Archwing Dragon

Dash Mechanic Inspiration

New 29 Dec 2014 Asked by mileswynn-blog 41 Comments

I love the Dash mechanic! Was it inspired by Archwing Dragon?

No, it was inspired by trying to find a mechanic that played well with Raid. : )

Colors and Self-Bounce

New 23 Sep 2014 Asked by chaosof99 28 Comments

You said Red doesn't get self bounce. What about cards like Viashino Sandstalker and Archwing Dragon?

Red creatures can bounce themselves. They can’t bounce other things you control.

Dragon Card Revelation

New 26 Jun 2012 Asked by hevaen-blog-deactivated20161225 3 Comments

A little while back when people were complaining about you printing 'bad dragons' simply because they needed to be included to keep people happy, you mentioned that there was a dragon being printed soon that you thought would see tournament play. Was the dragon that you were referring to Thundermaw Hellkite or are we still waiting to see it? (i'm pretty sure that Archwing Dragon had already been printed at the time that you said it but i could be wrong.

Thundermaw Hellkite was the dragon I was referring to in my AMA chat.

Red's Power Level

New 06 Jun 2012 Asked by ivebeentraveling 2 Comments

Red doesn't get the shaft so much as it just doesn't get to be as powerful with its main mechanic as the other colors. Damage is Red's thing, so I'd love to see Lightning Bolt and other "OP" burn spells that give Red an advantage. Bonfire was a good start to the trend, honestly, and things got better creature-wise with Archwing Dragon (who I think is a fantastic card). I think there isn't so much a need for variance as there is for more focus.

We recently had Lightning Bolt in Standard for two years.

Faeries in Red

New 04 Jun 2012 Asked by ghostdaddotcx-deactivated201212 9 Comments

Rephrasing what I sent into one post so I can be clearer: A good case for faeries in Red as well as blue is that their trickster nature mimics the ephemerality of instants and sorceries -- that sense of transience that binds U and R together in Izzet. Pop in, yank a demon's tail and skitter away. If you want mechanical precedent, blue faeries can represent it through flash while red plays mainphase and returns to hand like Archwing Dragon. Boom! A creature tribe that *feels* like proper Izzet!

The problem again is that red doesn’t get efficient cheap fliers especially at common which is what faeries need to be.

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