Suit Up

Blue's Creature Stats Efficiency

New 26 Apr 2022 Asked by jimharbor 43 Comments

If blue is meant to have the creatures with the least efficient stats on average (it hasn't gotten a bear yet for example) why does it bet spells that can make it's creatures big? Don't things like Suit Up work like giant growths most of the time?

Having big creatures and having the ability to make creatures big are separate things and aren’t inherently linked.

Theros Limited Challenges

New 27 Sep 2013 Asked by djdevries 11 Comments

The main thing that disappoints me about Theros limited is that it's nearly impossible to get problematic creatures off the board for long. Most of the removal is bounce (temporary) or Divine Verdict, and Bestow makes it even more difficult to remove threats properly. There's little possibility for "2-for-1's," which makes it feels like a big race to see who can suit up their bomby creature the most without a lot of interesting plays besides a few combat tricks - just my thoughts though.

The idea is that both sides are building up. My answer for your giant creature is my giant creature.

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