
Questioning Quaketusk Boar Reach

New 23 Jul 2024 Asked by khaoskrtr 5 Comments

Quaketusk Boar having reach is probably going to catch a lot of people off guard. In the past, reach creatures typically were archers, or spiders, or had "spitting" or "turret" or "bounding" or something like that in the name. I understand that reach is far more common nowadays, making it harder to keep doing this, but I feel like SOME rules for reach creatures should still exist. The rules don't even need to be about the name or creature type. Maybe its something that's communicated in the art.

Reach has proven difficult to communicate in art because it doesn’t have clear symbols like wings for flying. We make a lot of large creatures that don’t have reach.

Pauper and Elves

New 16 May 2018 Asked by unbnoru-blog 57 Comments

Hey, Mark! It's my birthday today. I am a beginner, but I loved Unstable and Dominaria. Can I get some trivia on my favorite format, Pauper, or on my favorite creature type, Elves?

Elvish Archers, from Alpha, got misprinted as a ½ and then changed to a 2/1 in all future printings. It’s one of only a handful of creature cards printed with different stats. Happy Birthday!

Green's Pinging Exceptions

New 25 May 2015 Asked by ilgreven 16 Comments

Does green not getting pinging mean cards like Jagged-Scar Archers and/or Scattershot Archer are no longer in green's color pie slice?

Green can damage fliers through repeatable activations.

Defenders' Game Impact

New 11 Dec 2014 Asked by onceamormon-blog 20 Comments

Do defenders with abilities that progress the game to end count towards the creature slots? Examples such as Archers' Parapet activating to have opponents lose 1 life. What about a card like Doorkeeper activating to mill X cards?

The issue is are they functions as creatures not if they’re advancing the game. Other card types do that.

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