Crumble to Dust

Crumble to Dust Rationale

New 28 Dec 2019 Asked by windydelcarlo 15 Comments

Was Sowing Salt okay when it was printed as Crumble to Dust (i.e. not a cycle)?

It was a bend we’d already done, so we okayed it. Had the cycle not come first, we probably wouldn’t have made it.

Color Pie Boundaries

New 19 Dec 2016 Asked by shivafang 30 Comments

You wrote "Hidden information makes the game more fun so we are careful how often we neutralize it. Looking at hands is still in Blue’s part of the color pie." Thanks for the answer - but the point is you print a card for black to look at a hand (and discard a specific card) every block, if not every set. Even mono-red can look at hands with Crumble to Dust (albeit expensive) but the ability is nowhere to be seen in blue. If it's in their pie then it should actually be in their pie.

It’s in Black’s pie but only specifically when tied to discard.

Land Destruction Cards

New 13 Apr 2016 Asked by catnamedjones 45 Comments

In response to the lack of land destruction, there are currently 5; demolish, reclaiming vines, crumble to dust, volcanic upheaval, and now structural distortion, that's 20 four-of's for your deck.


Devoid Cards' Natural Feel

New 25 Oct 2015 Asked by pangolinfacts 116 Comments

"Devoid cards play great, but they feel wrong. It makes the term colorless lose meaning and just become an arbitrary label." "[They] are supposed to feel unnatural. That’s on purpose." I think you've misunderstood. They don't feel unnatural. They feel like perfectly natural colored spells. Crumble to Dust is red. Blisterpod is green. Mist Intruder is blue. The word "Devoid" doesn't make them feel colorless at all.

You: They feel wrong. Me: Yeah, they’re supposed to feel wrong. You: They feel wrong in the wrong way. Me: I’m confused. : 0

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