Reality Twist

Blue's Weird Effects

New 11 May 2019 Asked by tbjanowski 37 Comments

Does blue still get weird effects like, mana vortex, amnesia, invoke prejudice, energy tap, land equilibrium, telekinesis, deep water, zurs weirding, reality twist, delusions of grandure?

Blue still gets weird effects, although not all the ones you named.

Trivia on Hot Soup

New 03 Apr 2019 Asked by cannonspectacle 46 Comments

Today is my birthday! As per tradition, I'd like to ask for any trivia you might have about the card Hot Soup, or any of guest-designed cards in M15. Thanks!

Hot Soup was designed by game designer James Ernest. He used to work at Wizards back in the day, and actually illustrated a Magic card - Reality Twist (from Ice Age).Happy Birthday!

Ice Age Cards

New 20 Apr 2018 Asked by changethecomic 30 Comments

I know you weren't part of the set's design, but do you have any idea what the thinking would've been behind putting both Reality Twist and Naked Singularity in Ice Age?

My best guess is a different designer created the two cards and each wanted their card in the file. Sets in the early days were made a bit differently than sets of today.

Game Designer Trivia

New 22 Mar 2015 Asked by bandswithother 50 Comments

Since I know how much you love trivia, I have one that I think might stump you: who has been credited with designing exactly one card and illustrating one other?

Really now? : )The answer is game designer James Ernest. He illustrated the card Reality Twist in Ice Age and was the designer of Hot Soup in Magic 2015 as part of our game designer promotion where we had famous game designers of other games make a Magic card.Time for me to see if you know your trivia. James’ wife, Carol, was the model for the illustration of a Magic card. What card was it?

Hot Soup Trivia

New 20 Feb 2015 Asked by napoleonica 26 Comments

My birthday was a while ago, but I couldn't get my trivia. Could I get some trivia about my favorite flavor card, Hot Soup?

The designer of Hot Soup, game designer James Earnest, used to work at Wizards of the Coast long ago. He also illustrated a Magic card: Reality Twist from Ice Age.Happy Belated Birthday!

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