
Questioning Quaketusk Boar Reach

New 23 Jul 2024 Asked by khaoskrtr 5 Comments

Quaketusk Boar having reach is probably going to catch a lot of people off guard. In the past, reach creatures typically were archers, or spiders, or had "spitting" or "turret" or "bounding" or something like that in the name. I understand that reach is far more common nowadays, making it harder to keep doing this, but I feel like SOME rules for reach creatures should still exist. The rules don't even need to be about the name or creature type. Maybe its something that's communicated in the art.

Reach has proven difficult to communicate in art because it doesn’t have clear symbols like wings for flying. We make a lot of large creatures that don’t have reach.

Defining the Animal Super-Batch

New 23 Jul 2024 Asked by reginakasteen 7 Comments

The decision to define the animal "super-batch" by real-world animals seems very strange to me. I suppose it works on Bloomburrow (because you'd separately decided to make all the Bloomburrow animals "real" animals) but it doesn't make a lot of flavor sense. A resident of Ravnica, for instance, doesn't know that a boar is a "real" animal but an indrik is not. They think of them both as part of the natural order.Was it ever considered to define the animal batch by what people in-universe would think of as "animals", i.e., including mythological and fictional animals but excluding sapients and the other categories on your list?

The concern was what was intuitive to the people actually playing the game, not what fictional character might think.

Rarity Discrepancies in Packs

New 26 Feb 2022 Asked by ajanicomelately 52 Comments

On Rarity: Why does it seem that junk rares show up FAR more frequently when opening packs than top tier rares? No matter what set, every time I open a couple boxes I end up with multiples of the junk rares and very, very few of the top tier ones. Why is there always a pile of Eijango Uprising and never a pile of Boseiju, Who Endures after opening several boxes? Never a pile of Dryad of the Illusion Grove, always a pile of Nessian Boar? Do all Rares actually show up at the same Rarity?

All rares are at the exact same rarity (aka they appear the same number of times on the sheets).

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