Prophetic Bolt

Personal Card Designs

New 15 Jun 2024 Asked by cinominn 4 Comments

Hey Maro, met you at magiccon chicago, and you signed my prophetic bolt, just wanted to say thanks again.In an effort to actually have a question, what are some kinda goofy cards you designed that people might not realize are yours or that you don't get to talk about a lot.

I’m really happy to sign any Magic card. I’m not sure what cards I design that people don’t know. I produce a lot of content.

Praise for Prophetic Titan Design

New 28 May 2021 Asked by lyzzow 38 Comments

Hello Mark, could you send those high-fives to whoever designed Prophetic Titan? It was my preview card (thanks to WotC!) and I personally loved the reference to Prophetic Bolt, which I coincidentally played in one of my first decks as a kid 20 years ago. The set looks amazing, much love!

Virtual high fives shall be applied.

Removing Shock & Lightning

New 23 Apr 2016 Asked by roborosewater 24 Comments

What makes you guys think getting rid of Shock and Lightning Strike will make "more interesting" two-mana Shocks and three-mana bolts see play? Even with an upside, three + mana for three damage isn't very good (with the exception of Prophetic Bolt and Fiery Temper, and Temper is only good in a dedicated Madness deck). Also, what exactly is not interesting about Atarka's Command, Skullcrack, Pillar of Flame or Wild Slash? They are/were by no means too powerful either.

Keeping control of the answers is about making the threats more interesting.

Misidentified Reprints

New 13 May 2013 Asked by mox-lapis 2 Comments

In your article today, you listed Prophetic Bolt and Absorb under "Particular Reprints from Ravnica Block". Those cards were from Invasion Block and weren't even in the original Ravnica Block, just so you know.

Yes, I’ve gotten a lot of mail about them. I asked people on Twitter what they expected in Dragon’s Maze that wasn’t there and I just listed the reprints people wanted thinking they were all from Ravnica block. My mistake.

Ral Zarek's Card

New 09 Sep 2012 Asked by thenamelessbob-blog 118 Comments

As apparently there's no more planeswalkers in RTR I'm desperately hoping Ral Zarek is in Sinker. Otherwise putting him on the new art for prophetic bolt would be the cruelest trick in the world! Sorry... not really a question, but please let there be Ral Zarek!

I’m curious. How many of you out there want us to print a Ral Zarek planeswalker card?

Prophetic Art Speculation

New 04 Sep 2012 Asked by toshiro09-blog 6 Comments

Is that Ral Zarek in the Izzet vs Golgari Prophetic Bolt?

Maybe. : )

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