Vizkopa Guildmage

Vizkopa Guildmage Insights

New 10 Aug 2015 Asked by blackteardrop 40 Comments

Hello, Mark, my birthday has just gone and I was wondering if I could have some trivia on my favourite pet card Vizkopa Guildmage or if not, the philosophy of White/Black in general :)

Vizkopa Guildmage was part of a new cycle of guildmages. During original Ravnica, the guildmages cost hybrid mana and had an activation in each color. We wanted to differentiate the new guildmages so we made them have multicolor costs and have two activations, both being multiple. The two abilities had to have synergy when activated together. Happy Birthday!

Commander Card Preferences

New 18 Jan 2013 Asked by wasteofzerosandones 10 Comments

It's not that Commander players don't appreciate when WotC makes cards with us in mind, it's that we'd like less brainless ETB creatures like Sylvan Primordial, and more unique cards like Vizkopa Guildmage. Basically, we'd like more unique cards that you have to think about how to use properly and build around.

We make those as well. Note that there are players who love the big splashy stuff.  See my article on the player psychographics:

Vizkopa Guildmage Design

New 18 Jan 2013 Asked by weaksauce-empire-blog-blog 2 Comments

Who designed Vizkopa Guildmage? It is perfect; it feels satisfying to both my inner Johnny, my inner Spike, and even a little bit of my inner Timmy. Anyway, give them a high five.

The team built him together in a meeting if I remember correctly.

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