Lazav, Wearer of Faces

Constraints on Copy Effects

New 02 Jun 2024 Asked by prosperity-post 44 Comments

The next time you want to make something like Doppelgang, how about \we restrict it to that player's side of the board, okay? or restrict it to a certain mana value? Recently, it seems like you guys have decided to have spell intrude on other players' permanents more than usual and it's really getting tiring. Of course, having spells that constantly making tokens is tiring enough. How about we reel it in some more, okay?

Alpha has four cards that can copy something of your opponent’s (Clone, Copy Artifact, Fork, & Vesuvan Doppelganger). Murders of Karlov Manor has three (Doppelgang, Lazav, Wearer of Faces, & Reenact the crime). It has one more card (Kaya, Spirit’s Justice) that copies your own stuff. Copying your opponent’s stuff is not new to Magic. I hear you that we need to be careful how it gets used. Token making, in contrast, has gone way up since the early days. Part of that is the addition of token cards to help manage them. Part of it is the huge popularity of them. And part of it is they allow access to new design space which thirty-one years in is an important tool. But I do hear you that perhaps we’re pushing boundaries with them.

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