The Beast, Deathless Prince

Stun Counter Limitations

New 06 Jun 2024 Asked by lotsofpeoplehavequestions 2 Comments

Are non-white, non-blue cards that put stun counters on your own permanents as a limitation or drawback (as seen on The Beast, Deathless Prince and Pugnacious Hammerskull) an open design space or one of the "maybe an infrequent bend" cases?

It’s an area we can explore. Exert played in this space.

The Doctor Vorthos Rules

New 20 Oct 2023 Asked by righteousforest 44 Comments

Un-rules question regarding naming The Doctor for Vorthos, Steward of Myth: Several cards in WHO have quotes in their flavor text that don't directly refer to "the Doctor", but since they are quotes from the show, it can be stated with 100% confidence that certain pronouns in the quote refer to the Doctor. (Example: "We're going to find HER" on Yasmin Khan.) Similarly, there are cards where there is a character in the art who cannot be clearly visually identified as the Doctor, but because it's a scene from the show we can know it's definitely them. (Example: The figure in the foreground of The Beast, Deathless Prince.) Would these sorts of cards qualify for Vorthos's ability as having the Doctor in their art/flavor text?

Yes, if 100% clear in the show. Dialogue is easier to do that with than art, which can be more symbolic.

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