March of the Machines

Possible Aminatou Creature Upgrade

New 27 Apr 2024 Asked by shinoby8shobbies 30 Comments

Hi Mark,Since many planeswalkers got desparked after March of the machines, does the chances of us getting a new Aminatou at least as a legendary creature improved?

The chances are improved.

Future Set Battles

New 31 Mar 2024 Asked by lykrast 34 Comments

Given sets are worked in advance, what would have been the first set after March of the Machines that could have battles if they were well received? (not "which set will have battle", but "theorically if they returned as fast as possible after reception, what would that set be?")

Either Ultimate or Volleyball is my guess. Those are roughly two years out.

Enchantment Reprint Consideration

New 21 Mar 2024 Asked by soundsofaplaygroundfading 28 Comments

Did the design team consider reprinting March of the Machines (enchantment from Mirrodin) in March of the Machine (the set)?

We did, but it wasn’t a good mechanical fit.

Oracle Updates Absence

New 26 Dec 2023 Asked by ultwarrior 35 Comments

I know it's not your personal remit but a lot of us have missed having the oracle and comp rules updates published with new sets--there hasn't been an update bulletin since March of the Machines. Do you know if there was a reason these stopped or if there is any plan to bring them back?

I can ask.

Returning to Ravnica

New 11 Oct 2023 Asked by shadowhero93 49 Comments

Mark, is there any chance we’ll get to return to Ravnica at some point given now that March of The Machines is resolved?

We’re returning to Ravnica in Murders at Karlov Manor early in 2024.

Core Set Similarities

New 20 Sep 2023 Asked by visioncrown 24 Comments

hey Mark, in looking at the structure of March of the Machines, i see a lot of similarities to the ways in which core sets are usually structured. it particularly reminds me of Core 2020, which happens to be one of my favorite sets. was this by design?

Not that I’m aware of, maybe subconsciously.

Knight Synergy Inquiry

New 12 Sep 2023 Asked by jozogozo 22 Comments

I'm enjoying the set for what it is mechanically, but I am a bit disappointed we didn't get any knight synergies in WOE, especially with that being a theme in March of the Machines. May I request more consideration for smaller themes spanning across multiple sets like knights or enchantment creatures?

A set only has so many cards and so much room for themes. In order to add new things, old things have to be removed. We did make a bunch of new Knights even though we didn’t make more Knight typal cards.

Planar Watermarks

New 31 Aug 2023 Asked by stormtide-leviathan 44 Comments

Was there ever a consideration for planar watermarks in March of the Machines? And if not, do you think that's something wotc might consider in future multi-planar sets like that?

They were considered. In vision design, we labeled what world each card was from.

Lessons for March Aftermath

New 25 Jul 2023 Asked by thetitan555 28 Comments

Has it yet been long enough for a 'Lessons Learned' for March of the Machines: Aftermath?

Lessons Learned are for sets so Jed or co-led. So, March of the Machine will get one, but not Aftermath. I do touch upon it in my State of Design article though.

Standard Legal Set Query

New 25 Jun 2023 Asked by tybonel13 44 Comments

Do sets following the current storyline need to be standard legal? I was just thinking that it would have been awesome if March of the Machines was a supplemental set and could have a bunch of one-off returning mechanics from the planes we got to see, like a Horizons set could.

It isn’t a bridge we have crossed yet.

Zhalfir Frame Future

New 28 May 2023 Asked by xyronian 36 Comments

In March of the Machines Aftermath, the cards from Zhalfir use the classic MTG frame. If we return to Zhalfir in the future, will it still use that as its special art style, or would it be something inspired by traditional African art?

I assume it would get its own inspired frame.

Syr Ginger's Placement

New 12 May 2023 Asked by elderdragonmaster55 36 Comments

I've wondering somethingI know syr ginger is in wilds of eldraine.Was it consideration to put syr ginger in march of the machines?

Not that I know of.

Feedback on Box Art

New 09 May 2023 Asked by jarethbulge 23 Comments

Hey Maro, I know this isn't your department but you're kinda the feedback guy! The March of the Machines collectors booster box art is the best graphic design I've ever seen on a magic product (and that's a high bar). Out of control cool. Street art cyberpunk comic book? Sign me up for a pre-order! However, I was extremely disappointed that the style of art on the box isn't part of the art design for the set. I know art gets commissioned for sealed product, but what goes on the box and the packs usually reflects the feel or visual style of the cards inside, and this awesome design isn't reflected in the set itself. I'm still looking forward to my shiny cardboard, but it is a little bit of a feel bad to pre-order expecting one thing and getting another. Then again, having packaging design so good it sells itself is not the worst reason to cause some minor disappointment. Thanks for the great game!

We try hard to make the packaging look different to make sure that people know which product they are buying. For some of those products, they are all (mostly) pulling from the same group of cards, so it’s a tricky balance to establish that every booster conveys what’s in it yet not look too much like other products from the same product line.

Companions and Limited Fun

New 01 May 2023 Asked by breawycker 50 Comments

Were the companions reprinted in the March of the Machines bonus sheet because of the Companion errata?

That’s part of it, but the bigger reason was the idea that they’d be fun to play in limited.

Siege vs. Invasion Naming

New 23 Apr 2023 Asked by chosenofthegods 35 Comments

With all the Battles in March of the Machines being named in the style of 'Invasion of X', why was the subtype chosen to be 'Siege' instead of 'Invasion'?

So we can use it easier in other sets where there might not be an invasion.

Final Changes Timeline

New 13 Apr 2023 Asked by thenameless0ne 22 Comments

Hi Mark,
Just curious what were the dates for the deadline to make final changes to March of the Machines and Aftermath? When was pencils down? Even just letting me know the month or the season would be awesome.

Thank you

I think final pencils down is roughly six months before release.

Spoiler Timing Feedback

New 07 Apr 2023 Asked by forestd3w 65 Comments

I have three points that I disliked with the spoilers. First is that unlike War of the Spark, which I loved for the narration of the events through the spoilers, it didn't seems we got the same thing in March of the Machines. We got ending spoilers way too early(Mirrodin Avenged and Render Inert) instead of at the end. The second is that the spoiler started in the middle of the week and ended at the middle, and I see no reason for it. And the third is that it only lasted one week, instead two.

1) I can pass along the note about previewing story end cards later in the preview.2) We start previews when we can get the most eyeballs. 3) We’re down to one week from two because of feedback from players. Players have asked for less preview time.

Set Complexity Worry

New 06 Apr 2023 Asked by aaronlovesmtg 44 Comments

Was there worry that March of the Machines was doing too much? Battles, Team ups, Phyrexianized characters, AND BONUS SHEET?

We you sign up for war across the multiverse, you’re signing up for a lot.

Invasion Narrative Continuity

New 05 Apr 2023 Asked by obazervazi 54 Comments

The Phyrexian Invasion is officially over, but can sets that look backwards (like Commander and Modern Horizons) have Invasions of the other planes? Like for example, printing Invasion of Belenon in MH3?

Invasion of Belenon is in March of the Machines.

Limited Play Changes

New 01 Apr 2023 Asked by relmin 34 Comments

I think I remember you saying that March of the Machines was going to change how limited is played substantially. Was that in reference to battles or something else?

I didn’t say that although battles do add a new wrinkle to limited.

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