 02 Dec 2023 Asked by xyronian 44 Comments

Hi Mark! It's my birthday today, and I was wondering if you had any trivia on the Elder Dragon cycle (either the original or the m19 ones)? Thanks!

The original Elder Dragon cycle was based on characters in the role playing games of Legends designers (who played with Peter Adkison, Wizards’ founder and first CEO).Happy Birthday!

DFCs Set Participation

New 16 May 2023 Asked by irlnautica 30 Comments

What's the minimum number of DFCs that would need to be in a single set to warrant using them?

Core Set 2019 had one. It was very key to the set’s theme - the history of Nicol Bolas.

NEO Appreciation

New 15 Aug 2022 Asked by ganymederise 43 Comments

I'd like to take a moment from the Unfinity questions to request another high-five to everyone involved in making NEO happen. As a primarily draft and commander player, it was a complete slam dunk for both and the first set since I started playing (M19) that I've sequestered a box away to draft in a few years.

High fives shall be delivered.

Flip Walkers in Sets

New 05 May 2022 Asked by gbknight 49 Comments

"If or when: flip walkers in a non-Magic Origins set?"Technically it happened in M19.

A fine point.

First Planeswalker Death Reference

New 17 Nov 2021 Asked by paregmenonparadigm 46 Comments

"'Auras don’t die, only creatures die.' As of war of the Spark, Planeswalkers also die." Ajani's Last Stand from M19 was the first card to reference a planeswalker dying.


Yearly Core Sets Revival

New 06 Oct 2021 Asked by themartiangeek 64 Comments

Why aren't core sets a yearly thing anymore? M19, M20, and M21 were all good.

The issue isn’t our ability to make them. It’s do players prefer them more than things we could make in their place?

Revisiting Dead Planeswalkers in Coresets

New 29 Apr 2021 Asked by cle-guy 54 Comments

Given Core Sets occasionally go into the past (like Core Set 2019) isn't it possible you revisit dead planes walkers in core sets since they do not always reference the current timeline?

In theory, yes.

Planeswalker Face for Core Set

New 02 Jul 2020 Asked by dispel-for-the-win 24 Comments

Hey Maro, you said in your column this week that for a Planeswalker to be the face of a core set "they have to be a character that can be expressed as a monocolor card". In the past, Garruk (black/green; M15) and Bolas (Grixis; M19) have been the faces for core sets, so is this a change in philosophy or were they simply exceptions to the rule?

I was talking about a core set. Non-core set premier sets can have multicolor planeswalkers as a face. And even core sets on occasion as with Bolas.

Unique Mechanic for Marquee Planeswalker

New 17 Jun 2020 Asked by situmonsennyou 54 Comments

The last three core sets have all given a unique returning mechanic to the set's marquee planeswalker. M19 Nicol Bolas was the only double-faced card in the set, M20 mythic Chandra was the only planeswalker in the set with a static ability (back when that was still a novelty), and M21 Teferi makes things phase out. Is this A Thing that core sets are doing from now on or is it just a coincidence?

I’ll say it wasn’t a planned thing.

Request for Walker Variation

New 08 Jun 2020 Asked by wingsofglassandcinder 55 Comments

For the next (or next next (or next next next)) Core Set, can I request literally any other walker than Chandra? Trivia: as far as red planeswalkers go, Sarkhan in M19 is the only other walker printed in red slot in core set. Other colors have seen a little more variance (with Basri Ket addition white beats red with 3 different walkers).

Chandra is very popular, and we like using the core set to introduce beginners to our planeswalkers.

Single Double Faced Card

New 01 Jun 2020 Asked by ramisirote 31 Comments

You said that it's unlikely to print a single double faced card. Nicol Bolas was printed as the single double faced card in core set 2019.

Unlikely doesn’t mean impossible. It was the centerpiece of the set, so we decided to do it.

Green/White Card Draw

New 10 Dec 2019 Asked by taskmaster-media 35 Comments

So I was digging through my Core Set 2019 cards today and one particular card has me curious about something. So Satyr Enchanter is a green white card that draws cards off casting enchantments. Green card draw is supposed to be tied to creatures though and white card draw is supposed to be well inferior. Is the card considered a bend/break or is this a special part of the card pie that comes about because it's a gold card?

It’s something green/white gets to do.

Tribal Support Strategy

New 26 Oct 2019 Asked by ragnar-viking 25 Comments

Why does sometimes powerful/efficient tribal support appear in sets/standard that are mostly absent of members of the tribe (Examples: Utvara Hellkite in Return to Ravnica as powerful support and Supreme Phantom in core set 2019 as a very efficient lord)? Not complaining, just curious whether its a deliberate strategy to allow pushing the support for a given tribe.

Tribal can be pushed for limited, tournament constructed or casual constructed or a combination. We mix it up based on the needs of the tribe, the world and the set.

Planeswalkers & Death

New 10 Nov 2018 Asked by mollib 33 Comments

Why does being dead put you high on the Venser scale with Core Set 2019 showing that standard legal sets can take place in the past?

All the planeswalkers in Core 2019 are alive.

Timeline for Learning Lessons

New 11 Aug 2018 Asked by uniquenu-blog 35 Comments

Is there enough time to apply lessons learned in M19 to M20

It’s a tight window, but a little, mostly from what we learned on our end making Core 2019.

Villain Theme Core Set

New 04 Aug 2018 Asked by metallix87 100 Comments

When we first got some artwork for the set, and learned of the Nicol Bolas theme, I had assumed Core Set 2019 would be "villain themed", and I was sadly disappointed when Ajani, Vivien, and, to a lesser extent, Sarkhan showed up as Planeswalkers in the set. Any chance that a future Core Set could be villains themed and see Tibalt, Ob Nixilis, Garruk, Tezzeret, and a white villain 'walker?

Perhaps one day. Nahiri not villainous enough as a white villain?

Bolas Theme Variance

New 23 Jun 2018 Asked by heleor 82 Comments

What's the difference in approach between M13 being Bolas themed and M19 being Bolas themed?

The difference is 6. : )

Core 2019 Tribal Focus

New 23 Jun 2018 Asked by jjustin1379 41 Comments

Why does Core set 2019 have so many tribal cards especially tribal lords? There are more +1 +1 lords in Core 2019 than all of Ixalan block.

Tribal themes are easy to understand and build around and thus are good for beginners.

Magic's Equine Representation

New 22 Jun 2018 Asked by gophilipbowles 103 Comments

As of Core Set 2019 Magic will have 10 mares, but only one stallion. Magic's push for gender equality appears to have overlooked horses.

Are Magic’s Horses secretly Angels? : )

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