Konda, Lord of Eiganjo

Akroma Villain Recognition

New 05 Mar 2012 Asked by nihilcredo-blog-blog 5 Comments

Back during Onslaught, did people actually realise Akroma was meant to be a villain? Looking back, I think it was much less obvious than for (say) Konda, Lord of Eiganjo.

Yes, very few people realize even today that she was one of the major villains from the Onslaught block. Phage was a little more obviously a villain.

Villains and Heroes Colors

New 15 Jun 2011 Asked by interestingworld-blog-blog 3 Comments

In your columns about color pie, you often talk about the fact that every color is capable of both good and evil, depending on how one uses its philosophy (for example, how white's desire for order can lead to fascism). My question is : In Magic backstory, has there been a block where the main villain was white-aligned and the hero associated with black mana?

Yes, the Champions of Kamigawa block story did exactly that. The hero is Toshiro Umezawa, a black card. The villain is Konda, Lord of Eiganjo is the villain, a white card.

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